88 Newly Added Scopus Indexed Journals – June 2023

Trending Now: 88 Latest Scopus Indexed Journals - June 2023

Scopus Indexed Journals List

Welcome to our latest update on academic publications! In June 2023, we are thrilled to announce the addition of 88 new Scopus-indexed journals to our database. These journals cover a wide range of subjects and provide valuable resources for researchers, scholars, and students alike. In this article, iLovePhD will delve into the details of these newly included journals and explore the diverse topics they encompass.

Discover a world of knowledge with our latest update! We have added 88 new Scopus-indexed journals to our collection in June 2023. Uncover valuable research publications across diverse subjects, empowering researchers, scholars, and students in their pursuit of knowledge.

Trending Now: 88 Latest Scopus Indexed Journals – June 2023

S.NoTitle namePrint-ISSNE-ISSNDate of acceptancePublisher
1Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens26735636Jun-2023MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
2Theory and Event257266331092311XJun-2023Johns Hopkins University Press
3Cuadernos del Cemyr25308378Jun-2023Universidad de La Laguna
4Guangdong Agricultural Sciences1004874XJun-2023Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
5Epidemiologia26733986Jun-2023MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
6Journal of Critical Limb Ischemia26943026Jun-2023HMP Global
7touchREVIEWS in Neurology27525465Jun-2023Touch Medical Media
8Revista Cientifica de la Facultad de Veterinaria0798225925219715Jun-2023Universidad del Zulia
9Dissertationes   Archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eotvos   Nominatae20644574Jun-2023Eötvös Loránd University
10Sustainable Horizons27727378Jun-2023Elsevier
11Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances27724166Jun-2023Elsevier
12Discover Food27314286Jun-2023Springer
13Shakespeare Bulletin0748255819311427Jun-2023Johns Hopkins University Press
14Azimuth2282486322833153Jun-2023Inschibboleth edizioni
15RussianStudiesHu2677164026770660Jun-2023The Foundation for Russian Language and Culture
16Environment, Space, Place2066537720689616Jun-2023University of Minnesota Press
17Arte Nuevo. Revista de Estudios Aureos22972692Jun-2023Université de Neuchâtel
18Saint Anselm Journal2689623015453367Jun-2023The Catholic University of America Press
19Early Middle English2516908425169092Jun-2023Arc Humanities Press
20Verge: Studies in Global Asias2373505823735066Jun-2023University of Minnesota Press
21Systemy Logistyczne Wojsk1508543027197689Jun-2023Institute of Logistics, Faculty of Security, Logistics and   Management, Military University of Technology
22Christianity and Literature0148333120565666Jun-2023Johns Hopkins University Press
23Philotheos1451345526200163Jun-2023Gnomon Center for the Humanities
24Meander00256285Jun-2023Polska Akademia Nauk
25Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies2735988327359891Jun-2023Department of Mass Communication, University of Nigeria
26Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies25613111Jun-2023McGill University Library
27Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion2049755520497563Jun-2023Equinox Publishing
28Latvijas Universitites Zurnals Vesture2500962125929593Jun-2023University of Latvia
29Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry0268105625168681Jun-2023Liverpool University Press
30Ghana Studies1536551423337168Jun-2023University of Wisconsin Press
31Izvestiya RAN. Seriya Literatury i Yazyka1605788024137715Jun-2023Russian Academy of Sciences
32Bulletin of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery1829006XJun-2023Akra LLC
33Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia0216248223564067Jun-2023Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Hasanuddin
34Research on World Agricultural Economy2737477727374785Jun-2023Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte Ltd
35Sechenov Medical Journal2218733226583348Jun-2023Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov   University)
36Economics – Innovative and Economics Research Journal2303500523035013Jun-2023Walter de Gruyter: Sciendo
37Perinatal Journal13053124Jun-2023Perinatal Medicine Foundation
38Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique25082043Jun-2023Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society
39Anesthesia and Pain Medicine1975517123837977Jun-2023Korean Society of Anesthesiologists
40Osmanli Medeniyeti Arastirmalari Dergisi24589519Jun-2023Selim Hilmi Ozkan
41ASAP Journal2381470523814721Jun-2023Johns Hopkins University Press
