10 Important PhD Advice to Scholars

PhD Advice

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PhD life is tough and demanding. It is important for all fresh scholars to pay attention to the advise of experienced seniors and instructors. This article summarises the 10 most significant PhD advice to researchers, including how to be self-motivated, hardworking, and comprehend the PhD process.

PhD Advice

Credits to Author: Dr. Chunendra K Sahu

  1. Always keep in mind that you’re in the driver’s seat, not your supervisor. You have to lead, and your supervisor is only supposed to mentor you.
  2. Try setting your research topic within 6 months of joining. If you have a choice, choose a topic that will help you in the long run (Post-PhD).
  3. Have a rough timeline for your candidacy, thesis writing, and defense, with reasonable flexibility. Don’t start your journey too vaguely.
  4. International students: First few months could be a rollercoaster of emotions. From the excitement of being in a foreign country making new friends and experiencing a new culture/lifestyle to dealing with your research and lectures together, maybe learning a new language/ accent, having to learn even basics like cooking and being away from family could be overwhelming. Have patience, and stay motivated. It’ll pass.
  5. Worst case scenario: If you’ve chosen a toxic supervisor and realized group at an early stage if you can. Of course, give it careful thought first. Bad supervisors don’t just ruin PhD experience, they may also affect your mental health. PhD supervisors are expected to be the permanent reference for all your future jobs, so it’s critical that he or she is supportive. (When students change their supervisor they experienced a much happier Ph.D. life)
  6. Meet your supervisor regularly. Maybe weekly, as too frequent meetings are destructive, and less frequent may make you lame and unfocused.
  7. Let your supervisor not micromanage you or force you to work outside office hours. Work hard and extra hours, but with your own will.
  8. Publish papers early, it will help you find postdoc before finisighng PhD.
  9. Keep track of your funding and try to finish your PhD before the funding expires. Discuss any money related matter with your supervisor frankly.
  10. Keep social life active, indulge in physical and extra-curricular activities. It will help you dilute the frustration that comes with PhD. Don’t let PhD adversely affect your life.