Revision of UGC Fellowship Amount 2023

Revision of UGC fellowship amount 2023

Revision of UGC fellowship amount 2023

University Grants Commission (UGC) in its 572nd meeting held on 20th September 2023 approved the revised fellowship amount under the UGC fellowship scheme for the benefit of the research scholars. The fixed rates of the Fellowship are applicable from 01st January 2023. Find the beneficiaries of this latest announcement of UGC fellowship revision 2023.

UGC Fellowship Revision 2023

The beneficiaries of this latest announcement are

  1. UGC NET Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in Science, Humanities, and Social Sciences;
  2. JRF and SRF in Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Fellowship for Single Girl Child;
  3. Post-Doctoral Fellow in Dr. D. S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship;
  4. Post-Doctoral Fellow in Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Post-Doctoral Fellowship for women SC/ST candidates.

The Existing and Revised Amounts of the Fellowship

S. No.Fellowship NameExisting Fellowship (Rs. Per Month)Revised Fellowship (Rs. Per Month)
1.JRF and SRF in Science, Humanities, and Social SciencesJRF @ Rs. 31,000/- for 2 years   SRF @ 35,000 for remaining tenureJRF @ Rs. 37,000/- for 2 years   SRF @ 42,000 for remaining tenure
2.Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Fellowship for Single Girl ChildJRF @ Rs. 31,000/- for 2 years   SRF @ 35,000 for remaining tenureJRF @ Rs. 37,000/- for 2 years   SRF @ 42,000 for remaining tenure
3.Dr. D. S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship*Higher Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Rs. 54,000 for entire tenure   Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Rs. 47,000 for I year Rs. 49,000 for II year Rs. 54,000 for III yearHigher Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Rs. 67,000 for entire tenure   Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Rs. 58,000 for I year Rs. 61,000 for II year Rs. 67,000 for III year
4.Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Post-Doctoral Fellowship for women SC/ST candidates*Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Rs. 47,000 for I year Rs. 49,000 for II year Rs. 54,000 for III year onwardsPost-Doctoral Fellowship: Rs. 58,000 for I year Rs. 61,000 for II year Rs. 67,000 for III year onwards
Existing and Revised Amounts of the Fellowship

*The enhanced fellowship rates in the designated UGC scheme shall be applicable to existing beneficiaries only.

Note: The percentage of calculating House Rent Allowance will be based on the fellowship amount

  1. The above-revised rates of fellowship are applicable w.e.f 01.01.2023.
  2. The other terms and conditions will remain the same as per the UGC fellowship guidelines.