Read your brainwaves through headphones

Read your brainwaves through headphones

Increasing usage of wearable health tracking devices leads to new innovations on the Internet of Medical Things(IoMT). when I say wearable device the first one comes to your mind is Fitbits watches and bands but in the upcoming years, the most powerful health monitoring wearable device is going to be your headphones.

In futur your iPod will play random songs based on the state of your brain waves!


What a healthmonitoring headphone can do?

Unlike a normal headphone, a health monitoring wearable headphone can monitor your heartbeat, identify your stress level also track your brain wave.

These rapid improvements in wearable technologies lead to a convergence of medicine and consumer technologies.

Why Earphone? Why not other werables?

Researchers found that the ear is a great place to track steps, heart rate, falls, and even brain waves that can indicate focus. It’s also a good spot to place galvanic skin response sensors that can detect stress.

Also, some of the technologies already available in the headphone such as radio frequency processing, infrared noise filtering, ultra radiation sensors create more possibilities to deploy a new health monitoring hearphones.


  • Maintainging a consistetnt battery energy in the lightweight health tracking heaphes are more challenging.
  • Traditional hearing aids use replaceable zinc-air batteries, but health monitoring headphones like bluetooh devices required rechargable batteries.
  • Its challengeing ot implement advanced Artificial Inteligence(AI) sensors to detect the surrounding sound and trunoff the devices when not in use.
  • Maintaining proper internet connection and keeping it within the guided radio frequency range is more challengeing in energy constrained device.

Despite of the challenges, every innovation is acceptable if it really going to help people.


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