Copyright Differences Between Open Access and Subscription Articles

Copyright Differences Between Open Access and Subscription Articles

Journal copyright agreement deals with the transfer or license of the copyright to publisher and authors retain significant rights to use and share their own published articles. This agreement describes the rights related to the publication and distribution of research. there are much Copyright Differences between Open Access(OA) and Subscription Articles.

What is copyright?

Copyright governs how authors (as well as their employers or funders), publishers and the wider general public can use, publish and distribute articles or books.

Copyright Differences Between Open Access and Subscription Articles

Authors transfer copyright to the publisher as part of a journal publishing agreement. in this, author rights are different compare to subscription articles to open access articles. The detailed differences between open access and subscription articles are given below:

Subscription Articles Open Access Articles
In this, copyrights for the published article are usually transferred to the journal In OA journals, authors will retain copyright. Most of the OA journals works under Creative Commons licenses (CC licenses), which make it easier for users to share, use, and build upon the original work. 
Authors can share their article for Personal Use, Internal Institutional Use and Scholarly Sharing purposes, with a DOI link to the version of record on the publisher (and with the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC- ND license for author manuscript versions) Authors can share their article in the same ways permitted to third parties under the relevant user license (together with Personal Use rights) so long as it contains a CrossMark logo, the end-user license, and a DOI link to the version of record on the publisher.
Authors can retain patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights (including research data). Retain patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights (including research data).
Authors may have proper attribution and credit for the published work. Authors may have proper attribution and credit for the published work.
Subscription Articles are required readers to pay for the content that they read. In open access, readers have free access to the article.
Subscription journals do not ask Article-Processing Charges (APCs) for publication Most of the OA journals ask Article-Processing Charges (APCs) for publication

Courtesy: Elsevier

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