Discontinued Scopus Indexed Journals March 2023

Discontinued Scopus Indexed Journals in March 2023: Maintaining Quality and Relevance in the World's Largest Abstract and Citation Database

Scopus Indexed Journals

In March 2023, Scopus announced the discontinuation of several journals from its indexed database, marking the end of their inclusion in the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature.

While the decision to discontinue these journals may come as a surprise to some, it is important to note that Scopus is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and relevance in its database. As a result, the removal of these journals reflects Scopus’ ongoing efforts to ensure that its indexed publications continue to meet the needs of the academic community.

Also Visit: Scopus Indexed Journals List 2023

Scopus has discontinued several journals from its indexed database in March 2023. Although it may come as a surprise, it reflects Scopus' ongoing efforts to maintain the highest standards of quality and relevance in its database. Find out which journals were discontinued in our article.

Discontinued Scopus Indexed Journals in March 2023: Maintaining Quality and Relevance in the World’s Largest Abstract and Citation Database

Source   Title (newly added titles are highlighted in red)Print-ISSNE-ISSNPublisherReason for discontinuation
Clinical Schizophrenia and   Related Psychoses1935123219412010Walsh Medical MediaPublication Concerns
ECS Transactions1938586219386737Institute of PhysicsPublication Concerns
Indian Journal of Computer   Science and Engineering0976516622313850Engg Journals PublicationsPublication Concerns
International   Journal Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering22502459IJETAE Publication HousePublication Concerns
Journal of Environmental   and Public Health1687980516879813Hindawi Publishing CorporationPublication Concerns
Journal of Population   Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology25618741Dougmar Publishing Group IncPublication Concerns
Journal of Positive   Psychology and Wellbeing2717756425870130Gökmen ArslanPublication Concerns
Journal of Survey in   Fisheries Sciences23687487Green Wave Publishing of CanadaPublication Concerns
Source: scopus.com

The discontinuation of these Scopus-indexed journals in March 2023 reflects Scopus’ ongoing efforts to maintain the highest standards of quality and relevance in its database.

While the removal of these journals may be disappointing to some, it is important to note that Scopus remains committed to providing the academic community with the most comprehensive and relevant collection of peer-reviewed literature available.