Newly Added Scopus indexed Journals – March 2023

Newly Added Scopus Indexed Journals in March 2023: A Comprehensive Range of High-Quality Research Publications

Newly Added Scopus Indexed Journals in March 2023

In March 2023, Scopus added several new journals to its indexed database, expanding the range of high-quality research publications available to scholars and researchers worldwide. These newly added journals cover a diverse range of fields, including science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and humanities, providing a comprehensive platform for researchers to share their findings and ideas with the wider academic community.

Discover the latest additions to Scopus' indexed database in March 2023 with our comprehensive article. From sustainable energy to artificial intelligence, medical innovations, social sciences, and sustainable agriculture, these newly added journals cover a wide range of fields, providing researchers with a platform to share their latest findings and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

Newly Added Scopus Indexed Journals in March 2023: A Comprehensive Range of High-Quality Research Publications

Title   namePrint-ISSNE-ISSNDate of   acceptancePublisher
Frontiers   in Sustainability 26734524Mar-2023Frontiers Media   S.A.
Serbian   Studies0742333019419511Mar-2023Slavica Publishers
Magazen 27243923Mar-2023Fondazione   Università Ca’ Foscari
Nordic   Journal of African Studies 14599465Mar-2023Nordic Africa   Research Network
Acta   Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica0208605024506990Mar-2023Wydawnictwo   Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego / Lodz University Press
Inmaterial.   Diseno, Arte y Sociedad 24625892Mar-2023BAU College of   Arts and Design Barcelona
Vertimo   Studijos 24243590Mar-2023Vilnius University   Press
Persica   Antiqua2783273227832295Mar-2023Tissaphernes   Archaeological Research Group
Egyptian   Journal of Medical Microbiology1110217925370979Mar-2023Egyptian Society   for Medical Microbiology
Blasting1001487X Mar-2023BLASTING Magazine   Editorial Office , Wuhan University of Technology
Transport   Findings 26520397Mar-2023Network Design Lab
Carbon   Research 27316696Mar-2023Springer
Ecological   Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea24135577 Mar-2023Marine   Hydrophysical Institute of RAS
Frontiers   in Animal Science 26736225Mar-2023Frontiers Media   S.A.
Western   Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science0856860X Mar-2023Western Indian   Ocean Marine Science Association
Biophysics   Reviews 26884089Mar-2023AIP American   Institute of Physics
Journal of   the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions 27729303Mar-2023Elsevier
Pediatric   Hematology Oncology Journal 24681245Mar-2023Elsevier
Journal of   VitreoRetinal Diseases2474126424741272Mar-2023Sage
Unnes   Journal of Public Health2252678125487604Mar-2023Universitas Negeri   Semarang
Entomologia   Hellenica0254538124593885Mar-2023National   Documentation Centre
Biomaterials   Translational2096112X Mar-2023Chinese Medical   Multimedia Press Co., Ltd.
Frontiers   in Allergy 26736101Mar-2023Frontiers Media   S.A.
Acupuncture   and Herbal Medicine2097022627658619Mar-2023Wolters   Kluwer:  Lippincott Williams and   Wilkins
Brain and   Spine 27725294Mar-2023Elsevier
Therapeutic   Advances in Rare Disease 26330040Mar-2023Sage
NEJM   Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery 26420007Mar-2023Massachussetts   Medical Society
Revista   Espanola de Sanidad Penitenciaria1575062020136463Mar-2023Sociedad Española   de Sanidad Penitenciaria
Qui Parle:   Critical Humanities and Social Sciences1041838519388020Mar-2023Duke University   Press
Colloquia   Germanica Stetinensia245085432353317XMar-2023University of   Szczecin Press
Computational   Communication Research 26659085Mar-2023Amsterdam   University Press
Frontiers   in Communications and Networks 2673530XMar-2023Frontiers Media   S.A.
