AICTE Doctoral Fellowship (ADF) Scheme 2023-24

AICTE Doctoral Fellowship


The AICTE DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP (ADF) 2023-24 is a fellowship given to students for pursuing a Ph.D. program (Engineering, Management & Design) in AICTE approved Institutions/ Universities.


  • To seed, grow, and facilitate research for transforming the quality and quantity of research in AICTE-approved institutions/ affiliated Universities.
  • To fund enhance promote collaborative and outstanding peer-reviewed research between technical institutions and industries leading to start-ups.
  • To catalyze quality academic research for developing a robust ecosystem of research in AICTE-approved institutions.

Some of the key benefits of AICTE Doctoral Fellowship (ADF) Scheme 2023-24 Scheme.


  • Engineering and Technology
  • Management (New)
  • Design (New)

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA – AICTE Doctoral Fellowship (ADF) Scheme 2023-24

  • The candidate must be admitted to Ph. D. in any of the engineering and Technology/ Management/ Design” programs approved by the AICTE at Post Graduate Level.
  • The candidate should have qualified for GATE/ GMAT/ CEED during the last 5 years in Engineering and Technology/ Management/ Design respectively. Validity of
  • GATE/ GMAT/ Design score at the time of admission is not mandatory.
  • The candidate should be below 30 years of age at the time of submission of the application form for admission to the university/ institute. For admission age relaxation of 5 years would be applicable to candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ Women/
  • Physically challenged and 3 years for OBC category.


  • Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) = Rs. 37,000/- pm
  • Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) = Rs. 42,000/- pm
  • Contingency Grant = Rs. 15000/- per year

House Rent Allowance (HRA):

  • All ADF students may be provided hostel accommodation wherever
  • ADF students residing in hostels shall not be entitled to HRA.
  • Wherever hostel accommodation is not possible, HRA is allowed as per
    Central Government norms are applicable in the city where the admitting
    institution is located.
  • The percentage for calculating HRA will be based on the amount of
  • Leave and other Entitlements:
  • The ADF students are eligible for leave for a maximum period of 30 days in
    a year, in addition to public holidays.
  • Attending Conferences, Short-term Training Programmes, Workshops/
    Seminars and any other outstation research work with the prior permission
    of his/ her supervisor will be treated as “on Duty”
  • The ADF students are also eligible for maternity/ paternity leave as per GOI


The candidate shall be allowed to apply for ADF throughout the year after
completion of the admission process in the academic year.


  • JRF may be upgraded to SRF after completion of two years from the date of start of
    ADF is subject to the following mandatory conditions
  • The student has successfully completed the Coursework.
  • The research plan/ proposal of the student has been approved by the competent
    authority/ committee/ Student Research Committee (SRC)/ Departmental
    Research Committee (DRC) of the institute as per its applicable Ordinance.


  • No extension for ADF is granted. In exceptional cases, the duration is extendable up to 12 months or till the date of submission of the thesis, whichever is earlier followed by conditions:
  • The student must have successfully completed the coursework as per University/ Institution guidelines.
  • The research plan/ proposal of the student should have been approved by the competent authority/ committee/ Student Research Committee
  • (SRC)/ Departmental Research Committee (DRC)/ Supervisor and
  • HOD/ Principal/ Dean of the University/ Institute as per its applicable Ordinance.
  • The student must have:
  • At least 01 research paper accepted/ published in SCI/ SCIE/
    SCOPUS Journal.
  • At least two (02) research papers accepted/ published in ESCI/
    UGC Care Listed Journals.
  • Filed/ published/ granted at least one patent for his/ her invention
    by “The Patent Office of Government of India”.
  • Here are some of the key dates for the AICTE Doctoral Fellowship (ADF) Scheme
    Launch of the scheme: 23-08-2023
    Duration of the Scheme: 3 years + 01 year extension with condition
    The scheme is open throughout the year