Top 20 Journals in Educational Administration with Impact Factor

Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Educational Administration

Educational administration is a discipline of study which deals with the administrative theory and practice of education in general and educational institutions and educators in particular activities. It is a process of assimilating the appropriate manpower and material resources that are made available and made effective for achieving the purposes of a program of an educational institution. Educationists, academicians, and research scholars conducting research on education management, education leadership, institution policy-making, leadership development would look upon journals related to “Education Administration”. To make this process effective and easy, iLovePhD listed the top 20 Scopus indexed journals in the field of Education Administration based on Google Scholar citation score. Education Administration falls under the category “Business, Economics and Management”.

Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Educational Administration

RankJournal nameScope of the journalImpact FactorJournal Home Page
 1Educational Management Administration & LeadershipEducational Management, Administration and Leadership is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and significant contributions on educational administration, management, and leadership, in its widest sense, from all over the world. This includes primary research projects located in schools, and in further, vocational and higher education institutions.1.542View
 2Educational Administration QuarterlyEducational Administration Quarterly presents prominent empirical and conceptual articles focused on timely and critical leadership and policy issues facing educational organizations. The journal’s primary focus is on studies of educational leadership, organizations, leadership development, and policy as they relate to elementary and secondary levels of education. Examinations of leadership and policy that fall outside K-12 are considered insofar as there are meaningful connections to the K-12 arena.1.851View  
 3Journal of Education PolicyThe Journal of Education Policy (JEP) publishes original, critically and theoretically informed research that discusses, analyses, and debates policymaking, policy implementation, and policy impact at all levels, and within and across all spheres of formal and informal education. The journal welcomes papers that offer innovative methods or conceptions, or experiment with original forms of analysis or presentation.2.313View
 4Professional Development in EducationProfessional Development in Education is a fully refereed international journal that published original contributions on professional learning and development (PLD) in its widest sense. The field of PLD has developed and changed over recent years, and so too has Professional Development in Education. The journal has become a highly-regarded international journal focusing on professional learning and development in and beyond school education across the globe.1.531View
 5International Journal of Educational ManagementThe International Journal of Educational Management addresses the increasingly complex role of the educational manager, offering international perspectives on common problems and providing a forum for the sharing of ideas, information, and expertise. The journal explores research in the following areas: Innovation in educational management across the spectrum; The development of educational delivery mechanisms; Creation of an environment in which the management of resources provides the most efficient outputs; Sharing of new initiatives, with an international application1.640View
 6Journal of Educational AdministrationThe Journal of Educational Administration (JEA) was the first international refereed journal in the field of educational leadership and management. JEA has sought to publish research on educational administration conducted across diverse political, economic and socio-cultural contexts. Indeed, publications featured in JEA have both anticipated and traced the evolution of educational administration into a global field of research and practice.2.380View
 7Educational PolicyEducational Policy provides an interdisciplinary forum for improving education in primary and secondary schools, as well as in high education and non-school settings.  Educational Policy blends the best of educational research with the world of practice, making it a valuable resource for educators, policymakers, administrators, researchers, teachers, and graduate students. Educational Policy is concerned with the practical consequences of policy decisions and alternatives.  It examines the relationship between educational policy and educational practice and sheds new light on important debates and controversies within the field.2.893View
 8School Effectiveness and School ImprovementSchool Effectiveness and School Improvement presents information on educational effectiveness, practice and policy-making across primary and secondary education. The journal strives to explore this idea with manuscripts that cover a range of subjects within the area of educational effectiveness at the classroom, school or system level, including, but not limited to: Effective pedagogy; Classroom climate; School ethos and leadership; School improvement and reform programs; System-wide policy and reform1.367View
 9Phi Delta KappanPhi Delta Kappan is a professional magazine for anyone who cares about K-12 education. This influential publication features articles about classroom practice, policy, research, professional issues, and innovations in education. Addressing issues related to K-12 education and with its unique role in education, Kappan sits clearly at the intersection of practice, policy, and research.0.846View
