High Impact Factor Artificial Intelligence(AI) Journals

High Impact Factor Artificial Intelligence(AI) Journals

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology that refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The increasing interest in this area among researchers gives more publication contributions to society. When it comes to journal publications, many publications are available in the area of AI and Machine Learning(ML). However, very few journals with high impact factor journals highly recognized by the scientific community. In this article, ilovephd provides the top High Impact Factor Artificial Intelligence(AI) Journals with H5 index detail.

List of Artificial Intelligence(AI) Journals with Impact Factor 2020

RankTitleImpact FactorH indexISSNJournal Website
1IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence19.4232601628828Website
2Physics of Life Reviews12.675215710645Website
3IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems12.181802162237XWebsite
4Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning10.832519358237Website
5IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems8.817010636706Website
6Soft Robotics8.222421695172Website
7IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking8323327731Website
8International Journal of Robotics Research7.7514202783649Website
9International Journal of Computer Vision7.5617209205691Website
10Pattern Recognition7.3518000313203Website
11Artificial Intelligence Review7.266302692821Website
12International Journal of Intelligent Systems6.98721098111XWebsite
13Information Sciences6.7715400200255Website
14Knowledge-Based Systems6.619409507051Website
15Neural Networks6.612808936080Website
16Expert Systems with Applications5.8916209574174Website
17IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica5.732223299274Website
18Journal of Machine Learning Research5.3117315337928Website
19IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine5.24481556603XWebsite
21Advanced Engineering Informatics5.126814740346Website
22Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering5.063710692509Website
23IEEE Intelligent Systems5.0111115411672Website
24Neural Computing and Applications4.685709410643Website
25IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems4.5710421682291Website
26Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research4.551124496499Website
27Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence4.538609521976Website
28Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing4.486715728145Website
29Artificial Intelligence in Medicine4.477409333657Website
30Autonomous Robots4.399715737527Website
31Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making4.334615732908Website
32Journal of Memory and Language4.2712910960821Website
33Cognitive Psychology4.1310810955623Website
34International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics4.08301868808XWebsite
35Pattern Recognition Letters3.9413901678655Website
36Artificial Intelligence3.8713500043702Website
37ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology3.824621576912Website
38Frontiers in Neurorobotics3.792316625218Website
39Design Studies3.63830142694XWebsite
40Swarm Intelligence3.633219353812Website
41Journal of the ACM3.5811700045411Website
42International Journal of Artificial Intelligence3.552009740635Website
43Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research3.410310769757Website
44Fuzzy Sets and Systems3.3415001650114Website

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List of Non Paid SCI and Scopus Indexed Computer Science Engineering Journals

High Impact Factor Artificial Intelligence(AI) Journals

Courtesy: Scimagojr