India-U.S. Collaborative Program – DBT

India-U.S. Collaborative Program

India-U.S. Collaborative Program

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages Multiple Principal Investigator (Multi-PD/PI) applications from United States (U.S.) and Indian institutions as bilateral collaborations (India-U.S. Collaborative Program) that will advance science and technology important to understanding, preventing, and treating blinding eye diseases, visual disorders, and their complications.

India-U.S. Collaborative Program

Scientific collaborations between India and the U.S. have been successfully conducted for several years under a variety of bilateral agreements. Recognizing that continuing collaborative research focused on eye diseases and visual disorders would be of mutual benefit to India and the U.S., the Indian Department of Biotechnology (DBT), the U.S. National Eye Institute (NEI), and a Joint Working Group (JWG) developed a strategic plan for collaborations and to facilitate the expedited review and clearance of proposed bilateral projects. Both the DBT and the NEI have pledged funds to support joint activities pursued under this bilateral program.

Areas of Research Collaboration:

Applications are encouraged from organizations/institutions that propose to conduct research on the basic biology and/or genetics of ophthalmic diseases through collaborations
with Indian investigators on the following: diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, including rare and genetic diseases such as congenital cataracts, as well as other eye conditions such as ocular inflammation/uveitis, refractive error, low vision, and corneal injury. Basic, translational, or epidemiological research maybe proposed. Clinical trials will not be supported under this.

Important Dates

Open Date (Earliest Submission Date)
October 08, 2022
Application Due Date(s) for submission to DBT
November 08, 2022 by 5:00 pm IST.

How to Apply

NIH weblink for application form
DBT weblink for application form

For More Information: