HomeInterestingIndo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) Call 2020

Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) Call 2020

Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC), established by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Government of Germany to promote research partnership of industrial relevance invites First Stage Proposals for joint R&D&I projects of industrial relevance in
2+2 Mode of Partnership in the thematic area Additive Manufacturing with subtopics

New Materials for Additive Manufacturing
• Printed and Wearable Electronics
• Large scale Additive Manufacturing
• In situ Process Monitoring and Control
• 3D printing processes for biomedical devices and implants

Deadline for Submitting First Stage Proposals: 25th February 2021

2+2 Mode of Partnership

IGSTC intends to catalyse innovation-centric R&D&I projects by synergising the strength of research/academic institution and public/private industry from India and Germany. This Call for proposals is aimed at supporting joint R&D&I projects of industrial relevance by means of “2+2 Mode of Partnership” i.e. involvement of at least one research/academic institute and one public/private industry from both the countries.

Evaluation for Indo-German Science & Technology Centre

IGSTC will execute a two-step evaluation process. Initially, applicants have to submit a First Stage Proposals followed by an evaluation by the Joint Scientific Committee.

In the second step, shortlisted consortia will be invited to submit a more detailed Second Stage proposal.

Each evaluation step might take up to two to three months time.
Funding Support

Funding will be provided in the form of grants amounting up to € 450.000 per project for German applicants and up to ₹ 230 Lakhs per project for Indian applicants, for a period of up to three years, to cover project-related costs including manpower. An additional funding period of up to two
years may be granted in exceptional cases.

Who can Apply

To apply, applicants have to build a consortium (minimum 4 partners) consisting of one research / academic institute and one public / private industry from both India and Germany. Applicants from public and private non-profit research organisations, public and private institutions of higher
education, universities and public or private companies having R&D bases are eligible to partner an application. Principal investigators should be holding a regular/permanent position. Applications from SME´s are encouraged.

How to Apply

The Basic Guidelines and the First Stage Proposal format can be downloaded from the website www.igstc.org. The project proposal should be submitted online using pt-outline: Apply

latest by 25th February 2021

More Information: Indo-German Science & Technology (IGSTC)


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