25 Top Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Scopus Indexed Peer-Reviewed Journals List

Top Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

Biotechnology Scopus indexed journals list: There are thousands of journals publishes inspiring peer-reviewed research articles on biological processing, genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, and hormones. Quality research publications on Biotechnology is the most challenging factor when it comes to the selection of a particular journal for publication. There are several abstract indexing and impact factor metrics already there to identify good journals. with the help of ISI, SCI, and Scopus we have analysed and listed top 25 biotechnology and genetic engineering journals for PhD Scholars with love.

1. Nature Biotechnology-Nature

Nature Biotechnology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published monthly by the Nature Publishing Group. The chief editor is Andrew Marshall who is part of an in-house team of editors. The focus of the journal is biotechnology including research results and the commercial business sector of this field.

2.Book Series: Advances in Genetics – Elsevier

Advances in Genetics presents an eclectic mix of articles of use to all human and molecular geneticists. They are written and edited by recognized leaders in the field and make this an essential series of books for anyone in the genetics field.

3. The American Journal of Human Genetics – Cell Press

AJHG-The American Journal of Human Genetics is an exciting new venture for Cell Press as its first society-owned journal. It publishes peer-reviewed high-quality journals in the area of human genetics and biological processing. this journal got a good impact factor and citation index as well.

4. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A – Wiley Online Library

The American Journal of Medical Genetics – Part A (AJMG) gives you continuous coverage of all biological and medical aspects of genetic disorders and birth defects, as well as in-depth documentation of phenotype analysis within the current context of genotype/phenotype correlations.

Topics Includes:

  • Biochemical Genetics: newborn screening, carrier detection, and metabolic dysplasia and malformation syndromes;
  • Cancer Genetics and Cancer Cytogenetics: experimental and molecular approaches;
  • Clinical Genetics: descriptions of new syndromes, new causal and pathogenetic insights into known syndromes, advances in genetic counselling, nosology, anthropometry, and anthropology, including dermatoglyphics;
  • Clinical Molecular Genetics: linkage, mapping, and gene sequencing;
  • Formal Genetics: quantitative, population, and epidemiological genetics;
  • Molecular Cytogenetics: delineation of syndromes due to chromosomal aberration;
  • Neuropsychiatric Genetics: reports on novel research on the genetic mechanisms underlying psychiatric and neurological disorders;
  • Reproductive Genetics: prenatal diagnosis and the genetics of prenatal and perinatal death in humans.

5. Annals of Human Genetics – Wiley Online Library

The Annals of Human Genetics is an international journal publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research. The principal aim of the Annals is to increase understanding of the causes and consequences of human genetic variation, particularly in relation to health, disease and evolution.

Topics Includes:

  • Human genome variation
  • Human population and evolutionary genetics
  • Statistical genetics
  • Genetics of common multifactorial diseases and other complex traits and QTLs
  • Mendelian disorders and their molecular pathology

6. Annual Review of Genetics

The Annual Review of Genetics is an annual peer-reviewed scientific review journal published by Annual Reviews. It was established in 1967 and covers all topics related to the genetics of viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals, including humans.


BMC Genomics is an open-access scientific journal covering all areas of genomics and proteomics. BMC got a good citation index and impact factor. with this BMC genetics got the 7th place in the biotechnology Scopus indexed journals list

Biotechnology Scopus indexed journals list

8. Conservation Genetics – Springer

Conservation Genetics aims to understand the dynamics of genes in populations principally to avoid extinction. Therefore, it applies genetic methods to the conservation and restoration of biodiversity.

Topics Includes:

9. Current Genetics – Springer

Current Genetics publishes genetic, genomic, molecular and systems-level analysis of eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms and cell organelles. All articles are peer-reviewed.

10. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development – Journal – Elsevier

Current Opinion in Genetics and Development aims to stimulate scientifically grounded, interdisciplinary, multi-scale debate and exchange of ideas.

Topics Includes:

11. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding | Agricultural Journals

Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (CJGPB) is an international peer-reviewed Open Access Journal published under the auspices of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. Publishing since 1965.

12. Human Molecular Genetics – Oxford Journals – Oxford University Press

Human Molecular Genetics, first published in 1992, is a semimonthly peer-reviewed, scientific journal, published by The Oxford University Press. The journal’s focus is research papers on all topics related to human molecular genetics. In addition, two “special review” issues are published each year.

