HomeJournalsList of Open Access SCI Journals in Computer Science

List of Open Access SCI Journals in Computer Science

Open Access Journals in Computer Science SCI and Scopus Indexed Journals

Web of Science (WoS) is an online subscription-based Scientific Citation Indexing (SCI) service originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information(ISI) in 1964. In this article, a list of computer science engineering Open Access (OA) SCI journals indexed in web of science are provided for researchers to identify and publish their manuscripts.

ISI was acquired by Thomson Scientific & Healthcare in 1992 and named Thomson Reuters Intellectual Property and Science Business, which became known as Thomson ISI, later it was maintained by Clarivate Analytics to provide a comprehensive citation search of all indexing.

Open Access Journals(OAJ)

All articles in open-access journals that are published by reputed publishers have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.

List of Open Access Journals in Computer Science – SCI Indexed

1Journal of Statistical Software15487660
2Molecular Systems Biology17444292
5npj Quantum Information20566387
6npj Computational Materials20573960
7Scientific data20524463
9PLoS Computational Biology15537358
10Social Media and Society20563051
11Database : the journal of biological databases and curation17580463
12Frontiers in Neuroinformatics16625196
13Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal20010370
14Journal of Cheminformatics17582946
15Journal of Machine Learning Research15337928
16BMC Bioinformatics14712105
17Language Learning and Technology10943501
18International Journal of Molecular Sciences14220067
20EPJ Data Science21931127
21Evolutionary Bioinformatics11769343
22International Journal of Health Geographics1476072X
23Journal of Biomedical Semantics20411480
24Algorithms for Molecular Biology17487188
25PeerJ Computer Science23765992
26Theory of Computing15572862
28Library and Information Science Research7408188
29Electronic Journal of Combinatorics10778926
30Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science22348395
31Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research10769757
32BioData Mining17560381
33International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems18756891
34Journal of Formalized Reasoning19725787
35Bioinformatics and Biology Insights11779322
36Information Technology and Libraries7309295
37Gene Regulation and Systems Biology11776250
38Electronic Journal of e-Learning14794403
39Journal of Computational Design and Engineering22885048
40Egyptian Informatics Journal11108665
41International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education23659440
42IEEE Access21693536
43Frontiers in Neurorobotics16625218
46Journal of Advanced Transportation1976729
47Research in Learning Technology21567077
48Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics1997003X
49Computer Optics1342452
50Source Code for Biology and Medicine17510473
51Frontiers Robotics AI22969144
52International Journal of Design1994036X
53Eurasip Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology16874153
54International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science1641876X
55Digital Communications and Networks23528648
56Journal of Cybersecurity20572093
57Electronics (Switzerland)20799292
58Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences21921962
59Logical Methods in Computer Science18605974
60Computational Linguistics8912017
61Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy1891943X
62Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science13658050
63Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences22131248
64Systems Science and Control Engineering21642583
65Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice2165316X
66Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry20908873
67Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience16875273
68Journal of Internet Services and Applications18674828
69Journal of Information Technology Education:Research15393585
70Journal of Energy in Southern Africa1021447X
71Applied Sciences (Switzerland)20763417
72Language Documentation and Conservation19345275
73Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences23001917
75ICT Express24059595
76E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal18977979
78Journal of Cloud Computing2192113X
79Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research24496499
80Virtual Archaeology Review19899947
81Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research7181876
82Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society18266223
83Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing16875281
84International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems17298806
86Journal of Spatial Information Science1948660X
87Journal of Universal Computer Science0948695X
88Transactions on Data Privacy18885063
89Studies in Informatics and Control12201766
90Digital Education Review20139144
91Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks22242708
92Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking16871499
94Eurasip Journal on Information Security2510523X
95Security and Communication Networks19390122
96RIAI – Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial16977920
97Image Processing On Line21051232
98Journal of Modern Transportation2095087X
99Australasian Journal of Information Systems14498618
103Informatics in Education23358971
104Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques22638733
106Scientific Programming10589244
107Cogent Engineering23311916
108International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks15501329
109International Journal of Computer Games Technology16877047
110International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications16876415
112Journal of Engineering23144912
114Mobile Information Systems1574017X
115Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika23112263
116Transport and Telecommunication14076179
117Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences19467664
118Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing15308677
119Journal of Robotics16879600
120Future Internet19995903
122Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing16879724
123Annals of Library and Information Studies9725423
124Journal of Object Technology16601769
125ETRI Journal12256463
126Scientific Annals of Computer Science18438121
128Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering20900147
129Information (Switzerland)20782489
130Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications23066172
131Computer Science and Information Systems18200214
132Cybernetics and Information Technologies13119702
133Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences13000632
134Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries16814835
135Journal of Control Science and Engineering16875249
137Computer Assisted Surgery24699322
138Image Analysis and Stereology15803139
139Journal of Electrical Systems11125209
140Journal of Computer Networks and Communications20907141
141International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications20818491
142Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering18447600
143Archeologia e Calcolatori23851953
144Journal of Intelligent Systems3341860
145Baghdad Science Journal24117986
146Interaction Design and Architecture(s)18269745
147Modelling and Simulation in Engineering16875605
148Computacion y Sistemas14055546
149Advances in Multimedia16875680
150Acta Scientiarum – Technology18078664
151Journal of Interactive Online Learning15414914
152Advances in Human-Computer Interaction16875893
153Business Systems Research18479375
154Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences18463312
155Smart Science23080477
156International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing16877209
157International Journal of Security and its Applications17389976
158Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao14139936
159Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences23003405
160APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing20487703
161TEM Journal22178309
163Eurasip Journal of Embedded Systems16873955
164International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing22117938
165Journal of ICT Research and Applications23375787
166Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine15548716
167Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration17475333
168Internetworking Indonesia Journal19429703
169Medijske Studije18479758
170IIUM Engineering Journal1511788X
172Computer Science23007036
173Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnologia7192576
174Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts16469798
175Texto Livre19833652

Source: Scimagojr.com

List of Non-Paid SCI and Scopus Indexed Computer Science Engineering Journals

What is the difference between SCI, SCIE and ESCI Journals?

How to Identify ISI, Scopus, or Scimago Indexed journals?



  1. […] Web of Science Core Collection includes only journals that demonstrate high levels of editorial rigor and best practice. As well as the Web of Science Core Collection, you can search across the following specialty collections: Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, and Current Contents Connect, as well as the Chemical Information products. […]

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