DST – INSPIRE Faculty Fellowships for Young Researchers

INSPIRE Faculty Fellowships


Applications are invited for INSPIRE Faculty Fellowships of Scientists under INSPIRE
program in the Department of Science & Technology on a deputation (including short-term contract) basis as per details given below.

Eligibility to INSPIRE Faculty Fellowships

Scientists or Technologists or Universities or recognized Autonomous Organisations in
Scientist oB’ Three (03) Level l0 (Rs.56,100- 1″77,5001-) Deputation (including short-term contract) Temporary Three years or till the completion of the program, whichever is earlier. working in the Central Government or State Governments research Institutions or Semi Government or Statutory or India or abroad.
(i) holding analogous post on a regular basis; or
(ii) Scientists or Technologists or Junior Analysts with two years’ service in the grade
rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the pay band -2, Rs 9300 –
34800 with grade pay of Rs. 4800 (Level 8 as per VIIth CPC) or equivalent; or
(iii) Scientists or Technologists or Junior Analysts with three years’ service in the
grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the pay band -2, Rs. 9300-34800 with grade pay of Rs. 4600 (Level 7 as per VIIth CPC) or equivalent.

How to apply

The application process involves two stages.
Eligible candidates are required to apply Online only, through the online portal