13. Molecular Genetics and Genomics – Springer

Molecular Genetics and Genomics (MGG) publish peer-reviewed articles covering all areas of genetics and genomics. Any approach to the study of genes and genomes is considered, be it experimental, theoretical or synthetic. MGG publishes research on all organisms that is of broad interest to those working in the fields of genetics, genomics, biology, medicine and biotechnology.

14. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism – Journal – Elsevier

Molecular Genetics and Metabolism contribute to the understanding of the metabolic and molecular basis of disease. This peer-reviewed journal publishes articles describing investigations that use the tools of biochemical genetics and molecular genetics for studies of normal and disease states in humans and animal models.

Topics Includes:

  • Newborn Screening and Diagnosis of Inherited Metabolic Diseases
  • Clinical Management and Treatment of Inborn Errors of Metabolism
  • Normal and Pathogenic Functioning Related to Biochemical Genetic Disease
  • Biochemical Studies of Primary and Secondary Enzyme Defects
  • Thresholds, Moonlighting Functions of Proteins and Biochemical Network Modules
  • Intercellular and Intracellular Metabolic Relationships

Biotechnology Scopus indexed journals list

15. Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology – Springer

Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology is a journal that covers most topical theoretical and applied problems of molecular genetics of pro- and eukaryotic organisms, molecular microbiology and molecular virology. An important part the journal assigns to investigations of the genetic apparatus of microorganisms, searching for forms of genetic exchange, genetic mapping of pathogenic causative agents, to the ascertainment of the structure and functions of extrachromosomal factors of heredity and migratory genetic elements, to theoretical studies into the mechanisms of genetic regulation.

16. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry – Taylor & Francis Online

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry is a monthly, peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry, of which it is the official journal.

Topics Includes:

Environmental Science

  • Remediation
  • Monitoring of environment
  • Decomposition of polluting toxic compounds, and bio-remediation technology

Plant Science

  • Nutrition and soil science
  • Metabolism and it’s regulation
  • Cell technology
  • Genetic engineering

Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

  • Isolation, structure, and biological activities of naturally occurring substances
  • Metabolism and biosynthesis of biologically active substances
  • Organic synthesis


  • Isolation and purification
  • Enzyme kinetics
  • Structure and function
  • Biosynthesis and production
  • Enzyme inhibitors
  • Enzyme engineering
  • Protein engineering

Animal Science

  • Human and animal nutrition
  • Metabolism and it’s regulation
  • Cell technology
  • Genetic engineering
  • Immunological technology

Physical and Analytical Chemistry

  • Analysis of living components
  • Biosensors
  • Immunoassays

Biopolymer Science

  • Proteins
  • Nucleic acids
  • Polysaccharides
  • Lipids
  • Conjugates

Food Science

  • Chemistry, biochemistry and physiological functions of food constituents
  • Food processing and preservation
  • Food technology
  • Food safety and its analysis
  • Food production and engineering

Microbiology (including Virology)

  • Screening, identification and classification
  • Physiology and morphology
  • Genetics and genetic engineering
  • Cell membranes and organelles
  • Metabolism and its regulation
  • Fermentation of metabolites
  • Production of enzymes and single cells
  • Biomass utilization

17. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment – Taylor & Francis Online

Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (B&BE) is an international open-access journal publishing cutting-edge research. A modern world requires modern biotechnology and nanobiology.

Topics Includes:


  • Plant and animal genetics and genomics (omics technologies and gene techniques, biotic and abiotic stress; adaptive selection)
  • GMO and non-GMO coexistence
  • Plant health and protection (biological control, pathogen control, pest research)
  • TILLING and ecoTILLING platforms  

Bioeconomics and Health Policy 

  • Economic analyses of the application of biotechnological and allied products in public healthcare 


Biotechnological Equipment 

  • Monitoring and control of novel biotechnological processes
  • Bioprocess engineering and modelling
  • Biosensors
  • Nanodevices 

Ecology and Environment

  • Sustainability and health (climate changes, meteorology, natural management and conservation, environmental monitoring)
  • Biological resources and biodiversity
  • Bioremediation (water, soil and air) 
  • Purification technologies and systems (resource recovery, waste management)
  • Bioenergy (biofuels – bioethanol and alcohols, hydrogen, biodiesel)
  • Bio-electrochemical systems 