Historia   Philosophica172461211824095XMar-2023Fabrizio Serra   Editore
Yad Vashem   Studies00843296 Mar-2023Yad Vashem
Folklorica1920023419200242Mar-2023The Slavic, East   European, and Eurasian Folklore Association
Revista   Medica Electronica 16841824Mar-2023Editorial Ciencias   Médicas
Emergency   Medicine (Ukraine)2224058623071230Mar-2023Zaslavsky O.Yu.
Medicina y   Laboratorio0123257625007106Mar-2023Universidad de   Antioquia
Turkiye   Parazitoloji Dergisi1300632021463077Mar-2023Galenos Yayincilik
Proceedings   of the International Conference on Statistics: Theory and Applications 25627767Mar-2023Avestia Publishing
Kidney360 26417650Mar-2023Wolters Kluwer
CABI   Agriculture and Bioscience 26624044Mar-2023Springer:  BioMed Central (BMC)
ARS   (Bratislava)0044900827297349Mar-2023Art Research   Centre of SAS – Institute of Art History
Journal of   Entomological Society of Iran0259999627833968Mar-2023Entomological   Society of Iran
Pain,   Joints, Spine2224150723071133Mar-2023Zaslavsky O.Yu.
Molecular   Horticulture 27309401Mar-2023Springer:  BioMed Central (BMC)
Stress   Biology 27310450Mar-2023Springer
Revista de   Historia (Costa Rica)1012979022154744Mar-2023Universidad   Nacional
Arte y   Sociedad (Aranjuez) 21747563Mar-2023CUVPAC.   Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Quaderns   d’Italia1135973020148828Mar-2023Universitat   Autonoma de Barcelona
IoT 2624831XMar-2023MDPI   Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Journal of   Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence2598633324432555Mar-2023Universitas   Airlangga
Journal of   Education and Learning2089982323029277Mar-2023Intelektual   Pustaka Media Utama
Adversity   and Resilience Science2662242426622416Mar-2023Springer
SSM –   Mental Health 26665603Mar-2023Elsevier
Affective   Science266220412662205XMar-2023Springer
Journal of   Zoonotic Diseases 27172910Mar-2023Faculty of   Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz
PEC   Innovation 27726282Mar-2023Elsevier
Archives   of Anesthesiology and Critical Care 24235849Mar-2023TUMS Tehran   University of Medical Sciences
Journal of   Yeungnam Medical Science 27998010Mar-2023Yeungnam   University College of Medicine, Yeungnam University Institute of Medical   Science
Paramita0854003924075825Mar-2023Universitas Negeri   Semarang
Methodist   DeBakey Cardiovascular Journal1947609419476108Mar-2023Houston Methodist   DeBakey CV
Revista   Peruana de Ginecologia y Obstetricia2304512423045132Mar-2023Sociedad Peruana   de Obstetricia y Ginecologia
Studia   Ecologiae et Bioethicae173312182719826XMar-2023Wydawnictwo   Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego
Historia   Provinciae – Zurnal Regional?noj Istorii 25878344Mar-2023Cherepovets State   University
Belarusian   Folklore: Data and Research2411276327903559Mar-2023Publishing House   «Belaruskaya navuka»
Lessons   from the ICU2522592825225936Mar-2023Springer
Animal   Microbiome 25244671Mar-2023Springer:  BioMed Central (BMC)
Journal of   Central Nervous System Disease 11795735Mar-2023Sage
Palgrave   Studies in Utopianism294644712946448XMar-2023Springer:  Palgrave Macmillan
Journal of   Frontier Studies 25000225Mar-2023Limited Liability   Company Scientific Industrial Enterprise ‘Genesis. Frontier. Science’
Journal of   Chinese Film Studies2702227727022285Mar-2023Walter de Gruyter
Rocznik   Teologii Katolickiej16448855 Mar-2023Wydawnictwo   Uniwersytetu w Bialymstoku
Iraqi   Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering1814589220786069Mar-2023College of   Engineering, University of Basrah
Challenges   in Physics Education2662842226628430Mar-2023Springer
International   Journal of African Higher Education2313506923135069Mar-2023International   Network for Higher Education in Africa