42International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences2305662223063599Jun-2023Unique Scientific Publishers
43Illinois Classical Studies0363192323285265Jun-2023University of Illinois Press
44Theory Now26052822Jun-2023Universidad de Granada
45Russian Japanology Review2658678926586444Jun-2023Association of Japanologists
46Journal of Jewish Identities1939794119462522Jun-2023Johns Hopkins University Press
47Digital Philology: Journal of Medieval Cultures2162954421629552Jun-2023Johns Hopkins University Press
48Kul’tura Slavian i Kul’tura Evreev: Dialog, Skhodstva,   Razlichiia26583356Jun-2023Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of   Sciences
49Camera Praehistorica2658382826586665Jun-2023Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography   (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Science
50Ufa Archaeological Herald1814169227822842Jun-2023Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of   Sciences (IHLL UFRC RAS)
51Christianity in the Middle East25879316Jun-2023Evgenii Palamarenko
52Choral Journal0009502821632170Jun-2023American Choral Directors Association
53Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual   Learning1844893329719291Jun-2023National Institute for Research and Development in   Informatics, ICI Bucharest
54Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics20007493Jun-2023Universitetsforlaget
55Teaching English Language253854882538547XJun-2023Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran   (TELLSI)
56Measurement: Food27722759Jun-2023Elsevier
57Portal Hypertension and Cirrhosis2770583827705846Jun-2023Wiley-Blackwell
58Mathematical Modelling and Control27678946Jun-2023American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
59Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health2413264025190334Jun-2023Ethiopian Pediatric Society
60Hepatology Forum27577392Jun-2023Kare Publishing
61History of Physics2730754927307557Jun-2023Springer
62AAPPS Bulletin0218220323094710Jun-2023Springer
63Frontiers Collection1612301821976619Jun-2023Springer
64SpringerBriefs in Physics2191542321915431Jun-2023Springer
65Argument (Romania)2067425225016334Jun-2023Editura Universitar? ?Ion Mincu?
66Palgrave Studies in Political Leadership294758212947583XJun-2023Springer:  Palgrave   Macmillan
67Journal of the British Academy20527217Jun-2023The British Academy
68Rhetoric, Politics and Society2947514729475155Jun-2023Springer:  Palgrave   Macmillan
69Women, Gender, and Families of Color2326093923260947Jun-2023University of Illinois Press
70Zeitschrift fur Technikfolgenabschatzung in Theorie und   Praxis2568020X25678833Jun-2023Oekom – Gesellschaft für ökologische Kommunikation mbH
71Journal on Migration and Human Security2331502423302488Jun-2023Sage
72Frontiers in Fungal Biology26736128Jun-2023Frontiers Media S.A.
73Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance2523824825238256Jun-2023Springer:  Palgrave   Macmillan
74Research Methods in Applied Linguistics27727661Jun-2023Elsevier
75Sesit pro Umeni, Teorii a Pribuzne Zony18028918Jun-2023Research Centre, Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
76Poljarnyj Vestnik18909671Jun-2023Septentrio Academic Publishing
77Crop and Environment2773126XJun-2023Elsevier
78Journal of Asian American Studies1097212910968598Jun-2023Johns Hopkins University Press
79American Journal of Numismatics10538356Jun-2023American Numismatic Society
80Journal of Sindhi Studies26670925Jun-2023Brill
81Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma22535969Jun-2023Taylor and Francis: Dove Medical Press Ltd
82Materia Socio Medica151276801986597XJun-2023Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia & Herzegovina
83Gastroenterology (Ukraine)2308209725187880Jun-2023Zaslavsky O.Yu.
84Bilingual Processing and Acquisition23520531Jun-2023John Benjamins Publishing Co.
85Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences18585051Jun-2023Knowledge E
86World Journal of Nephrology22206124Jun-2023Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited
87Nature Reviews Psychology27310574Jun-2023Springer:  Nature   Publishing Group
88Complex Psychiatry267330052673298XJun-2023Karger
Scopus Indexed Journals

Source: Scopus

With the incorporation of 88 new Scopus-indexed journals in June 2023, our academic repository has grown significantly, providing an extensive pool of research and scholarly resources. These newly added journals promise to expand the horizons of knowledge and support researchers and students in their academic endeavors. Embrace this opportunity to explore diverse subjects and stay ahead in the pursuit of wisdom and discovery. Happy learning!