HomePOSTDOCPostdoctoral position in experimental physics - Stockholm University

Postdoctoral position in experimental physics – Stockholm University

A Postdoctoral position opening is available for a skilled experimental physicist to work on research projects with stored ions and laser beams at the DESIREE storage-ring facility.

Postdoctoral position

A Postdoctoral opening is available for a skilled experimental physicist to work on research projects with stored ions and laser beams at the DESIREE storage-ring facility. DESIREE is since January 1, 2018 a national infrastructure with support from the Swedish Research Council.

The status of the facility is currently that very long storage lifetimes have been achieved and relaxation to the lowest rotational levels indicating thermal equilibrium with the cryogenic surroundings has been demonstrated. Both these aspects have enabled experimental results published in Physical Review Letters and there highlighted as Editors’ choice.

The latest developments are the first results of measurements of mutual neutralization between anions and cations stored in the two storage rings and interacting within their common straight section. These results have recently been published and the article is found here.

A group of DESIREE using researchers (lead by PI Prof. Henrik Cederquist) has been awarded a major project grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation for studies of mutual neutralization processes in DESIREE of relevance to astrophysics. Specific information on the Wallenberg project is found here (in Swedish).

Main responsibilities

The position involves research with stored beams of atomic and molecular ions and the investigation and manipulation of such beams by laser light and in collisions.

Ref. No. SU FV-3887-20

Closing date: 15 November 2020

More Information: Postdoc Position in Stockholm Universityn

Rating: 5 out of 5.


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