Digital   Business 26669544Mar-2023Elsevier
International   Journal of Eurasian Linguistics2589882525898833Mar-2023Brill
Revista   Iberoamericana de Argumentacion 21728801Mar-2023Universidad   Autónoma de Madrid
Cadernos   de Sociomuseologia 16463714Mar-2023Universidade   Lusófona
RUDN   Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism2312922023129247Mar-2023Peoples’   Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University
Pamukkale   Medical Journal1309983313080865Mar-2023Pamukkale   University
Medical   Review2097077327499642Mar-2023Walter de Gruyter
Journal of   Neurosurgery: Case Lessons 26941902Mar-2023American   Association of Neurological Surgeons
Narra J 28072618Mar-2023Narra Sains   Indonesia
Legality:   Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum0854650925494600Mar-2023Universitas   Muhammadiyah Malang
Cyborg and   Bionic Systems2097108726927632Mar-2023American   Association for the Advancement of Science
Space:   Science and Technology (United States) 26927659Mar-2023American   Association for the Advancement of Science
Yuridika0215840X25283103Mar-2023Universitas   Airlangga
Journal of   Agricultural and Environmental Law 17886171Mar-2023CEDR – Hungarian   Association of Agricultural Law
European   Law Open 27526135Mar-2023Cambridge   University Press
Journal of   Human Rights, Culture and Legal System2807297928072812Mar-2023Lembaga Contrarius   Indonesia
Revista de   la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Politicas0120388623900016Mar-2023Universidad   Pontificia Bolivariana
GRUR   International2632862326328550Mar-2023Oxford University   Press
Actualidad   Civil0213710022549412Mar-2023Wolters Kluwer
Novos   Estudos Juridicos 21750491Mar-2023Universidade do   Vale do Itajaí – Univali
Ius et   Veritas1995292924118834Mar-2023Asociación Civil   IUS ET VERITAS
Revista   Espanola de Derecho Canonico0034937226609541Mar-2023Universidad   Pontificia de Salamanca
Latin   American Legal Studies 07199112Mar-2023Universidad Adolfo   Ibañez
Law   Reform: Jurnal Pembaharuan Hukum1858481025808508Mar-2023Diponegoro   University
Revista   Justicia y Derecho 07199392Mar-2023Universidad   Autónoma de Chile
Journal of   Inequalities and Special Functions 22174303Mar-2023Universiteti i   Prishtines
Revista da   Defensoria Publica do Distrito Federal2674573926745755Feb-2023Defensoria Pública   do Distrito Federal
Bialostockie   Studia Prawnicze1689740427199452Feb-2023Walter de Gruyter:   Sciendo
Hungarian   Yearbook of International Law and European Law266627012666271XFeb-2023Eleven
Vienna   Journal on International Constitutional Law2306373419955855Feb-2023Walter de Gruyter
Revista   Iberoamericana de la Propiedad Intelectual 2422569XFeb-2023Universidad de La   Sabana, Universidad Panamericana
Revista de   Defesa da Concorrencia 23182253Feb-2023Conselho   Administrativo de Defesa Econômica
Revista   Eletronica Direito e Sociedade 23188081Feb-2023Universidade   LaSalle – Unilasalle
Futures   and Foresight Science 25735152Feb-2023Wiley-Blackwell
Asia   Marketing Journal1598786827656500Feb-2023Korean Marketing   Association
Modern   China and International Economic Law2364831723648325Feb-2023Springer
Rivista di   Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale 27856380Feb-2023Wolters Kluwer
Medicina   Clinica y Social 25212281Feb-2023Social   Anthropology Department,  in the Santa   Rosa del Aguaray Campus of the School of Medical Sciences of the National   University of Asunción
Polski   Proces Cywilny20821743 Feb-2023Wolters Kluwer
Revista   Eletronica de Direito Processual 19827636Feb-2023Universidade do   Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Revista   Direito e Sexualidade 26753596Feb-2023Universidade   Federal da Bahia
Indonesia   Law Review2088843023562129Feb-2023Djokosoetono   Research Center, Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia
