Call for Research Proposals Under the SERB’s 6 Lakhs Fixed Grant Scheme-2019

SERB Research Proposals


Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) has invited research proposals under the fixed grant scheme (MATRICS). In order to encourage the researchers from various areas such as Mathematical Sciences, Theoretical Sciences, and Quantitative Social Sciences SERB reopened the successful 6 Lakhs 3 years Fixed Grant Scheme again.  The main attribute of this scheme would be the submission of a simple 1-2 page mathematical/theoretical proposal. The funding provided would cater to the specific needs of Mathematical/Theoretical Sciences research. 


The elgible research areas to apply for this proposal

  • Mathematical Sciences (MS): Mathematical and allied areas
  • Theoretical Sciences (TS): All areas of Science and Engineering (other than mathematical and allied areas)
  • Quantitative Social Sciences (QSS): Quantitative Social Sciences which involves quantitative analysis using mathematical, statistical or computational techniques in the areas of Social Sciences

Fund Supported by SERB:

SERB‘s Fixed Grant Scheme-2019 supports Rs. 2 lakh per annum for a period of three years(6 Lakhs). 


  • The applicant should hold a PhD or M.D./ M.S. / M.D.S./ M.V.Sc degree and must be working on a regular basis in academic institutions/national labs or any other recognized R&D institutions.
    [The term “Regular” refers to (1) Those who are appointed by the institutions against the ‘sanctioned’ post and are regularized/confirmed after the probation period is over (2) Those who are appointed in a tenure post, but are likely to be renewed after the end of the tenure].
  • The applicant should be an active researcher in the field of (i) Mathematical Sciences and allied areas; (ii) Science and Engineering (excluding mathematical sciences) or (iii) Social Sciences involving quantitative analysis using mathematical, statistical and computational techniques.
  • The applicant should have completed a PhD or M.D./ M.S. / M.D.S./ M.V.Sc degree at least five years prior to the submission of the proposal, in order to have gained individual experience.
  • The applicant should have at least four years of service remaining before superannuation as on the date of submission of the proposal.

How to Apply

  • The Call for proposals will be notified through the website and The proposal should be submitted online only.
  • The proposal should be submitted online only at The selection will be based on the recommendations of an Expert Committee and the criteria of consideration would be (1) credentials of PI (2) publications record and (3) mathematical/theoretical content of the proposal.

Apply Online:

For successful online submission of the proposal the following points may be noted:

  • Applicant(s) should first register into the online website click here to register
  • After log-in applicants are required to fill all the mandatory fields in Profile Details Section under User Profile which includes Biodata (as per defined template), Photo, Institute Address, etc.
  • Some of the details required to be entered for proposal submission include Project Title (max 500 characters), Mathematics review subject classification in case of MATRICS, Keywords (max 6), Project summary (max 3000 characters), etc.

Important Dates

Openning Date: May 20 2019

Last Date: Jun 20 2019 05:00 PM.

More Details: Visit-> SERBonline