HomeFunded ProjectsSERB Fund for Industrial Research Engagement (SERB- FIRE)

SERB Fund for Industrial Research Engagement (SERB- FIRE)

SERB call for proposal 2022

Request for Proposals

The Scheme for funding Industry Relevant R&D (IRRD) of SERB aims to utilize the
expertise available in academic institutions and national laboratories (“academic partners”)
to solve industry-specific problems for the larger benefit of society. The Program titled ‘Fund for Industrial Research Engagement (FIRE)’ under IRRD supports ideas that address well-defined problems of industrial relevance in project mode. SERB signed partnership agreements with a few selected industries including GE India Industrial Private Limited (GE India). Funding support by SERB and GE India shall be on equal basis of 1:1 ratio for projects jointly executed by academic partners and GE India under the program.
R&D proposals are solicited from scientists in specified themes. The themes fall under
the following research areas:

Research Areas

  1. Healthcare Technologies
  2. Aviation Technologies
  3. Renewable Technologies

Healthcare Technologies (5 Themes)

  1. A scalable image quality transfer approach for differential diagnosis of dementia
    using MR oximetry at low field strengths.
  2. Meta-learning framework for Imaging applications.
  3. Patient-specific Precision Surgical Aids.
  4. Oncology Digital Model for Home Infusion
  5. Smart Patient Summaries for Oncology

Aviation Technologies (3 Themes)

  1. Development of miniatured auto-focus high-resolution camera for Inspection which
    can map the Airfoil defects.
  2. Understand and Model MTR Evolution in Titanium-64.
  3. Developing a Robust containment system for high-speed rotating components in
    aircraft systems.

Renewable Technologies (2 Themes)

Development of a modeling framework with appropriate meso and microscale
models for accurate wind resource estimation.

Matrix performance improvement in composite structure using Carbon Nano Tubes.
Illustrations of the problem statement under each theme will guide the prospective
investigators to align and sharpen their proposal. Accordingly, the Investigators are requested to go through the details carefully before submitting the proposal.


  • The PI/Co-PI should have carried out projects in the theme specified and have a minimum of 5 years of experience in the domain.
  • GE India will have a Co-PI on the selected proposal.
  • The projects to be identified should be at TRL 3 or above. Typical duration of the
  • project should be 2 years with strict performance review.
  • Sharing of Intellectual property rights emanating from the projects shall be determined based on the mutual discussions between the Industry Partner and the identified academic institution/investigator. An agreement (individual agreement) defining the modalities of IP sharing will be made between the academic partner and GE India before commencement of the project.


  • Applicants [Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Principal Investigator(s) (Co-PI(s))] should be Indian citizens. The applicant(s) must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution or national laboratory or in any other recognized R & D institution in India.
  • The funding is provided for a period of two years. The research grant is provided for minor equipment (essential), manpower, consumables, travel, and contingency. “Overheads” are also provided to the implementing institution as per prevailing norms of SERB.
  • All the rights, duties, and obligations pertaining to any intellectual property, profit sharing/royalty, and/or related aspects shall be discussed and agreed upon separately in writing with the participating academic institute(s) and GE India under definitive agreement(s), in order to enable GE India to commercialize and benefit from the developed solutions.

Please visit the SERB online portal for more details & submission of proposals: SERB

6 Tips to Prepare Successful Project Proposal for SERB CRG


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