Bulletin   of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 18211291Feb-2023Naim L. Braha
Vox Patrum0860941127193586Feb-2023John Paul II   Catholic University of Lublin
Mediterranea 24452378Feb-2023University of   Cordoba Press (UCO)
World Art2150089421500908Feb-2023Informa:  Taylor & Francis
Think1477175617551196Feb-2023Cambridge   University Press
Journal of   the General Union of Arab Archaeologists2537026X25370278Feb-2023the Arab Council   of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists
Studi   Veronesi2531994925320173Feb-2023Centro di   Documentazione per la Storia della Valpoliecella
Stochastic   Modelling and Computational Sciences 27523829Feb-2023Roman Science   Publications and Distributions
Studies in   Iranian Politics2524413225244140Feb-2023Springer:  Palgrave Macmillan
STEM   Education 27671925Feb-2023American Institute   of Mathematical Sciences
Social   Sciences and Humanities Open 25902911Feb-2023Elsevier
Forum   Prawnicze2081688X2720488XFeb-2023Jagiellonian   University
Res   Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Politicas1576418419896115Feb-2023Universidad   Complutense de Madrid
Almanac of   Clinical Medicine2072050525879294Feb-2023Moscow Regional   Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI)
Digital   Diagnostics2712849027128962Feb-2023Eco-Vector LLC
Infinity   Journal2089686724609285Feb-2023IKIP Siliwangi
Frontiers   in Toxicology 26733080Feb-2023Frontiers Media   S.A.
Frontiers   in Genome Editing 26733439Feb-2023Frontiers Media   S.A.
Didaskalia   (Poland) 27200043Feb-2023The Grotowski   Institute in Wroc?aw
Journal of   Mathematical Analysis 22173412Feb-2023Universiteti i   Prishtines
Plasma 25716182Feb-2023MDPI   Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Necas   Center Series2523334325233351Feb-2023Springer:  Birkhauser
Russian   Family Doctor2072166827132331Feb-2023Eco Vector LLC
Russian   Journal of Woman and Child Health2618843026867184Feb-2023LLC   ‘Meditsina-Inform’
Ophthalmology   Journal1998710224125423Feb-2023Eco-Vector LLC
Iranian   South Medical Journal1735437417356954Feb-2023Bushehr University   of Medical Sciences
Immunotherapy   Advances 27324303Feb-2023Oxford University   Press
Surgeries   ( Switzerland) 26734095Feb-2023MDPI   Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Neuroimage:   Reports 26669560Feb-2023Elsevier
Exploratory   Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy 26672766Feb-2023Elsevier
Blood   Cancer Discovery2643323026433249Feb-2023American   Association for Cancer Research
Oxford   Open Climate Change 26344068Feb-2023Oxford University   Press
Raumforschung   und Raumordnung0034011118694179Feb-2023Oekom –   Gesellschaft für ökologische Kommunikation mbH
Contributions   to International Relations273150612731507XFeb-2023Springer
Review of   Science, Mathematics and ICT Education1791261X17923999Feb-2023University of   Patras/METAICHMIO PUBLICATIONS
International   Quarterly for Asian Studies2566686X25666878Feb-2023Arnold   Bergstraesser Institute, IQAS
International   Journal of Population Studies2424815024248606Feb-2023AccScinece   Publishing
Martor1224627127348350Feb-2023National Museum of   the Romanian Peasant
Feminist   Anthropology 26437961Feb-2023Wiley-Blackwell
Nordic   Journal of Comparative and International Education 25354051Feb-2023OsloMet University   Library
Mexico y   la Cuenca del Pacifico1665017420075308Feb-2023Universidad de   Guadalajara
Taprobanica1800427X Feb-2023Research Center   for Climate Change (RCCC), Universitas Indonesia
Clinical   Hematology International 25900048Feb-2023Springer
Al-Anbar   Medical Journal2706620726643154Feb-2023university of   Anbar
BIO Web of   Conferences2273170921174458Feb-2023EDP Sciences
