Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Accounting and Taxation with Impact Factor

Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Accounting and Taxation with Impact Factor

Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities. Taxation is the system by which a government takes money from people and spends it on things such as education, health, and defense. Auditors, research scholars who do academic research in the areas of accounting, auditing, taxation, business, and finance would publish their research findings in the journals pertaining to “Accounting and Taxation”. In this article, iLovePhD presents you the list of top 20 journals in the field of Accounting and Taxation with Impact factors based on Google Scholar citation score. This list would help the research scholars to publish the research papers in these high-impact factor journals. Accounting and Taxation fall under the category “Business, Economics and Management”.

Top 20 Scopus Indexed List of Journals in Accounting and Taxation

RankJournal NameScope of the JournalImpact FactorJournal Home Page
 1The Accounting ReviewThe Accounting Review, published since 1926, is the premier journal for publishing articles reporting the results of accounting research and explaining and illustrating related research methodology. It publishes six issues per year in January, March, May, July, September, and November and this journal is indexed in Scopus and SSCI.2.319View
 2Journal of Accounting and EconomicsThe Journal of Accounting and Economics encourages the application of economic theory to the explanation of accounting phenomena. It provides a forum for the publication of the highest quality manuscripts which employ economic analyses of accounting problems. A wide range of methodologies and topics are encouraged and covered which are The role of accounting within the firm The information content and role of accounting numbers in capital markets; The role of accounting in financial contracts and in monitoring agency relationships; The determination of accounting standards; Government regulation of corporate disclosure and/or the Accounting profession; The theory of the accounting firm.5.817View
 3Journal of Accounting ResearchThe Journal of Accounting Research is a general-interest accounting journal.  It publishes original research in all areas of accounting and related fields that utilizes tools from basic disciplines such as economics, statistics, psychology, and sociology.  This research typically uses analytical, empirical archival, experimental, and field study methods and addresses economic questions, external and internal, in accounting, auditing, disclosure, financial reporting, taxation, and information as well as related fields such as corporate finance, investments, capital markets, law, contracting, and information economics.4.364View
 4Contemporary Accounting ResearchContemporary Accounting Research (CAR), the premier research journal of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, publishes leading-edge research that contributes to our collective understanding of accounting’s role within organizations, markets, or society. Canadian based, and global in scope, CAR seeks to reflect the worldwide intellectual diversity in accounting research. Therefore, CAR welcomes interesting and intellectually rigorous work in all topics of accounting, using any appropriate method, and based in any discipline or research tradition that can contribute to accounting knowledge.3.543View
 5Accounting, Auditing & Accountability JournalAccounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal publishes leading-edge research concerning the interaction between accounting/auditing and their socio-economic, institutional, and political environments. Through innovation in research design and issue analysis, we encourage critical investigation of policy and practice alternatives and of the impact of accounting on organizations, communities, and society. Our mission is to expand both an understanding of and creative solutions to important accounting, auditing, and accountability topics.3.497View
 6Review of Accounting StudiesReview of Accounting Studies provides an outlet for significant academic research in accounting including theoretical, empirical, and experimental work. The journal is committed to the principle that distinctive scholarship is rigorous. While the editors encourage all forms of research, it must contribute to the discipline of accounting.3.419View
 7Accounting, Organizations and SocietyAccounting, Organizations & Society is a leading international interdisciplinary journal concerned with the relationships among accounting and human behavior, organizational and institutional structures, and processes, and the wider socio-political environment of the enterprise. It aims to challenge and extend our understanding of the roles of accounting and related emergent and calculative practices in the construction of economic and societal actors, and their modes of economic organizing, including ways in which such practices influence and are influenced by the development of the market and other infrastructures.4.000View
 8The British Accounting ReviewThe British Accounting Review publishes original scholarly papers across the whole spectrum of accounting and finance. The journal is eclectic and pluralistic and contributions are welcomed across a wide range of research methodologies (e.g. analytical, archival, experimental, survey, and qualitative case methods) and topics (e.g. financial accounting, management accounting, finance and financial management, auditing, public sector accounting, social and environmental accounting; accounting education and accounting history), evidence from the UK and non-UK sources are equally acceptable.5.577View
 9Critical Perspectives on AccountingCritical Perspectives on Accounting aims to provide a forum for the growing number of accounting researchers and practitioners who realize that conventional theory and practice is ill-suited to the challenges of the modern environment and that accounting practices and corporate behavior are inextricably connected with many allocative, distributive, social, and ecological problems of our era. From such concerns, new literature is emerging that seeks to reformulate corporate, social, and political activity and the theoretical and practical means by which we apprehend and affect that activity.3.176View
