List of Laboratories, Centres/Units under ISRO

ISRO Laboratories

NASA Administrator and Deputy Administrator Meet with ISRO Chairman (NHQ202302010005)
NASA Administrator and Deputy Administrator Meet with ISRO Chairman (NHQ202302010005) by NASA HQ PHOTO is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0
  • Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is the space agency of India. The organisation is involved in science, engineering and technology to harvest the benefits of outer space for India and the mankind. The department executes the Indian Space Programme primarily through various Centres or units within ISRO. The prime objective of ISRO/DOS Laboratories is the development and application of space technology for various national needs.
  • To fulfil this objective, ISRO has established major space systems for communication, television broadcasting, and meteorological services.
  • Resources monitoring and management; space-based navigation services.
  • ISRO has developed satellite launch vehicles, PSLV and GSLV, to place the satellites in the required orbits.
  • ISRO has its headquarters in Bengaluru. Its activities are spread across various centres and units.
  • Launch Vehicles are built at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Satellites are designed and developed at U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), Bengaluru.
  • Integration and launching of satellites and launch vehicles are carried out from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota.
  • Development of liquid stages including cryogenic stage is carried out at Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), Valiamala & Bengaluru.
  • Sensors for Communication and Remote Sensing satellites and application aspects of the space technology are taken up at Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad.
  • Remote Sensing satellite data reception processing and dissemination is entrusted to National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad.

In this article, iLovePhD presents you the list of laboratories, Centres/Units under ISRO with their objectives.

ISRO Laboratories

S. No.Laboratory/Centre/UnitObjectiveLocation
1.Department of Space and ISRO HQPromoting development and application of space science and technology to assist in all-round development of the nation.Bengaluru
2.Human Space Flight Centre (HSFC)implementation of GAGANYAAN Project which involves end-to-end mission planning, development of Engineering systems for crew survival in space, crew selection & training and also pursue activities for sustained human space flight missionsBengaluru
3.Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS)Capacity building in Remote Sensing and Geo-informatics and their applications through education and training programmes at postgraduate level.DehraDun
4.ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU)Responsible for the design and development of Inertial Systems for Launch Vehicles and Spacecraft programmes of ISRO.Thiruvananthapuram
5.ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC)Assembly, integration and testing of earth storable propellant engines, cryogenic engines and stages for launch vehicles; high altitude testing of upper stage engines and spacecraft thrusters as well as testing of its sub systems;Mahendragiri
6.ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC)carrying out mission operations of all  operational remote sensing and scientific satellites, providing Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TTC) services from launch vehicle lift-off till injection of satellite into orbit and to estimate its preliminary orbit in space and hardware and software developmental activities that enhance the capabilities of ISTRAC for providing flawless TTC and Mission Operations services.Bengaluru
7.Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems (LEOS)Deals with the design, development and production of Attitude Sensors for all LEO, GEO and interplanetary mission; develops and delivers Optical Systems for remote sensing and meteorological payloads.Bengaluru
8.Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre(LPSC)Design, development and realisation of liquid propulsion stages for ISRO’s Launch Vehicles. Development of fluid control valves, transducers, propellant management devices for vacuum conditions and other key components of liquid propulsion systems are also under the purview of this centre.Thiruvananthapuram
9.Master Control Facility (MCF)Monitors and controls all the geo-stationary satellites of ISRO. MCF carries out operations related to initial orbit raising of satellites, in-orbit payload testing, and on-orbit operations throughout the life of these satellites.Hassan
10.National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)Responsible for remote sensing satellite data acquisition and processing, data dissemination, aerial remote sensing and decision support for disaster management.Hyderabad
11.Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHARResponsible for providing Launch Base Infrastructure for the Indian Space Programme. This Centre has the facilities for solid propellant processing, static testing of solid motors, launch vehicle integration and launch operations, range operations comprising telemetry, tracking and command network and mission control centre.Nellore
12.Space Applications Centre (SAC)Development of space borne and air borne instruments / payloads and their applications for national development and societal benefits.Ahmedabad
13.U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC)Building satellites and developing associated satellite technologies. These spacecraft are used for providing applications to various users in the area of Communication, Navigation, Meteorology, Remote Sensing, Space Science and interplanetary explorations.Bengaluru
14.Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC)Responsible for the design and development of launch vehicle technology. The Centre pursues active research and development in the fields of aeronautics, avionics, materials, mechanisms, vehicle integration, chemicals, propulsion, space ordnance, structures, space physics and systems reliability.Thiruvananthapuram
15.IN-SPACeResponsible to promote, enable authorize and supervise various space activities of non-governmental entities including building launch vehicles & satellites and providing space-based services; sharing space infrastructure and premises under the control of DOS/ISRO; and establishing of new space infrastructure and facilities.Ahmedabad
16.Antrix Corporation LimitedA Marketing arm of ISRO for promotion and commercial exploitation of space products, technical consultancy services and transfer of technologies developed by ISRO. Another objective is to facilitate development of space related industrial capabilities in India.Bengaluru
17.NewSpace India Limited (NSIL)A commercial arm of ISRO with the primary responsibility of enabling Indian industries to take up high technology space related activities and is also responsible for promotion and commercial exploitation of the products and services emanating from the Indian space programme.Bengaluru
18.Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST)Asia’s first Space University for offering high quality education in space science and technology to meet the demands of Indian Space Programme. The institute offers UG, PG, doctoral and post-doctoral programmes in broad areas of space science, technology and applications.Thiruvananthapuram
19.National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL)NARL carries out its research activities under seven major groups, namely, Radar Application and Development Group, Ionospheric and Space Research Group, Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics Group, Cloud and Convective Systems Group, Aerosols, Radiation and Trace Gases Group, Weather and Climate Research Group and Computers and Data Management Group.Tirupathi
20.North Eastern-Space Applications Centre (NE-SAC)Provides developmental support to the North Eastern Region (NER) using space science and technology. The centre has the mandate to develop high technology infrastructure support to play the catalytic role in holistic development of NER of India by providing space science and technology support.Ri Bhoi District
21.Physical Research Laboratory (PRL)Engaged in basic research in the areas of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Planetary Science and Exploration, Space and Atmospheric Sciences, Geosciences, Theoretical Physics, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and Astro-chemistry.Ahmedabad
ISRO Laboratories

Hope, this article would help you to find the list of laboratories, centres/units functioning under ISRO.