Frontiers   in Health Informatics 26767104Feb-2023Iaranian   Association of Medical Informatics (IrAMI)
Translational   Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 23792868Feb-2023Wolters   Kluwer:  Lippincott Williams and   Wilkins
Wound   Practice and Research1837630422029729Feb-2023Cambridge Media
Journal of   Derivatives and Quantitative Studies1229988X27136647Feb-2023Emerald
Compensation   and Benefits Review0886368715523837Feb-2023Sage
Bulletin   of Atmospheric Science and Technology2662149526621509Feb-2023Springer
Iraqi   National Journal of Earth Science1682322226642816Feb-2023College of   Science, University of Mosul
Journal of   Geomechanics10066616 Feb-2023Institute of   Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
Unconventional   Resources 26665190Feb-2023KeAI Publishing   Group
Nano   Research Energy2791009127908119Feb-2023Tsinghua   University Press
Zhongguo   Ertong Baojian Zazhi10086579 Feb-2023Editorial Office   of Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
Pisevye   Sistemy2618977126187272Feb-2023V.M. Gorbatov   Federal Research Center for Food Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Light:   Advanced Manufacturing2689962028314093Feb-2023Light Publishing   Group
Magnetic   Resonance Letters2097004827725162Feb-2023KeAI Publishing   Group
Letters in   Applied NanoBioScience 22846808Feb-2023AMG Transcend   Association
Clinical   Psychology Today2565569825655698Feb-2023University of   Galway
Materials   for Quantum Technology 26334356Feb-2023IoP Institute of   Physics
Journal of   Research Updates in Polymer Science 19295995Feb-2023Lifescience Global
World   Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2301301X23356693Feb-2023World Scientific   Publishing
Chemical   Review and Letters2676727926454947Feb-2023Iranian Chemical   Science and Technologies Association
Jurnal   Kimia Valensi2460606525483013Feb-2023Department of   Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta   State Islamic University
Revista   Ciencias Marinas y Costeras 1659407XFeb-2023Universidad   Nacional
Current   Green Chemistry221334612213347XFeb-2023Bentham Science   Publishers
Electrochemical   Science Advances 26985977Feb-2023Wiley-Blackwell:  Wiley-VCH
International   Nano Letters2008929522285326Feb-2023Springer
Advanced   Textile Technology1009265X Feb-2023Periodical Agency   of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Journal of   Molecular Science10009035 Feb-2023Editorial   Department of Journal of Molecular Science
Analytical   Science Advances 26285452Feb-2023Wiley-Blackwell
Astim   Allerji Immunoloji13089234 Feb-2023BULUŞ Design and   Printing Services Company
Australasian   Journal of Plastic Surgery 2209170XJan-2023OpenJournals   Publishing
Slobozhanskyi   Herald of Science and Sport1991017723116374Jan-2023Kharkiv State   Academy of Physical Culture
Technologies 22277080Jan-2023MDPI   Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Folia   Toruniensia1641379226574837Jan-2023Provincial Public   Library ? the Copernicus Library in Torun
Data and   Policy 26323249Jan-2023Cambridge   University Press
Journal of   Artificial Intelligence and Technology 27668649Jan-2023Intelligence   Science and Technology Press Inc.
JSES   Reviews, Reports, and Techniques 26666391Jan-2023Elsevier
Ukrainian   Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics2706875727071375Jan-2023Group of Companies   Med Expert, LLC
Open   Access Journal of Sports Medicine 11791543Jan-2023Taylor and   Francis: Dove Medical Press Ltd
Addicta:   the Turkish Journal on Addictions2148728621491305Jan-2023AVES
Internet   of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems 26673452Jan-2023KeAI Publishing   Group
Frontiers   in Global Women’s Health 26735059Jan-2023Frontiers Media   S.A.
