Top 100 Journals in Computer Science and Engineering with Impact factor

Top Computer Science Journals with Impact Factor

Top 100 Journals in Computer Science and Engineering with Impact factor

Computer science and Engineering is an emerging area with various sub-research areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, and Augment Reality. In this, researchers are concentrating on various research problems and numerous journals are available for publication. In this article, iLovePhD listed the top 100 journals in computer science and engineering with impact factors.

Top 100 Computer Science and Engineering Journals

RankJournal nameResearch Impact factorPeriodicityJournal website Link
 1IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence25.25MonthlyView
 2IEEE Communications Magazine22.11MonthlyView
 3IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials20.30QuarterlyView
 4IEEE Transactions on Image Processing20.13MonthlyView
 5IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications19.80MonthlyView
 6IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications18.64MonthlyView
 7IEEE Internet of Things Journal17.66QuarterlyView
 8Pattern Recognition17.32MonthlyView
 9IEEE Transactions on Communications16.34MonthlyView
 10ACM Computing Surveys16.17QuarterlyView
 11IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems16.17MonthlyView
 12IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology15.84MonthlyView
 13IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics15.84MonthlyView
 14IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing15.68Semi-MonthlyView
 15IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics15.51QuarterlyView
 16Future Generation Computer Systems15.18BimonthlyView
 18IEEE Wireless Communications14.36BimonthlyView
 19IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering14.36MonthlyView
 20Information Sciences14.36Semi-MonthlyView
 21IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control14.03MonthlyView
 22IEEE Signal Processing Magazine13.86BimonthlyView
 23Journal of Machine Learning Research13.37BimonthlyView
 25ACM Transactions on Graphics13.20BimonthlyView
 26IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security13.04MonthlyView
 27Proceedings of the IEEE13.04MonthlyView
 28IEEE Transactions on Multimedia12.87BimonthlyView
 29International Journal of Computer Vision12.71MonthlyView
 30IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems12.54MonthlyView
 31IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems12.21QuarterlyView
  32IEEE Transactions on Information Theory12.21MonthlyView
  33Knowledge-Based Systems11.71BimonthlyView
  34IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics11.55MonthlyView
  35International Journal of Robotics Research11.38MonthlyView
  36IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing11.38MonthlyView
  37Communications of the ACM11.22MonthlyView
  38IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics10.89MonthlyView
  39Information Fusion10.89QuarterlyView
  40IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid10.72BimonthlyView
  41IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging10.72MonthlyView
 42IEEE Communications Letters10.72MonthlyView
 43IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters10.72 View
44 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.56 View
 45IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing10.39MonthlyView
 46IEEE Network10.39BimonthlyView
 47IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking10.39BimonthlyView
 48IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems10.39BimonthlyView
 49Expert Systems with Applications10.39Semi-monthlyView
 50IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering9.90MonthlyView
51 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology9.90MonthlyView
 52Computer Graphics Forum9.73BimonthlyView
 53IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing9.40BimonthlyView
 54Applied Soft Computing9.24MonthlyView
55 IEEE Signal Processing Letters9.24MonthlyView
 57IEEE Transactions on Robotics9.07BimonthlyView
 58Medical Image Analysis9.07BimonthlyView
 59Computer Vision and Image Understanding8.91MonthlyView
 60Autonomous Robots8.91BimonthlyView
 61IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology8.74BimonthlyView
 62Sensors8.74 View
63 IEEE Wireless Communications Letters8.74 View
 64Empirical Software Engineering8.41QuarterlyView
 65IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering8.41 View
 66IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems8.41MonthlyView
 67Journal of Systems and Software8.25MonthlyView
 68IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing8.25BimonthlyView
 69European Journal of Operational Research8.25Semi-monthlyView
70 SIAM Journal on Computing8.25BimonthlyView
 71IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation8.09BimonthlyView
72 SIAM Journal on Optimization8.09 View
 73NeuroImage8.09 View
 74IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing7.75MonthlyView
 75Journal of Network and Computer Applications7.59BimonthlyView
 76Multimedia Tools and Applications7.42MonthlyView
77 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits7.42MonthlyView
 78Image and Vision Computing7.42MonthlyView
 79IEEE Transactions on Services Computing7.42QuarterlyView
 80IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine7.26QuarterlyView
 81Computer Networks7.26Semi-monthlyView
82 IEEE Sensors Journal7.09MonthlyView
83 Software & Systems Modelling7.09QuarterlyView
 84IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics7.09BimonthlyView
 85Mathematical Programming6.93MonthlyView
 86Artificial Intelligence6.93MonthlyView
 87Knowledge and Information Systems6.93MonthlyView
 88Information and Software Technology6.93MonthlyView
 89IEEE Transactions on Big Data6.93 View
 90Remote Sensing6.76 View
 91Computers in Human Behavior6.76QuarterlyView
92 ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology6.76QuarterlyView
 93Pattern Recognition Letters6.76MonthlyView
94 IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking6.76 View
 95IEEE Systems Journal6.60QuarterlyView
 96Neural Networks6.60 View
 97Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing6.60MonthlyView
 98International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control6.60Semi-monthlyView
 99Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research6.60MonthlyView
 100Soft Computing6.43MonthlyView

I hope, this article helps you to find the high impact factor 100 Computer Science and Engineering Journals to publish your valuable research findings.

Also Read: List of Non-Paid SCI and Scopus Indexed Computer Science Engineering Journals