8 Important Steps in Writing Research Paper

How to Write Research Article?

8 Important Steps in Writing Research Paper

Writing a research paper is the most essential part of our research process. research publication will explain to the world about our research work, our contributions, and impact of the work. It also helps other researchers to understand the benefits and research gaps from the research area. In this article, we are going to find out the 8 important steps in writing research paper.

“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.”

-Terry Pratchet

1. Title

Selecting a perfect title to our work is the first important step which also defines what our paper is all about. The title should be more informative and included all our major keywords in it.

2. Abstract

Statistics say, more than 90% of researchers read the abstract next to the title. It is a very important step defines writing a research paper. abstract is a summary of our research work it usually was written 100-150 words, this should be very crisp and clear about the research, what the whole paper is going to talk about.

3. Introduction

The introduction sets the first stage of our analysis and also predicts the tone and direction of our research paper. It helps readers to understand the paper even they don’t have any prior domain knowledge.

4. Methodology

Methodology describes our research paper’s goals and the procedures that what we carried out in the research work. a proper research methodology helps journal reviewer and readers to understand the entire concept of our research.

5. Conclusion

The fifth most important step to writing a research paper is the conclusion. it is a final summary of the results that we managed to achieve through our research. this also should explains why and how we arrived to this particular conclusion.

6. Review of Related Studies

Review of Related Studies places our research to define existing data and information about the previous research papers. It is very importat to clearly explain about our existing research experiment carried out in the same area that we used as a reference or base.

7. Recommendations

In the recommendation, carefully explain what needs to be done next and enumerate the possible steps that are needed to be taken. a proper recommendation will helps readers and other researchers to carry out their own research.

8. Bibliography

The last and eighth important step in writing a research paper is a bibliography. In this, we have to list the source materials we used or consulted in making our research paper.

Whenever you start to write a new research paper make sure these 8 important steps in order to help the readers to be more comfortable and easy understanding.

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  1. Thank you for sharing these valuable steps! The breakdown makes the process of writing a research paper feel much less overwhelming. I particularly appreciated the section on structuring the paper—it’s something I’ve struggled with in the past. Looking forward to using these tips in my next project!