Psicogente012401372027212XJan-2023Universidad Simón   Bolívar
Journal on   Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe 16175247Jan-2023European Centre   for Minority Issues
Scandinavian   Journal of Public Administration2001740520017413Jan-2023School of Public   Administration, University of Gothenburg
International   Journal of Educational Research and Innovation 23864303Jan-2023Universidad Pablo   de Olavide
Journal of   Catholic Education 23738170Jan-2023Digital commons
Journal of   Optimization2356752X23146486Jan-2023Wiley-Blackwell:   Hindawi
Emergency   Care Journal1826982622822054Jan-2023PAGEPress
Majalah   Obat Tradisional1410591824069086Jan-2023Faculty of   Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Oxford   Open Immunology 26336960Jan-2023Oxford University   Press
Nigerian   Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences0331854024889288Jan-2023Wolters Kluwer:   Medknow Publications
Science   and Technology of Cereals, Oils and Foods10077561 Jan-2023Academy of   National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration
Heart and   Mind2468647624686484Jan-2023Wolters Kluwer:   Medknow Publications
Huarte de   San Juan. Geografia e Historia 23410809Jan-2023Public University   of Navarre
Studia   Universitatis Hereditati 23505443Jan-2023University of   Primorska Press
Health in   Emergencies and Disasters Quarterly 23454210Jan-2023Negah Scientific   Publisher / Owner: University of Social Welfare & Rehabilitation Sciences
Tuberculosis,   Lung Diseases, HIV Infection2220507125221094Jan-2023Private Enterprise   INPOL LTM
Modern   Gastroenterology172757252521649XJan-2023Publishing Company   VIT-A-POL
Biomimetic   Intelligence and Robotics2097024226673797Jan-2023Elsevier
Southern   Energy Construction20958676 Jan-2023Energy Observer   Magazine Co., Ltd.
Hydrogeology   and Engineering Geology10003665 Jan-2023Editorial office   of Hydorgeology and Engeneering
Geotecnia0379952221848394Jan-2023Imprensa da   Universidade de Coimbra
Energotehnologii   i Resursosberezenie2413772326643561Jan-2023The Gas Institute   of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Yankuang   Ceshi02545357 Jan-2023Science Press   (China)
Multipurpose   Utilization of Mineral Resources10006532 Jan-2023Editorial   Department of Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources
Transactions   on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications 27450120Jan-2023Universidad   Tecnológica de Bolívar
Journal of   Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches2008788824238007Jan-2023University of   Isfahan
Scientific   Contributions Oil and Gas2089336125410520Jan-2023Pusat Penelitian   dan Pengembangan Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi ‘LEMIGAS’
Energy   Research Letters 26526433Jan-2023Asia-Pacific   Applied Economics Association
GeoFocus 15785157Jan-2023The Geographical   Information Technologies Working Group
Journal of   the Bulgarian Geographical Society2738810727388115Jan-2023Bulgarian   Geographical Society
Revista   Cartografica0080208526633981Jan-2023Pan American   Institute of Geography and History
Earth   (Switzerland) 26734834Jan-2023MDPI   Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Marine   Geology and Quaternary Geology02561492 Jan-2023Science Press   (China)
Warta   Geologi0126553926827549Jan-2023Geological Society   of Malaysia
Mediterranean   Geoscience Reviews2661863X26618648Jan-2023Springer
Plateau   Meteorology 10000534Jan-2023Science Press   (China)
Trends in   Earth Observation2612714826127911Jan-2023Italian Remote   Sensing Society (AIT)
Revista de   Geociencias do Nordeste 24473359Jan-2023Laboratório de   Geoprocessamento e Geografia Física
Horizonte   de Enfermeria0716886107196946Jan-2023Paz Soto Fuentes
Practical   Issues in Geriatrics2509606025096079Jan-2023Springer
American   Heart Journal Plus: Cardiology Research and Practice 26666022Jan-2023Elsevier
Springer   Polar Sciences2510047525100483Jan-2023Springer
Transactions   of Atmospheric Sciences16747097 Jan-2023Editorial   Department of Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences
Engineering   Geology and Hydrogeology0204793427386996Jan-2023Geological   Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Frontiers   in Conservation Science 2673611XJan-2023Frontiers Media   S.A.
