Call for SERB-SUPRA Research Proposals 2019


SERB has developed a newly approved scheme that seeks to explore new scientific breakthroughs, with long-term impact on our fundamental scientific understanding, and offer disruptive technologies at the cutting edge. SERB-SUPRA (Scientific and Useful Profound Research Advancement) is a scheme beyond normal core grants and purposefully designed for high-quality research proposals consisting of new hypothesis or challenge existing ones, and provide ‘out-of-box’ solutions.

Transformative and disruptive research concepts based on innovative and unproven hypotheses, possessing a high degree of uncertainty, yet having the conviction to produce a lasting impact across discipline boundaries qualify for support under SERB-SUPRA.
Most important measures of this scheme are:

  • The extent of disruption in fundamental understanding or impact on outstanding research grand challenges: new areas, new concepts, new products, new disruptive technologies.
  • The ability of research outcomes in enhancing scientific knowledge of the cutting-edge at the international level and/or the emergence of critical technologies.
  • Global impact, outstanding publications, the advancement of science.

Funding will be provided normally for a period of three years, which could be extended to 2 years (5 years total) as assessed by an expert committee. The research grant will encompass normal budget heads, apart from an overhead grant.

It is envisaged that innovative SUPRA proposals will bring out breakthrough solutions in identified areas. The success of such proposals will ideally open up new opportunities in S&T and impact global science not only in terms of knowledge but also in the form of delivered outcomes.


  • Applicants [Principal Investigator (PI) and / or Co-Principal Investigator(s) (Co-PI(s))] should be Indian citizens.
  • The applicant(s) must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution or national laboratory or in any other recognized R&D institution in India with at least 5 years of service remaining.
  • The term “Regular” refers to the applicants who are appointed against the sanctioned post or in a tenure post but are likely to be renewed after the end of the tenure.
  • Private Academic institutions with valid UGC / AICTE / PCI approval, Private R&D Institutions with valid DSIR-SIRO recognition and Voluntary and Non-Governmental Organizations registered under NITI-AAYOG Darpan portal are eligible to host a project.
  • Faculties recruited through UGC-Faculty Recharge Program are eligible to apply.
  • The PI and Co-Investigator(s) should hold PhD degree in Science, Mathematics, Engineering or M.D / M.S. / M.D.S. / M.V.Sc degree at the time of applying for a grant.

Nature & Duration of Support

  • The SUPRA scheme provides research support to an individual researcher or a group of researchers working in a recognized academic institution or national laboratory or in other recognized R & D institutions in India.
  • Funding will be provided normally for a period of three years, which could be extended to 2 years (5 yrs total) subject to performance evaluation.
  • The research grant is provided for equipment, manpower, consumables, travel and contingency. “Overheads” is also be provided to the implementing institution as per prevailing norms of SERB.
  • National Laboratories and Research Institutions should share 50% of the non-recurring cost of the project.
  • For projects with a total cost more than Rs. 80 lakh, 50% of the non-recurring and consumables cost should be shared by the Lab/Institution.
  • If the project is approved for SERB support, a certificate from the National Laboratory / Research Institution will be required for the same.

Selection & Mode of Application

  • A single submission of full SUPRA proposal will be subjected to a two-phase evaluation process.
  • First phase: Initial screening will be based on an assessment of extended synopsis as described in the application format and research track record of the Principal Investigator, as judged by her/his CV. Only those proposals which proceed through the first phase will be sent out for external review.
  • Second phase: Full scientific proposal should meet the core mandate and features of SUPRA and it will be closely judged on these lines in the second step of the assessment process.
    High-value proposals (>1 crore) will mandatorily undergo international review.
    Proposals qualifying after domain expert reviews will be subjected to a formal presentation by PI / co-PIs to PAC, co-opted members and special invitees (if any).
  • An applicant is eligible to apply only one proposal during a call (as a PI or Co-PI).
  • Any proposal technically rejected should not be resubmitted without any substantial revision to any schemes or programs of the SERB.
  • Not more than one project is allowed at any given time. However, projects under the programs SUPRA are exempted from this category. The PI is encouraged to apply for another project six months prior to the completion of the project.
  • The Call for applications will be notified through the website “” and “”. The application form along with a proper research proposal highlighting the research work to be undertaken should be submitted online through the website “”.
  • The selection will be based on the recommendations of the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) constituted by the Board. If required, the applicants may be called for discussion/ presentation.

How to apply online

For successful online submission of the application the following points may be noted:

  • Applicant should first register into the online website.  Click here to register
  • After successful registration, the user will be sent a confirmation mail on registered email id. User must click on the URL provided in the mail to confirm registration.
  • After log-in, the applicant(s) are required to fill all the mandatory fields in the Profile Detail section under User Profile. which includes Bio-data, Photo, Institute Address etc.
  • If you have Co-PI in your proposal then ensure that all the Co-PI’s are also registered into the system following the same procedure.
  • Some of the details of your proposal like Project Title (max 500 characters), Project summary (max 3000 characters), Keywords (max 6), Objectives of project (max 1500 characters), Expected output and outcome of the proposal (max 1500 characters), Budget (Manpower, Consumables,Travel, Equipment, Contingency, Overheads ) have to be entered at the time of proposal submission.
  • Other relevant information of the proposal has to be uploaded in single PDF file not more than 10 MB as another technical document (OTD). Download Template
  • Documents required (in PDF) should be in prescribed format:
    1. Biodata (under user profile section) Download Template
    2. Certificate from Principal Investigator Download Template
    3. Endorsement Letter from the Head of Institution Download Template
    4. If the project is approved for SERB support, the Quotations of the approved equipment need to be uploaded within one month of the date of the Approval Letter.

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