Scopus Indexed Journals in Air Pollution

Scopus Indexed Journals in Air Pollution

Scopus Indexed Journals: Air pollution is considered as serious pollution in worldwide. It affects both human beings and the environment. Air pollution engineering consists of two major divisions namely Air Pollution Control (APC) and Air Quality Engineering (AQE). APC focuses on the fundamentals of formation of air pollutant in process technologies and identification of appropriate control method for mitigation. AQE is a discipline of engineering that deals with the prevention and control of air pollution. In this article, the Scopus indexed journals in the field of Air pollution engineering are presented below.

Scopus Indexed Journals in Air Pollution

S. No.Journal namePublisherImpact factorSJRh-indexTime to first decision
 1Advances in MeteorologyHindawi1.4910.53227118 days (Final decision)
 2Aerosol and Air Quality ResearchIndex Copernicus International2.7350.96550
 3Aerosol Science and EngineeringSpringer0.514543 days
 4Aerosol Science and TechnologyTaylor & Francis2.3400.8111034.3 weeks
 5Air Quality, Atmosphere and HealthSpringer2.8700.8504050 days
 6Air, Soil and Water ResearchSAGE1.7690.34294 weeks
 7Asian Journal of Atmospheric EnvironmentAsian Association for Atmospheric Environment0.590.272154 weeks
 8ATMOSPHEREMDPI2.3970.6982915 days
 9Atmospheric EnvironmentElsevier4.0391.3052264.3 weeks
 10Atmospheric Pollution ResearchElsevier3.5270.818362.9 weeks
 11Carbon ManagementTaylor & Francis1.8970.46331
 12ChemosphereElsevier5.7781.5302283.3 months
 13Clean – Soil Air WaterWiley1.6030.4326110.9 weeks
 14Clean Air JournalNational Association of Clean Air0.560.1463
 15Climate PolicyTaylor & Francis4.0111.889623.2 months
16Earth’s FutureWiley6.1412.680303 months
 17Emission Control Science and TechnologySpringer2.160.5241279 days
 18Environmental Earth SciencesSpringer2.1800.60410766 days
 19Environmental PollutionElsevier6.7921.9682113.5 weeks
 20Environmental Quality ManagementWiley0.340.20525
 21Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchSpringer3.0000.7889810.8 weeks
 22Greenhouse Gases: Science and TechnologyWiley1.9790.5128
 23Indoor AirWiley4.9201.3079460 days
 24International Journal of Greenhouse Gas ControlElsevier3.6391.1311079.3 weeks
 25Journal of Aerosol ScienceElsevier2.6490.7771052.9 weeks
 26Science of the Total EnvironmentElsevier5.9001.6612241.2 months
 27Urban ClimateElsevier3.8341.04233
 28Water, Air & Soil PollutionSpringer1.9000.53810534 days

Hope this article helps you to find the Scopus Indexed Journals in Air Pollution.

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