Top 20 SCI and Scopus Indexed Manufacturing Engineering Journals List

Top 20 SCI and Scopus Indexed Manufacturing Engineering Journals List

Manufacturing Engineering is a branch of professional engineering that shares concepts from various divisions such as mechanical, chemical, electrical and industrial engineering. There are much good quality Manufacturing Engineering Journals are indexed in SCI and Scopus databases. These journals provide a focus for developments in engineering manufacture, covering technological and scientific research, developments and management implementation in manufacturing. In this article, ilovephd provides a list of 20 top quality Manufacturing Engineering Journals for researchers easy identification.

1. AI EDAM-Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing(Cambridge Core)

The journal publishes original articles about significant AI theory and applications based on the most up-to-date research in all branches and phases of engineering.

Suitable topics include analysis and evaluation; selection; configuration and design; manufacturing and assembly; and concurrent engineering. Specifically, the journal is interested in the use of AI in planning, design, analysis, simulation, qualitative reasoning, spatial reasoning and graphics, manufacturing, assembly, process planning, scheduling, numerical analysis, optimization, distributed systems, multi-agent applications, cooperation, cognitive modelling, learning and creativity. AI EDAM is also interested in original, major applications of state-of-the-art knowledge-based techniques to important engineering problems.

2. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology (Elsevier)

CIRP, The International Academy for Production Engineering, was founded in 1951 to promote, by scientific research, the development of all aspects of manufacturing technology covering the optimization, control and management of processes, machines and systems.

This biannual ISI cited journal contains approximately 140 refereed technical and keynote papers. Subject areas covered include:

Assembly, Cutting, Design, Electro-Physical and Chemical Processes, Forming, Abrasive processes, Surfaces, Machines, Production Systems and Organizations, Precision Engineering and Metrology, Life-Cycle Engineering, Microsystems Technology (MST), Nanotechnology.

3. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing (Elsevier)

Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing publishes original research papers, review articles, case studies, short communications and letters from a wide variety of sources dealing with all aspects of the science and technology of composite materials, including fibrous and particulate reinforcements in polymeric, metallic and ceramic matrices, and ‘natural’ composites such as wood and biological materials.

The range of applicable topics includes the properties, design and manufacture of reinforcing fibers and particles, novel architectures and concepts, multifunctional composites, advances in fabrication and processing of composite materials and structures, manufacturing science, process modelling, experimental mechanics, microstructural characterization of composites and their constituent phases, interfaces in composites, new approaches to prediction and measurement of mechanical, physical and chemical behaviour, and performance of composites in service.

Articles are also welcomed on economic and commercial aspects of the applications of composites, design with composites and case studies. All articles are subject to rigorous peer review to ensure they make an important and novel contribution, and a high standard is set for both content and presentation.

4. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (Springer)

Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal

Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, formerly known as the International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, is to publish original, high-quality research papers in the field of services and manufacturing management. All aspects in this field including the interface between engineering and management, the design and analysis of service and manufacturing systems as well as operational planning and decision support are covered.

The journal seeks papers that have a clear focus on the applicability in the real business world including all kinds of services and manufacturing industries, e.g. in logistics, transportation, health care, manufacturing-based services, production planning and control, and supply chain management. Flexibility should be understood in its widest sense as a system’s ability to respond to changes in the environment through improved decision making and business development procedures and enabling IT solutions.

5. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries(Wiley)

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries is to facilitate discovery, integration, and application of scientific knowledge about human aspects of manufacturing, and to provide a forum for worldwide dissemination of such knowledge for its application and benefit to manufacturing industries.

Manufacturing Engineering Journals covers a broad spectrum of ergonomics and human factors issues with a focus on the design, operation and management of contemporary manufacturing systems, both in the shop floor and office environments, in the quest for manufacturing agility, i.e. enhancement and integration of human skills with hardware performance for improved market competitiveness, management of change, product and process quality, and human-system reliability.

The inter- and cross-disciplinary nature of the journal allows for a wide scope of issues relevant to manufacturing system design and engineering, human resource management, social, organizational, safety, and health issues.

6. IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies(IEEE Transactions)

IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies publishes research and applications articles on the modeling, building blocks, technical infrastructure, and analysis underpinning electronic, photonic, MEMS and sensor packaging; new developments in passive and integrated components, electrical contacts and connectors, bonding,interconnection, device reliability and failure modes, and materials for electronics; thermal management, including thermomechanics, thermal measurement, cooling technology, and thermal phenomena in electronics.

7. International Journal of Additive and Subtractive Materials Manufacturing

IJASMM fosters works on the fundamentals of science/engineering of additive and subtractive manufacturing processes/techniques and aspects such as heat transfer, mass transfer, fluid flow, microstructure and phase evolution and development of physical/mechanical/chemical/functional properties. Experimental and computational approaches at levels from nano-, micro-, mesoscale manufacturing for a range of processing techniques (photonic/mechanical/chemical/hybrid) and materials (metals/ceramics/organic/polymers/composites/biomaterials) are of interest. The principles and applications of designing/fabrication of parts for real-world problems/applications are also considered.

8. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer)

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology bridges the gap between pure research journals and the more practical publications on advanced manufacturing and systems. It, therefore, provides an outstanding forum for papers covering applications-based research topics relevant to manufacturing processes, machines and process integration.

9. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (IJCIM) reports new research in theory and applications of computer integrated manufacturing. The scope spans mechanical and manufacturing engineering, software and computer engineering as well as automation and control engineering with a particular focus on today’s data-driven manufacturing. Terms such as industry 4.0, intelligent manufacturing, digital manufacturing and cyber-physical manufacturing systems are now used to identify the area of knowledge that  IJCIM has supported and shaped in its history of more than 30 years.

10. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (Springer)

IJMTM publishes original, empirical and review papers; case studies; conference reports; technology reports and new; book reviews and notes; commentaries. In addition to the regular issues of the journal, IJMTM publishes Special Issues devoted to important topics in manufacturing technology and management.

11. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (Springer)

The International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing accepts original contributions on all aspects of precision engineering and manufacturing. The journal’s specific focus areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Precision Manufacturing Processes
  • Measurements and Control
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Manufacturing Systems
  • Design and Materials
  • Machine Tools
  • Nano/Micro Technology
  • Biomechanical Engineering
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Green Manufacturing Technology

Surveys and reviews will also be planned in consultation with the Editorial Board.

12. International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing(Inderscience)

The objective of IJRapidM is to provide a comprehensive collection of the latest research and technical work in the area of rapid tooling and manufacturing especially in an integrated engineering design environment The main goal is to serve as a resource for both researcher and practitioners.

IJRapidM will attempt to bring these topics under the same roof. It is the journal’s goal to gather peer-reviewed research papers that are of interest to this. The contributions made to IJRapidM are expected to be from academic and research institutions, industries and government agencies.

13. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing

Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing Published by The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. The subject area of the journal includes:

Engineering in General

Nanosciences and Materials Sciences

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

14. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing(Springer) – Manufacturing Engineering Journals

The Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing provides a unique international forum for developers of intelligent manufacturing systems. By publishing quality refereed papers on the application of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, the Journal provides a vital link between the research community and practitioners in the industry.

In addition to research papers, the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing features articles on new methodologies and developments, case studies, surveys, and tutorials on topics related to product design, manufacturing, and service systems. Papers in emerging areas such as biomanufacturing, nanotechnology, and energy are welcome. Periodically special issues on topics of interest to the readership are published.

15. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

The Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering disseminates original, theoretical, and applied research results of permanent interest in all branches of manufacturing including emerging areas. Research Papers are peer-reviewed full-length articles of considerable depth.

The Journal also publishes technical briefs, design innovation papers, reviews, discussions of published papers with the rebuttal, book reviews, and editorials. The Editorial Board consists of a team of international experts who provide expertise and conduct the peer-review process for the different topical areas covered by the Manufacturing Engineering Journals.

16. Journal of Manufacturing Systems(Elsevier)

The aim of the Journal of Manufacturing Systems is to publish archival scholarly literature with the goal of advancing the state of the art in manufacturing systems and encouraging innovation in developing efficient, robust and sustainable manufacturing systems.

Pertinent to the Journal is research that will impact emerging manufacturing systems from the equipment level to the extended enterprise. Challenges are addressed within and across various scales including nano, micro and macro-scale manufacturing, as well as within and across broad sectors including aerospace, automotive, energy and medical device manufacturing.


Manufacturing & Service Operations Management is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal established in 1999 that is published by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. It covers analytical research about operations management in the manufacturing/service industry.


Materials and Manufacturing Processes deals with issues that result in better utilization of raw materials and energy, integration of design and manufacturing activities requiring the invention of suitable new manufacturing processes and techniques, unmanned production dependent on efficient and reliable control of various processes including intelligent processing, introduction of new materials in industrial production necessitating new manufacturing process technology, and more. Information is offered in various formats, including research articles, letter reports, review articles, conference papers, applied research, book and conference reviews, and entire issues devoted to symposia.

19. Production, Process and Progress in Additive Manufacturing Engineering (Springer)

Progress in Additive Manufacturing promotes highly scored scientific investigations from academia, government and industry R&D activities. The journal publishes the advances in the processing of different kinds of materials by well-established and new Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies. Manuscripts showing the progress in the processing and development of multi-materials by hybrid additive manufacturing or by the combination of additive and subtractive manufacturing technologies are also welcome.

Progress in Additive Manufacturing serves as a platform for scientists to contribute full papers as well as review articles and short communications analyzing aspects ranging from data processing (new design tools, data formats), simulation, materials (ceramics, metals, polymers, composites, biomaterials and multi-materials), microstructure development, new AM processes or combination of processes (e.g. additive and subtractive, hybrid, multi-steps), parameter and process optimization, new testing methods for AM parts and process monitoring.

20. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (Elsevier)

The emphasis of the journal Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing is on disseminating the application of research to the development of new or improved industrially-relevant robotics, manufacturing technologies, and innovative manufacturing strategies. Preference is given to papers describing original research that includes both theory and experimental validation. Comprehensive review papers on topical issues related to robotics and manufacturing will also be considered. Papers on conventional machining processes, modelling and simulation, supply chain management, and resource optimisation, will generally be considered out of scope, as there are other more appropriate journals in these areas.

Overly theoretical or mathematical papers will be directed to other more appropriate journals as well. Original papers are welcomed in the areas of industrial robotics, human-robot collaborative manufacturing, cloud-based manufacturing, cyber-physical production systems, big data analytics in manufacturing, smart mechatronics, machine learning, adaptive and sustainable manufacturing, and other fields involving unique manufacturing technologies.

Hope, this list of Manufacturing Engineering Journals will help you to select a good quality journal to publish your manuscript.

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