Short-term Research Grant | DST | India

Short-term Research Grant DST

Department of Science and Technology(DST) invites applications for the Short-term Research Grant special call for Nano Coating COVID-19.

DST and SERB call

Considering emerging health care requirements to combat the COVID-19 epidemic, DST & SERB announces rapid/ short-term projects in the following thrust areas, preferably with multidisciplinary efforts:

Antiviral Nano-coatings for materials to be used on the appropriate material for producing anti-COVID-19 Triple Layer Medical masks and N-95 respirator or better masks in large quantities.

All components of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for safeguarding the health of all health care workers against COVID-19 with industrial partners for scaling up production.

Project Duration

Project duration should be maximum up to 1-year with a maximum budget limit of Rs. 25-30 lakhs (including overhead) for developing the Nano-coating and new nano-based material for the components of PPE, which can be transferred to the partnering Industry or a Start-up.

The industry contribution could be in the form of manpower and its CTC, or partly for testing of nano-coating to meet the EU or US standards for exporting the developed product.

How to submit a DST grant application

Proposals should be submitted through the SERB online portal ( in their Core Research Grant (CRG) format.

Proposals will be initially screened for the competence of PI, suitability and scope prior to peer-review.

All items developed and transferred to industry should meet the International standards or BSI standards for ensuring Quality of the nano-coating based product produced.

Projects concerning other pathogens will not be considered in this call.

It may be noted that no hardcopy of the proposal may be sent to DST or SERB.

Projects will be evaluated on first-come basis.

Last date of submission as April 30,2020

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