PhD positions-Call 2020-IMPRS-IDI

PhD postions

The IMPRS-IDI is a vibrant international doctoral program with about 70 doctoral students from more than 20 different countries. It offers outstanding training and support in an excellent scientific network. Faculty members are affiliated with internationally renowned research institutes in Berlin as well as the Berlin universities.

Their mission is to support students to develop into creative and critical, responsible and self-confident young researchers.

It strives to provide excellent training for our students. The outstanding research projects analyzing the genetic, biochemical and organismal basis of infections and immune reactions in our graduate school program are supported by a flexible curriculum structure, including training courses and lectures on scientific topics as well as technical and complementary skills.

PhD projects

PhD projects are available and will start between March and October 2020.

  • In vivo imaging and manipulation of the tuberculous granuloma (Cronan lab)
  • The role of ILC for the maintenance of tumour stem cells (Diefenbach lab)
  • Unravelling the seasonal epidemiology of invasive disease-causing bacteria Cellès lab)
  • Pathogen factors and host immune responses to co-infections in Drosophila melanogaster (Iatsenko lab)
  • The impact of low-fidelity genome replication on herpes virus (Osterrieder lab)
  • Single-cell gene expression analysis of P. falciparum (Portugal lab)
  • Visualizing immune cell activation at single-molecule resolution (Taylor lab)
  • Mechanisms of Neutrophil Extracellular Trap formation (Zychlinsky lab)


Applicants must hold a German Master (MSc), a German Diploma or an equivalent international degree in biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, chemistry, or other related subjects. It is not necessary to hold the degree at the time of your application, but you will need a few weeks before you begin to work with us.

In rare instances and only for exceptional students, we accept applicants with a Bachelor’s degree. For these students, we offer a tailor-made preparatory program, which allows them to attend lectures and practical course to qualify for the doctoral phase. Some knowledge of German may be required for the preparatory program.

The language of our school is English. Therefore, all our doctoral students must have a very good command of English.

Call for PhD positions 2020

Highly motivated and talented candidates of all nationalities who are strongly committed to research. Applicants should hold an excellent M.Sc. or equivalent degree.

How to apply?

Applications are accepted via the online application platform. This platform is a “one-step” application system. You will not be able to save the application form in between or upload documents later. Please have all the relevant information and all documents ready once you enter the application process!

To be prepared, please read the following instructions:

  • The online application form must be completed in English only.
  • Your email address and postal mail address must be up to date!
  • All fields marked with an “!” are required information. Fields marked with an “*” are limited in terms of characters accepted.
  • In section 4 “References” you will have to provide the contact details of two referees that support your application. Our system will inform your referees automatically shortly after your application has been submitted. Make sure, there are no typos in the contact details – otherwise, the system cannot contact them. Please pick your referees carefully and inform them about their role. Please be aware that your referees will only have time to submit their references until October 31!
  • You can choose your research group preferences according to the project descriptions in section 5. The pulldown menu allows you to choose faculty members that offer a project within this round of recruitment. The order of your choices is interpreted as a tentative ranking. However, it does not limit your choice at a later stage! Once you are invited to our assessment week you will have the opportunity to meet all faculty members that offer a project.
  • Section 5.2 “Motivation and career plans” is one of the most critical parts of your application! You should clearly communicate why you are an ideal candidate for the IMPRS-IDI. Please comment also on your plans for your professional future. Here it is very important to be specific, meaningful and concise!
  • In the end, we ask you to upload a single PDF document containing your CV, high school diploma, university certificates and transcripts and other supporting documents (such as GRE certificates, language tests, prize) in that order. The file should not exceed 10 MB. Please do NOT send thesis abstracts, posters or other documents of minor importance. Application documents that do not meet these criteria may be disregarded by the system.
  • To submit your application, click the button “START”.

Successful submission will be confirmed by email shortly after submission. You will not be able to change anything after this point.

Apply here-> Registration

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