 10International Journal of Leadership in EducationInternational Journal of Leadership in Education is a forum for theoretical and practical discussions of educational leadership. The Journal presents: cutting-edge writing on educational leadership, including instructional supervision, curriculum and teaching development, staff development, educational administration, and more; an alternative voice: reports of alternative theoretical perspectives, alternative methodologies, and alternative experiences of leadership; a broad definition of leadership, including teachers-as-leaders, shared governance, site-based decision making, and community-school collaborations; an international medium for the publication of theoretical and practical discussions of educational leadership, across a range of approaches, as these relate to ethical, political, epistemological and philosophical issues; a forum for researchers and ‘practitioner-researchers to consider conceptual, methodological, and practical issues in a range of professional and service settings and sectors.2.165View
 11Education and Urban SocietyEducation and Urban Society (EUS) is a multidisciplinary journal that examines the role of education as a social institution in an increasingly urban and multicultural society. EUS publishes articles exploring the functions of educational institutions, policies, and processes in light of national concerns for improving the environment of urban schools that seek to provide equal educational opportunities for all students. EUS welcomes articles based on practice and research with an explicit urban context or component that examine the role of education from a variety of perspectives including but not limited to, those based on empirical analyses, action research, and ethnographic perspectives as well as those that view education from philosophical, historical, policy, and/or legal points of view.1.207View
 12School Leadership & ManagementSchool Leadership & Management welcomes articles on all aspects of educational leadership and management. As a highly cited and internationally known SCOPUS journal, School Leadership and Management is fundamentally concerned with issues of leadership and management in classrooms, schools, and school systems.2.294View
 13Educational LeadershipEducational Leadership empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.0.293View
 14The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and IdeasThe Clearing House offers informative, practical articles on teaching and administration in middle schools and junior and senior high schools. In peer-reviewed articles, educators report their successes in teaching as well as present articles on administrative procedures, school programs, and teacher education for the secondary level. Theoretical articles and occasional pieces on comparative education also appear. Frequent symposium issues examine major educational issues in depth.2.000View  
 15Educational Assessment, Evaluation and AccountabilityThe main objective of this international journal is to advance knowledge and dissemination of research on and about assessment, evaluation and accountability of all kinds and on various levels as well as in all fields of education. The journal provides readers with an understanding of the rich contextual nature of evaluation, assessment and accountability in education. The journal is theory-oriented and methodology-based and seeks to connect research, policymaking and practice.1.088View
 16Journal of School LeadershipThe Journal of School Leadership invites the submission of manuscripts that promotes the exchange of ideas and scholarship about schools and leadership in education. The journal provides a platform not only for manuscripts that focus on administrative leadership in schools and school districts, but also in manuscripts that explore teacher leadership, student, parent, and community leadership.View
 17Leadership and Policy in SchoolsLeadership and Policy in Schools aim to provide a high-quality forum for educational researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to publish analyses and research about how school leaders and educational policies utilize fiscal, material, and human resources to bring about change in education and effectiveness in schools. The scope of the journal will encompass studies about leadership and policy in primary and secondary education, as well as in tertiary education, where appropriate. Studies that utilize the school site as their primary unit of analysis are of particular interest. Such studies will include schools from diverse contexts in both the public and private sectors.1.553View
 18Management in EducationManagement in Education provides a forum for debate and discussion covering all aspects of educational management. The journal welcomes a range of articles from those dealing with day-to-day management to those related to national policy issues. The journal publishes research findings, opinion pieces, and individual stories and our contributors come from all sectors of education.0.850           View
 19Arts Education Policy ReviewArts Education Policy Review (AEPR) presents a discussion of major policy issues in arts education in the United States and throughout the world. Addressing education in music, visual arts, theatre, and dance, the journal presents a variety of views and emphasizes critical analysis. Its goal is to produce the most comprehensive and rigorous exchange of ideas available on arts education policy. Policy examinations from multiple viewpoints are a valuable resource not only for arts educators, but also for administrators, policy analysts, advocacy groups, parents, and audiences—all those involved in the arts and concerned about their role in education.0.614View
 20Journal of School ChoiceThe aim of the Journal of School Choice is to publish the best scholarship on school choice and school reform from diverse disciplines and methodologies, in a timely fashion.  The journal aims to assure that scientific research informs the ongoing reform journey.1.330View

Hope this article would help you to find the Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Educational Administration to publish your valuable research findings.