Elsevier gives full access to its content on its COVID-19

corona covid19 elsevier

Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing and information analytics specializing in science and health, is making all its research and data content on its COVID-19 Information Center available to PubMed Central, the archive of biomedical and life science at the US.

National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine, and other publicly funded repositories globally, such as the WHO COVID database, for as long as needed while the public health emergency is ongoing. This additional access allows researchers to use artificial intelligence to keep up with the rapidly growing body of literature and identify trends as countries around the world address this global health crisis.

Elsevier COVID-19 Information Center

In January, Elsevier created the COVID-19 Information Center with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus. The Information Center is updated daily with the latest research information on the virus and the disease and includes links to more than 19,500 freely available articles on ScienceDirect, Elsevier’s platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature.

Since its launch, the Information Center has been visited by more than a quarter of a million scientists, researchers, clinicians and others, 15 percent of whom are in the US.

The COVID-19 Information Center is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company’s public news and information website. It is curated by Elsevier clinicians and other experts and brings together content from the company’s medical journals, textbooks and clinical information solutions as well as resources from other information providers and major health and government organizations. Also available is information typically used by practicing nurses and physicians, plus resources designed specifically for patients and their families.

To improve the discoverability and utility of this important body of knowledge, Elsevier has made available all its research and data on the COVID-19 Info Center, as well copies provided to PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, in a machine-readable format with rights for full text and data mining, re-use and analyses for as long as needed while the public health emergency is ongoing.

Novel Coronavirus Information Center

Here you will find expert, curated information for the research and health community on novel coronavirus (COVID-19). All resources are free to access and include guidelines for clinicians and patients.

Under the Research tab, you will find the latest early-stage and peer-reviewed research on COVID-19 from journals including The Lancet, Cell Press and the 19,800+ freely available articles on the ScienceDirect Coronavirus hu


  1. […] Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to spread globally, overwhelming ICU and health system capacity. Age seems to be a risk factor for poor outcomes but questions remain about community spread, vertical transmission, and clinical manifestations of the disease. There are many rapid research reports about COVID-19 are published. In this article, ilovephd collected and listed the top 11 Publications on COVID-19 Disease. […]