Call for Papers: International Conference

IC-ICN 2020

IC-ICN-2020 focuses on both theory and applications in the broad areas of intelligent computing and Networking. IC-ICN-2020 is an international conference organized with the objective of bringing together students, academicians, scientists, researchers from industry and research scholars in the areas of intelligent computing and Networking Call for Papers. 

The conference will provide a platform to the authors and attendees for collaborations and networking among universities and institutions from India and abroad for promoting research and trending technologies.

Aim of IC-ICN-2020

The aim of this conference is to promote basic and advanced research into applied investigation and convert applied investigation into the practice.  This conference will also create awareness about the importance of basic research in the fields of intelligent computing and Networking.

The conference will provide the flavour of keynote lectures by eminent speakers from different areas & panel discussion by industry people. The scope of the conference includes all areas of intelligent Computing and Networking.

Call for Papers

IC-ICN 2020 solicits research papers describing significant and innovative research contributions to the field of Intelligent Computing and Networking.

Computer Networking
Wireless Sensor Networks
Internet of Things (IoT)
Network Security
Cloud Computing & Security
Software-Defined Network
Intelligent Computing
Big Data Analysis
Data Science
Expert Systems
Applications of Intelligent Computing in Healthcare, Finance,  Agriculture, Manufacturing, etc
Natural Language Processing
Machine Learning
Human-Machine Interaction
Cognitive Computing
Pervasive Computing

Important Dates

Conference Dates28th and 29th February 2020
Paper Submission Deadline20th October 2019
Acceptance Notification20th November 2019
Registration Deadline25th November 2019
Camera Ready Copy(CRC)30th November 2019

Official Website Call for Papers ->

Registration Link->