DST – NSF Joint Call for Proposals

DST, NSF, joint call for proposals, collaborative research, computing, communications, cyber-physical systems, research opportunity, application deadline, potential areas of research, eligibility criteria

Department of Science and Technology

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) of the Government of India and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) have come together to announce a joint call for proposals. This collaborative research opportunity aims to foster discoveries and innovations in the areas of computing, communications, information science, and engineering, advanced cyberinfrastructure, secure and trustworthy computing, and cyber-physical systems. The application deadline is 14th August 2023.

DST – NSF Joint Call for Proposals: Collaborative Research in Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Physical Systems | Department of Science and Technology (DST) and U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) invite Indian and U.S. scientists to submit joint research proposals. Explore potential areas of research and eligibility criteria. Application deadline: 14th August 2023. Learn more and access application forms now.

DST-NSF Joint Call for Proposals: Collaborative Research in Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Physical Systems

Potential Areas of Research

DST and NSF invite active Indian and U.S. scientists and researchers to submit proposals for joint research projects in the following broad areas:

I. Computer and Information Science and Engineering

  • Algorithmic Foundations; Communications and Information Foundations; Foundations of Emerging Technologies; Software and Hardware Foundations.
  • Computer Systems Research; Networking Technology and Systems.
  • Human-Centered Computing; Information Integration and Informatics; Robust Intelligence.
  • Advanced Cyber-infrastructure

II. Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Engineered systems with seamless integration of cyber and physical components, such as computation, control, networking, learning, autonomy, security, privacy, and verification, for a range of application domains.

III. Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace

  • Cybersecurity and privacy, drawing on expertise in computing, communication and information sciences, engineering, economics, education, mathematics, statistics, and social and behavioral sciences.

Please note that proposals submitted in other research areas will not be considered.

Eligibility for Indian Applicants

  • The Principal Investigator (PI) and other investigators in India should be scientists or faculty members working in a regular capacity in universities, deemed universities, academic institutes, national research and development laboratories, and private non-profit institutions engaged in research and development activities.
  • The Indian PI should not be retiring or leaving the parent institute during the proposed duration of the project.
  • Indian investigators can participate as PI in one proposal and as Co-PIs in a maximum of two proposals.
  • Indian scientists who are involved in the implementation of two or more projects supported by the DST (International Group), and those projects are not expected to be completed by 31st December 2023, are not eligible to be part of the research team.


  1. DST and NSF will allow investigators from both countries to collaborate on writing a single proposal that will undergo a single review process at NSF, the coordinating agency.
  2. Proposals should represent an integrated collaborative effort between Indian and U.S. investigators. They must adhere to the research areas, funding limits, and grant durations set by the participating NSF and DST programs. All submitted documents may be shared with the other agency to facilitate two-way agency activities.
  3. The proposal should provide a comprehensive description of the research program, including the total Indian and U.S. resources involved. NSF investigators should indicate only NSF expenses in the NSF budget, while DST investigators should indicate only DST research expenses in the DST budget. The DST budget and budget justification must be included in the NSF proposal as a Supplementary Document. Proposals requesting duplicative funding may be returned without review.
  4. Indian and U.S. investigators must submit identical summaries, descriptions, and references using the prescribed formats by DST and NSF. Applications not submitted on the prescribed format, incomplete, or received after the due date will not be accepted. Both sides must ensure that the title of the project submitted is identical.
  5. All proposals should include brief biographical information of all project team members, including their affiliation, date of birth (not required for U.S. investigators), highlights of academic and research activities, and awards. Biographical sketches for U.S. investigators should follow NSF guidelines.
  6. Indian researchers may receive funding from DST, while U.S. researchers may receive funding from NSF.
  7. Selected Indian PIs will be supported with up to 20 million Indian rupees by DST, and U.S. PIs will receive up to $600,000 from NSF for a maximum duration of three years.
  8. DST support for Indian PIs primarily covers exchange visits, consumables, contingency, and minor equipment/accessories (not costing more than 20% of the project cost). The budget requirements will be assessed according to the current norms of human resources or international visit rates. Travel entitlement will be based on economy class.
  9. The proposals will undergo review by experts selected by NSF, the coordinating agency, in competition with other proposals received for the same funding round of the program. DST will verify the Indian investigator’s role and eligibility at the beginning of the process.

How to Apply

  • Indian researchers can download the proposal formats from the websites www.dst.gov.in and https://onlinedst.gov.in/ and submit the completed application form and all relevant information through the e-PMS portal of DST.
  • The proposals must be submitted through the e-application system provided at https://onlinedst.gov.in/ by 14th August 2023.
  • It is essential to ensure that the U.S. counterpart submits an application with identical components to NSF by the due date.
  • Proposals not submitted through the ePMS portal by the deadline will not be considered.

Instructions for Uploading Proposals to DST on e-PMS

  • Visit https://onlinedst.gov.in and register on the “DST e-PMS Portal.”
  • After registration, log in and submit the joint project proposal in the prescribed format.
  • Before filling out the form, carefully review the relevant advertisement published on the DST website (www.dst.gov.in) and available under Proposal Formats in the e-PMS Portal.
  • Download the appropriate proposal format and complete all the required information as a Word and PDF file. Keep the completed proposal ready for upload during the submission of mandatory documents.
  • Click on the “Submit proposals” link and fill in the general information and principal investigator details.
  • After filling in the particulars, there is a provision to preview the details before final submission. If all the filled details are accurate, click on the “Submit” button to finalize the submission.
  • Applicants are advised to fill in and verify all the details required for the online application themselves, as no changes will be possible after clicking the “Final submit” button.

Documents Required for Indian Investigators (PDF only)

  1. Complete Project Proposal
  2. Certificate from Investigator(s)
  3. Endorsement from the Head of Organization (on letterhead)
  4. Conflict of Interest
  5. Biodata of entire project team members (maximum 3 pages per investigator),

For Further details and the application form: Link