woman wearing red kimono
Photo by Ivan Siarbolin on

The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) conduct the India-Japan Cooperative Science Programme (IJCSP) to promote bilateral scientific collaboration between Indian and Japanese scientists. Applications are invited from eligible Indian researchers /scientists to submit proposals for Joint Research Projects and Joint Workshops/Seminars under IJCSP.

 Areas of cooperation:

Support is available in the following scientific areas:

  1. Physical Sciences
  2. Chemical Sciences
  3. Life Science & Agriculture
  4. Mathematics & Computational Science
  5. Astronomy & Earth Science
  6. Materials & Engineering

II.  Who can apply:

  • The joint application must include one Indian and one Japanese Principal Investigators, who would be responsible for technical as well as administrative coordination of the project and its periodic scientific and financial reporting to DST/ JSPS respectively.
  • The Principal Investigator (PI) and other investigators in India should be scientists/ faculty members working in a regular capacity in Universities/ Deemed Universities/ Academic Institutes and National Research & Development Laboratories/ Institutes as well as working in private nonprofit institutions that carry on R&D activities. It is preferred that a member of the project team may be designated as Co-PI. The Indian Principal Investigator (PI) should not be retiring or leaving the parent institute during the proposed duration of the project.
  • The Japanese PIs must be full-time researchers employed at Universities or other

research institutions recognized by JSPS. Further details in respect of the Japanese participant’s JSPS website ( may be referred to.

The Indian applicants who are in any way involved in the implementation of two or more projects that were previously supported by the DST

(International Group) and that are not expected to be completed by 31st March 2024 are not eligible to be a member of the research team.

Indian and Japanese PIs must submit the same project proposal to the respective Authorities responsible for the implementation of the Executive Programme. Proposals submitted in only one Country will not be considered for evaluation.

  • Projects must refer to activities to be completed within the period of validity of the Executive Programme and must be drafted in English.
  • Each Principal Investigator (PI) must submit one proposal only. All applicants must fulfill national eligibility rules to apply for mobility grants (see below and check national annexes for specific requirements). Proposed collaborations should build on and reinforce already existing research activities between teams in both countries and should contribute with significant added value to these activities. Funding will be granted within the limits of available annual resources of each Party.

III.  Duration of the Project:

The duration of the projects would be up to two years. (Visits to be completed within one year and 10 months).

IV. Kind of support available:

  • The sending side would provide the international travel cost and receiving side will provide local hospitality including accommodation charges, per-diem, and local travel.

DST provides the following support under the Programme:

Costs for the exchange of researchers and contingency @ Rs 25,000 per year will be financed and NO other support like consumables, manpower or equipment, etc should be expected or proposed under the Mobility program.

  • For Indian Researchers – Cost of International airfare to and from the designated research location, visa fee, airport taxes, overseas medical insurance premium for the approved visit duration, and airport transfers in India.
    • For joint workshops/seminars to be organized in India, local travel costs of selected Indian participants and organizing expenses may also be considered for support as per DST norms.
    • For Japanese Researchers – Cost of accommodation in a guest house, per diem, and domestic travel expenses in India including airport transfers as per DST norms.

V.   Guidelines for Proposal Submission

1. Proposals

  • Duly filled relevant application forms distributed by the Department of Science and Technology (also available on the websites in India and in Japan) which are approved by the heads of the institutions of the coordinators
  • Curricula vitae of both research teams.
  • Letter of intent exchanged between the coordinators of the project.

2. Submission

  • The deadline for the submission of proposals is 6th September 2023.
  • The Indian researchers can download the proposal formats from websites and should submit a completed application form and all relevant information. Proposals must be submitted to DST through the e-application system provided at in DST format ONLY by 6th September 2023 through the proper channel. It should be ensured that application with the identical title has been submitted by his / her Japanese counterpart to JSPS by the due date.

·         Proposal submitted only on one side will not be considered.

  • Japanese Principal Investigators need to submit proposals with a matching joint research project/seminars plan to JSPS simultaneously. Japanese Researchers are requested to contact JSPS for their application submission period, documents to be submitted etc.

VI.   Evaluation of Proposals

  • Proposals will be initially evaluated at the national level. Project proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

-Scientific relevance of the research project

  • Methodology and documentation
    • Coherent Qualification of the Applicants
    The added
    • value of the proposed staff exchanges for project activities added
    value to the bilateral cooperation contribution
    • of the project in addressing societal challenges
    • Use and dissemination of results

Preference will be given to applicants having ongoing national projects on the same problem and wishing to connect with their counterparts through Indo- Japanese joint collaboration to bridge the research gap through mobility grants in accomplishing the objectives of the ongoing national project.

  • Proposals will be evaluated independently by the Department of Science and Technology in India and JSPS in Japan using their own procedures. Decisions towards funding will be mutually agreed upon based on the grades (on a 1 to 10 scale) received on the two sides. Coordinators are likely to be informed in April/May 2024 about the evaluation results. The jointly approved projects are likely to be started in June 2024.
  • Please note that only jointly submitted proposals to DST and JSPS will be considered.

VII.   Publication of Results

For the Indian side, the list of selected projects will be uploaded on the DST website