What is Springer Nature SciGraph?

what is springer nature scigraph.png

Springer Nature SciGraph is a connected open data collected from the various scholarly domains. This linked Open Data platform collates information from across the research landscape,
For instance, research projects, funders, affiliations, conferences, also publications.

The data such as citations, patents, clinical trials and usage numbers, will follow over time.

What is SciGraph?

In order to reduce the gap between the data sources and researchers springer nature developed an open research platform called SciGraph along with their key partners.

This high-quality data from trusted and reliable sources, provide a detailed semantic description of how information related, as well as enabling innovative visualizations of the scholarly domain.

The Springer Nature SciGraph architecture is the result of more than five years of research and development with semantic technologies, linked data, and, in particular, their application to the scholarly publishing domain which both Nature and Springer had been working on – at first separately, now united.

Image Courtesy: Springer Nature SciGraph

Benefits of Springer Nature SciGraph

SciGraph reduces the existing boundaries by connecting collective information in the research areas.

The main aim of this open data platform is to the discoverability of high-quality data as more significant parts of datasets are being made available under CC-BY licensing.

Highlighted benefits to researchers

  • It overcomes the external and internal silos between research communities.
  • Authors and editors benefitted by the easy access to high-quality data from trusted and reliable sources
  • Most of the datasets available under Creative Common-BY licensing.
  • Librarians, Funders get optimal data for recommendation and analysis tools
  • Large parts of the datasets are being made available under CC-BY licensing.

This provides research visualization of many connected datasets and researchers can access high-quality data.

More information: Springer Nature SciGraph

Dislay Image Courtesy: Springernature.com