Theoretical Research vs Applied Research

Differences between Theoretical Research vs Applied Research

Theoretical Research vs Applied Research

Theoretical research is research that is conducted without any practical applications in mind. It is often conducted to gain a greater understanding of a concept or to test a hypothesis. Applied research, on the other hand, is research conducted with the intention of solving a specific problem. In this article, we have explained the important differences between Theoretical Research vs Applied Research in the academic.

What is Theoretical Research?

Theoretical research is research that is done in order to test a theory. Theories are ideas that have been proposed to explain how something works. They are usually based on observations and experiments that have been done.

What is Applied Research?

Applied research is research that is conducted to solve a specific, practical problem. It is often contrasted with basic research, which is research that is conducted to increase scientific knowledge.

Theoretical Research vs Applied Research

The main difference between theatrical research and applied research is that theatrical research is conducted to further knowledge in a particular area, while applied research is conducted to solve a specific problem.

Theatrical research is often conducted by academics and scientists, while applied research is often conducted by businesses and organizations.

Theatrical research is research that is conducted in order to further knowledge in a particular area of the theater. This type of research is often conducted by scholars and academics who are looking to contribute to the body of knowledge in the field. Applied research, on the other hand, is research that is conducted in order to solve a specific problem or address a specific need. This type of research is often conducted by practitioners who are looking for ways to improve their practice.

10 Applied Research Ideas

  1. Developing a new method for measuring the effects of advertising on consumer behavior
  2. Investigating the impact of social media on consumer behavior
  3. Studying the effect of celebrity endorsements on consumer behavior
  4. Examining the impact of brand image on consumer behavior
  5. Investigating the effect of price on consumer behavior
  6. Studying the effect of promotions on consumer behavior
  7. Examining the impact of product quality on consumer behavior
  8. Investigating the effect of store environment on consumer behavior
  9. Studying the effect of customer service on consumer behavior
  10. Examining the impact of return policies on consumer behavior

10 example Theritacl Research ideas for Researchers

  1. How does the Internet affect the way we think and learn?
  2. How does social media affect the way we interact with each other?
  3. How does technology affect the way we think and learn?
  4. How does the way we think and learn affect the way we use technology?
  5. How does the way we use technology affect the way we interact with each other?
  6. How does the way we interact with each other affect the way we think and learn?
  7. How does the way we think and learn affect the way we use technology?
  8. How does the way we use technology affect the way we interact with each other?
  9. How does the way we interact with each other affect the way we think and learn?
  10. How does the way we think and learn affect the way we use technology?

I hope, this article would help you to know the difference between Theoretical Research vs Applied Research and some of the ideas to start your research.

Also Read: What is Conflict of Interest?

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