List of 50 High Impact Q1 journals with APC

Unlocking the Secret to Q1 Journals: Understanding Quartile Ranking and Citation Impact Factor for Higher Research Success

Q1 journals

If you’re a researcher or academic, you may have heard the term “Q1 journals” being thrown around. But what exactly does it mean, and how is it calculated? In this article, we’ll explore the definition of What is Q1 journals and the methodology behind their calculation.

What is Q1 journals?

Q1 journals, or “top quartile” journals, are the highest-ranking journals in a particular category or field. They represent the top 25% of journals based on their citation impact factor. The citation impact factor measures how often other researchers cite articles in a particular journal.

Q1 journals are considered to be the most prestigious and influential journals in their respective fields. They often have a rigorous peer-review process and publish high-quality research that contributes significantly to the advancement of their field.

How is Q1 calculated?

The quartile ranking of a journal is determined by the citation impact factor of the journal in comparison to other journals in the same category or field. This ranking is determined by several factors, including the number of citations a journal receives, the quality of the citations, and the age of the citations.

The process of calculating the quartile ranking involves dividing all the journals in a particular category or field into four groups based on their citation impact factor. The top 25% of journals are classified as Q1 journals, the next 25% as Q2, the next 25% as Q3, and the bottom 25% as Q4.

The quartile ranking is usually determined using databases such as Journal Citation Reports (JCR) or Scopus. These databases provide a comprehensive list of journals in various fields, along with their quartile ranking and other important metrics such as the journal’s impact factor and total citations.

Why is Q1 important?

Q1 journals are highly regarded in the academic community and are often considered a key metric of success for researchers. Publishing in Q1 journals can significantly boost a researcher’s academic reputation and help them secure funding or tenure.

Additionally, Q1 journals often have a wider readership and greater visibility than lower-ranked journals. This can increase the impact and influence of a researcher’s work and contribute to the advancement of their field.

How Do You Find Q1 Journals in Your Field?

Here are some tips:

Use Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

What is Journal Citation Reports(JCR)
What is Journal Citation Reports(JCR)?

Also Read: What is Journal Citation Reports(JCR)?

JCR is a database that provides rankings and metrics for journals in various fields. You can access JCR through your institution’s library or by purchasing a personal subscription. Once you have access, you can search for journals by category and quartile ranking. JCR also provides other important metrics such as the journal’s impact factor and total citations.

Check Scopus

How to Identify ISI, Scopus, or Scimago Indexed journals
How to Find Scopus Indexed Journals?

Also Read: How to Find Scopus Indexed Journals?

Scopus is another database that provides information on journal rankings and metrics. It covers a wider range of fields than JCR and is considered to be more comprehensive. Scopus also provides quartile rankings, as well as other metrics such as h-index and SJR (SCImago Journal Rank).

How to Identify Scimago Ranked (SJR) Journals?

Also Read: How to Identify Scimago Ranked (SJR) Journals?

Ask Colleagues or Mentors

If you’re unsure about which journals are considered Q1 in your field, it’s always a good idea to ask for advice from colleagues or mentors. They may have firsthand knowledge of which journals are well-regarded in your area of research.

Check the Journal’s website

Many journals list their quartile ranking and other metrics on their website. You can also look for information on the journal’s submission and peer review process, as well as their editorial board and impact factor.

Consider the Journal’s Scope and Focus

Also Read: Top 100 Journals in the World with Highest Impact Factor 2023

It’s important to choose a journal that is appropriate for your research topic and methodology. Some journals may have a broader scope, while others may be more specialized. Consider whether your research aligns with the journal’s focus and whether your methodology is suitable for the journal’s readership.

List of 50 High Impact Q1 journals with APC(Article Publication Charge)

Identifying high-impact Q1 journals along with their Article Processing Charges (APCs) is essential for researchers aiming to publish in reputable open-access platforms. Below is a curated list of 50 such journals across various disciplines, including their APCs and publishers. Please note that APCs are subject to change; always refer to the official journal websites for the most current information.