 10Accounting and Business ResearchAccounting and Business Research publishes papers containing a substantial and original contribution to knowledge. Papers may cover any area of accounting, broadly defined and including corporate governance, auditing, and taxation. However, the focus must be accounting, rather than (corporate) finance or general management. Authors may take a theoretical or an empirical approach, using either quantitative or qualitative methods. They may aim to contribute to developing and understanding the role of accounting in business.1.833View
 11Auditing: A Journal of Practice & TheoryThe purpose of Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory is to contribute to improving the practice and theory of auditing. The term “auditing” is to be interpreted broadly and encompasses internal and external auditing as well as other attestation activities. An essential objective is to promote communication between research and practice, which will influence present and future developments in auditing education as well as auditing research and practice.2.108View
 12Managerial Auditing JournalThe Managerial Auditing Journal provides a dynamic global forum for the examination of current research and practice in auditing and assurance (internal and external; financial and non-financial). The journal addresses the relationship between theory and practice by exploring trends, paradigms, and perspectives, including the ethical, social, environmental, and economic aspects of contemporary assurance, management performance, and governance issues. The journal pushes new boundaries for audit and assurance research by seeking to identify new knowledge and practice through the promotion of a dialogue between academics and practitioners.1.870View
 13Management Accounting ResearchManagement Accounting Research aims to serve as a vehicle for publishing original scholarly work in the field of management accounting. The Journal welcomes original research papers using archival, case, experimental, field, survey, or any other relevant empirical method, as well as analytical modeling, framework or thought pieces, substantive review articles, and shorter papers such as comments or research notes subject to peer review. The Journal provides an international forum for the dissemination of original scholarly contributions drawing on any relevant source discipline suitable to examine and elicit novel implications for management accounting practices or systems in use in any type of organization globally.3.688View
 14Meditari Accountancy ResearchThe journal has a strong presence in research focused on the social impacts of accounting in areas such as sustainability accounting, integrated reporting, non-financial reporting, and changes in technology. The journal welcomes manuscripts using diverse research methods that address a wide range of accountancy-related topics, where the terms accountancy and accounting are interpreted broadly. Manuscripts should be theoretically underpinned.2.580View
 15Journal of Business Finance & AccountingJournal of Business Finance and Accounting (JBFA) exists to publish high-quality research papers in accounting, corporate finance, corporate governance, and their interfaces. The interfaces are relevant in many areas such as financial reporting and communication, valuation, financial performance measurement, and managerial reward and control structures. A feature of JBFA is that it recognizes that informational problems are pervasive in financial markets and business organizations and that accounting plays an important role in resolving such problems.2.473View
 16Accounting & FinanceAccounting & Finance enjoys an excellent reputation as an academic journal that publishes articles addressing significant research questions from a broad range of perspectives. The journal: publishes significant contributions to the accounting, finance, business information systems, and related disciplines; develops, tests, or advances accounting, finance, and information systems theory, research, and practice; publishes theoretical, empirical, and experimental papers that significantly contribute to the disciplines of accounting and finance; publishes articles using a wide range of research methods including statistical analysis, analytical work, case studies, qualitative research, field research and historical analysis; and applies economic, organizational and other theories to accounting and finance phenomena and publishes occasional special issues on themes such as on research methods in management accounting.2.942View
 17Accounting HorizonsAccounting Horizons publishes papers focusing on the scholarship of integration and application. It prints quarterly in March, June, September, and December and is an A journal indexed in both Scopus and SSCI.1.576View
 18Journal of Accounting and Public PolicyThe Journal of Accounting and Public Policy publishes research papers focusing on the intersection between accounting and public policy. Preference is given to papers illuminating through theoretical or empirical analysis, the effects of accounting on public policy and vice-versa. Subjects treated in this journal include the interface of accounting with economics, political science, sociology, or the law. The objective of this section is to facilitate the rapid dissemination of important accounting research. Accordingly, articles submitted to this section will be reviewed within four weeks of receipt, revisions will be limited to one, and publication will occur within four months of acceptance.2.815View
 19European Accounting ReviewEuropean Accounting Review (EAR) is an international scholarly journal of the European Accounting Association (EAA). Devoted to the advancement of accounting knowledge, EAR provides a forum for the publication of high-quality accounting research manuscripts. The journal acknowledges its European origins and the variety of the European accounting research community. Conscious of these origins, European Accounting Review emphasizes openness and flexibility, not only regarding the substantive issues of accounting research, but also with respect to paradigms, methodologies, and styles of conducting that research.1.855View
 20International Tax and Public FinanceInternational Tax and Public Finance publish outstanding original research, both theoretical and empirical, in all areas of public economics. While the journal has a historical strength in an open economy, international, and inter-jurisdictional issues, we actively encourage high-quality submissions from the breadth of public economics.1.340View

Hope this list would assist researchers in publishing their research papers in journals in accounting with high impact factors.