Geology   and Exploration04955331 Jan-2023Editorial Board of   Geology and Exploration
Energy   Nexus 27724271Jan-2023Elsevier
Energy and   Climate Change 26662787Jan-2023Elsevier
Egyptian   Journal of Veterinary Science111002222357089XJan-2023National   information and documentation center
Dairy 2624862XJan-2023MDPI   Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Journal of   Dentomaxillofacial Science2503081725030825Jan-2023Facultas   Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Hasanuddin
Analecta   Veterinaria0365514815142590Jan-2023Universidad   Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias
International   Arab Journal of Dentistry2218088527094774Jan-2023Saint Joseph   University of Beirut in the name of the Association of the Arab Dental   Faculties
Jurnal   Pengukuran Psikologi dan Pendidikan Indonesia2089624726545713Jan-2023UIN Syarif   Hidayatullah Jakarta
Geosystems   and Geoenvironment 27728838Jan-2023Elsevier
Journal of   Advanced Oral Research2320206823202076Jan-2023Sage
Insight2663970X26646005Jan-2023Publishing house   ‘HELVETICA’ Kherson State University
Horticultura   Argentina0327343118519342Jan-2023Asociación   Argentina de Horticultura – ASAHO
Journal of   Solar Energy Research2588309725883100Jan-2023University of   Tehran
Afrika   Focus 2031356XJan-2023Brill
Lifelong   Learning Book Series1871322X27305325Jan-2023Springer
EPJ   Nuclear Sciences and Technology 24919292Jan-2023EDP Sciences
Conference   Proceedings of the European sCO2 Conference 25107852Jan-2023DuEPublico
Geological   Journal1025681425224107Jan-2023Institute of   Geological Sciences of NAS of Ukraine
Mongolian   Geoscientist2220062226635151Jan-2023The Geological   Society of Mongolia
Adiyaman   University Journal of Science214716302146586XJan-2023ADIYAMAN   UNIVERSITY
Revista   Guillermo de Ockham1794192X22563202Jan-2023Universidad de San   Buenaventura
Precision   Nanomedicine 26399431Jan-2023Andover House Inc.
Geoconservation   Research2645466125887343Jan-2023Islamic Azad   University
Therapeutic   Advances in Ophthalmology 25158414Jan-2023Sage
ES Food   and Agroforestry2687729526877309Jan-2023Engineered Science   Publisher LLC
Journal of   Wound Management and Research2586040225860410Jan-2023Korean Wound   Management Society
European   Heart Journal Open 27524191Jan-2023Oxford University   Press
Transactions   of the American Mathematical Society Series B 23300000Jan-2023American   Mathematical Society
Beyoglu   Eye Journal2459177725870394Jan-2023Kare Publishing
Hungarian   Studies Yearbook 26687542Jan-2023Walter de Gruyter:   Sciendo
Boletin de   la Biblioteca de Menendez Pelayo00061646 Jan-2023Sociedad Menéndez   Pelayo
Iranian   Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism2345400823454016Jan-2023TUMS Tehran   University of Medical Sciences
L2 Journal 19450222Jan-2023eScholarship
Chinese   Journal of Health Management16740815 Jan-2023Chinese Medical   Journals Publishing House Co. , Ltd.
Modern   Nuclear Energy Analysis Methods2591785425917862Jan-2023World Scientific   Publishing

Newly Added Scopus indexed journals march 2023

The newly added Scopus-indexed journals in March 2023 provide researchers with an even wider range of high-quality research publications to choose from. These newly added journals cover diverse fields, providing a comprehensive platform for researchers to share their latest findings and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.