No.Journal TitlePublisherAPC (USD)Discipline
1Nature Reviews Drug DiscoverySpringer NatureVariesMedicine
2New England Journal of MedicineMassachusetts Medical SocietyVariesMedicine
3Nature MedicineSpringer NatureVariesMedicine
4Science AdvancesAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science$4,500Multidisciplinary
5Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesNational Academy of Sciences$1,700Multidisciplinary
6National Science ReviewOxford University Press$3,000Multidisciplinary
7Scientific ReportsSpringer Nature$1,495Multidisciplinary
8PLOS ONEPublic Library of Science$1,695Multidisciplinary
9Royal Society Open ScienceRoyal Society£1,400 (~$1,960)Multidisciplinary
10iScienceCell Press$2,500Multidisciplinary
11Journal of Advanced ResearchElsevier$1,500Multidisciplinary
12PLoS BiologyPublic Library of Science$3,000Biology
13Cell ReportsCell Press$5,200Biology
14Genome BiologySpringer Nature$3,490Biology
15BMC MedicineSpringer Nature$2,690Medicine
16The Lancet Global HealthElsevier$5,000Medicine
17BMJ OpenBMJ Publishing Group£1,700 (~$2,380)Medicine
18Frontiers in PsychologyFrontiers Media$2,950Psychology
19Journal of the American Chemical SocietyAmerican Chemical Society$5,000Chemistry
20Angewandte Chemie International EditionWiley-VCH$5,000Chemistry
21Chemical ScienceRoyal Society of ChemistryNo APCChemistry
22Advanced MaterialsWiley-VCH$5,000Materials Science
23Nano LettersAmerican Chemical Society$5,000Nanotechnology
24ACS NanoAmerican Chemical Society$5,000Nanotechnology
25Nature CommunicationsSpringer Nature$5,600Multidisciplinary
26eLifeeLife Sciences Publications$3,000Life Sciences
27Journal of Clinical InvestigationAmerican Society for Clinical Investigation$4,000Medicine
28The EMBO JournalEMBO Press€4,500 (~$5,000)Biology
29BioinformaticsOxford University Press$2,500Bioinformatics
30Journal of High Energy PhysicsSpringer NatureNo APCPhysics
31Physical Review XAmerican Physical Society$5,000Physics
32IEEE AccessIEEE$1,850Engineering
33SensorsMDPICHF 2,000 (~$2,200)Engineering
34Remote SensingMDPICHF 2,200 (~$2,400)Earth Sciences
35Water ResearchElsevier$3,570Environmental Science
36Environmental Research LettersIOP Publishing$2,100Environmental Science
37Journal of Environmental ManagementElsevier$3,570Environmental Science
39Renewable EnergyElsevier$3,570Energy
40Applied EnergyElsevier$3,570Energy
41Energy & Environmental ScienceRoyal Society of Chemistry$6,000Energy
42Journal of Cleaner ProductionElsevier$3,570Environmental Science
43SustainabilityMDPICHF 2,000 (~$2,200)Environmental Science
44Journal of Business ResearchElsevier$3,570Business
45Strategic Management JournalWiley$5,000Business
46Journal of MarketingAmerican Marketing Association$2,500Business
47MIS QuarterlyMIS Research CenterNo APCInformation Systems
48Journal of Information TechnologySpringer Nature$3,000Information Systems
49Information Systems ResearchINFORMS$1,500Information Systems
50Journal of the Association for Information SystemsAssociation for Information SystemsNo APCInformation Systems

Please verify the current APCs and open-access policies on the respective journal websites, as fees and policies may change over time.


Q1 journals are the highest-ranking journals in a particular category or field based on their citation impact factor. The quartile ranking is determined by dividing all journals in a category or field into four groups based on their citation impact factor. Publishing in Q1 journals can have significant benefits for researchers and contribute to the advancement of their field.