Education and basic science 

Food Biotechnology

  •  Conventional and functional foods (quality, control and biosafety) 

Intellectual Property Protection (biotechnological and allied products)  

Medicine, Pharmacy and Public Health Protection 

  • Human genetics (genetic predisposition and genomics, molecular diagnostics)
  • Prevention and treatment of common, orphan and socially significant diseases and dental diseases (genetic bases, dental biomaterials and equipment, oral cavity and systemic diseases)
  • Vaccines
  • Gene therapy
  • Genetic testing
  • Stem-cell research  

18. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews ( BGER ) is a well-established journal which publishes major reviews covering the important state of the art developments in industrial, agricultural and medical applications of biotechnology and therapeutics.

19. Biotechnology Advances – Journal – Elsevier(Biotechnology Scopus Indexed Journals List)

Biotechnology Advances is a peer-reviewed scientific journal which focuses on the biotechnology principles and industry applications of research in agriculture, medicine, and the environment.

20. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry – Wiley Online Library

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry is a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering biotechnology applied to medicine, veterinary medicine, and diagnostics.

Topics Includes:

  • Analytical biotechnology including bio-imaging and bio-sensing
  • Biochemical and bioprocess engineering
  • Biomaterials, nano-biotechnology
  • Genome engineering 
  • Metabolic engineering
  • New method and platform technology
  • Protein engineering
  • Stem cells and tissue engineering, regenerative medicine biotechnology
  • Synthetic biology
  • Systems biology, Omics

21. Biotechnology and Bioengineering – Wiley Online Library

Biotechnology & Bioengineering publishes Perspectives, Articles, Reviews, Mini-Reviews, and Communications to the Editor that embrace all aspects of biotechnology.

Topics Includes:

  • Enzyme systems and their applications, including enzyme reactors, purification, and applied aspects of protein engineering
  • Animal-cell biotechnology, including media development
  • Applied aspects of cellular physiology, metabolism, and energetics
  • Biocatalysis and applied enzymology, including enzyme reactors, protein engineering, and nanobiotechnology
  • Biothermodynamics
  • Biofuels, including biomass and renewable resource engineering
  • Biomaterials, including delivery systems and materials for tissue engineering
  • Bioprocess engineering, including kinetics and modeling of biological systems, transport phenomena in bioreactors, bioreactor design, monitoring, and control
  • Biosensors and instrumentation
  • Computational and systems biology, including bioinformatics and genomic/proteomic studies
  • Environmental biotechnology, including biofilms, algal systems, and bioremediation
  • Metabolic and cellular engineering
  • Plant-cell biotechnology
  • Spectroscopic and other analytical techniques for biotechnological applications
  • Synthetic biology
  • Tissue engineering, stem-cell bioengineering, regenerative medicine, gene therapy and delivery systems

22. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering – Springer

Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering is a peer-reviewed bimonthly scientific journal published by Springer Science+Business Media on behalf of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering covers all aspects of biotechnology and bioengineering. 

23. Biotechnology Journal – Wiley Online Library

Biotechnology Journal is fully comprehensive in its scope and publishes strictly peer-reviewed papers covering novel aspects and methods in all areas of biotechnology. Some issues are devoted to a special topic, providing the latest information on the most crucial areas of research and technological advances.

Topics Includes:

  • Systems Biotechnology
  • Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering
  • Nanobiotechnology and Biomaterials
  • Tissue engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem cells
  • Gene Editing, Gene therapy and Immunotherapy
  • Omics technologies
  • Industrial Biotechnology, Biopharmaceuticals and Biocatalysis
  • Bioprocess engineering and Downstream processing
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Biosafety, Biotech Ethics, Science Communication
  • Methods and Advances

24. Biotechnology Progress – American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Biotechnology Progress, an official, bimonthly publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and its technological community, the Society for Biological Engineering, features peer-reviewed research articles, reviews, and descriptions of emerging techniques for the development and design of new processes, products, and devices for the biotechnology, biopharmaceutical and bioprocess industries.

25. BMC Biotechnology | Home page – BioMed Central

BMC Biotechnology is open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on the manipulation of biological macromolecules or organisms for use in experimental procedures, cellular and tissue engineering or in the pharmaceutical, agricultural biotechnology and allied industries.

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