Top 12 Machine Learning Journals

Top Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Journal Publications

Top 12 Machine Learning Journals

Machine learning(ML) is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and inference instead. ML is also called the subset of artificial intelligence(AI). There are many high impact factor machine learning journals accepts and publishes articles which making claims about machine learning problems or methods provide solid support via empirical studies, theoretical analysis, or comparison to psychological phenomena.

In this article, ilovephd provides top 12 machine learning journals with impact factor details.

Check: What is Machine Learning?

1. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)| Impact Factor: 17.730

The IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) is published monthly. Its editorial board strives to present the most important research results in areas within TPAMI’s scope.

The articles in this journal are peer-reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual (sections 8.2.1.C & 8.2.2.A). Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-blind peer-review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.

2. Pattern Recognition| Impact Factor: 5.898 

Pattern Recognition is the official journal of the Pattern Recognition Society. The Society was formed to fill a need for information exchange among research workers in the pattern recognition field.

Up to now, we ‘pattern-recognitionophiles’ have been tagging along in computer science, information theory, optical processing techniques, and other miscellaneous fields. Because this work in pattern recognition presently appears in widely spread articles and as isolated lectures in conferences in many diverse areas, the purpose of the journal Pattern Recognition is to give all of us an opportunity to get together in one place to publish our work.

The journal will thereby expedite communication among research scientists interested in pattern recognition.

3. Journal of Machine Learning Research(JMLR)| Impact Factor: 4.091

The Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) provides an international forum for the electronic and paper publication of high-quality scholarly articles in all areas of machine learning. All published papers are freely available online.

JMLR has a commitment to rigorous yet rapid reviewing. JMLR seeks previously unpublished papers on machine learning that contain: new principled algorithms with sound empirical validation, and with the justification of theoretical, psychological, or biological nature.

Coverage includes:

Experimental and/or theoretical studies yielding new insight into the design and behaviour of learning in intelligent systems; accounts of applications of existing techniques that shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of the methods.

Formalization of new learning tasks (e.g., in the context of new applications) and of methods for assessing performance on those tasks.

Development of new analytical frameworks that advance theoretical studies of practical learning methods.

Computational models of data from natural learning systems at the behavioural or neural level; or extremely well-written surveys of existing work.

4. International Journal of Computer Vision| Impact Factor: 6.071 | Machine Learning Journals

International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) details the science and engineering of this rapidly growing field. Regular articles present major technical advances of broad general interest. Survey articles offer critical reviews of the state of the art and/or tutorial presentations of pertinent topics.

Coverage includes:

Machine Learning Journals: Mathematical, physical and computational aspects of computer vision: image formation, processing, analysis, and interpretation; machine learning techniques; statistical approaches; sensors.

Applications: image-based rendering, computer graphics, robotics, photo interpretation, image retrieval, video analysis and annotation, multi-media, and more.

Connections with human perception: computational and architectural aspects of human vision.

The journal also features book reviews, position papers, editorials by leading scientific figures, as well as additional on-line material, such as still images, video sequences, data sets, and software.

5. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (TFS) | Impact Factor: 8.759

The IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (TFS) is published quarterly.

TFS will consider papers that deal with the theory, design or an application of fuzzy systems ranging from hardware to software.

Authors are encouraged to submit articles, which disclose significant technical achievements, exploratory developments, or performance studies of fielded systems based on fuzzy models. Emphasis will be given to engineering applications.

6. Expert Systems with Applications | Impact Factor: 4.292 | Machine Learning Journals

Expert Systems With Applications has an open access mirror journal (Expert Systems with Applications: X), sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review.

Expert Systems With Applications is a refereed international journal whose focus is on exchanging information relating to expert and intelligent systems applied in industrygovernment, and universities worldwide.

The thrust of the journal is to publish papers dealing with the design, development, testing, implementation, and/or management of expert and intelligent systems, and also to provide practical guidelines in the development and management of these systems.

Coverage includes:

The journal will publish papers in expert and intelligent systems technology and application in the areas of, but not limited to:

Finance, accounting, engineering, marketing, auditing, law, procurement and contracting, project management, risk assessment, information management, information retrieval, crisis management, stock trading, strategic management, network management, telecommunications, space education, intelligent front ends, intelligent database management systems, medicine, chemistry, human resources management, human capital, business, production management, archaeology, economics, energy, and defense. Papers in multi-agent systems, knowledge management, neural networks, knowledge discovery, data and text mining, multimedia mining, and genetic algorithms will also be published in the journal.

Check: What are the types of Machine Learning?

7. Information Sciences | Impact Factor: 5.524 |Machine Learning Journals

Information Sciences will publish original, innovative and creative research results. A smaller number of timely tutorial and surveying contributions will be published from time to time.

The journal is designed to serve researchers, developers, managers, strategic planners, graduate students and others interested in state-of-the-art research activities in informationknowledge engineering and intelligent systems.

Readers are assumed to have a common interest in information science, but with diverse backgrounds in fields such as engineering, mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science, cell biology, molecular biology, management science, cognitive science, neurobiology, behavioural sciences and biochemistry.

The journal publishes high-quality, refereed articles. It emphasizes a balanced coverage of both theory and practice. It fully acknowledges and vividly promotes a breadth of the discipline of Informations Sciences.

8. Fuzzy Sets and Systems| Impact Factor: 2.907

Official Publication of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA). Since its launching in 1978, the journal Fuzzy Sets and Systems has been devoted to the international advancement of the theory and application of fuzzy sets and systems.

The theory of fuzzy sets now encompasses a well-organized corpus of basic notions including (and not restricted to) aggregation operations, a generalized theory of relations, specific measures of information content, a calculus of fuzzy numbers.

Fuzzy sets are also the cornerstone of non-additive uncertainty theory, namely possibility theory, and of a versatile tool for both linguistic and numerical modelling: fuzzy rule-based systems.

9. International Journal of Robotics Research(IJRR)| Impact Factor: 6.134

The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) was the first scholarly publication on robotics research.

IJRR offers incisive and thought-provoking original research papers and articles, perceptive reviews, and lively editorials on ground-breaking trends issues, technical developments, and theories in robotics by the outstanding scholars and practitioners in the field. The Journal covers more than just narrow technical advances-it embraces a wide variety of topics.

Consistently ranked in the top 3 in its category of the Thomson Scientific JCR, IJRR publishes scholarly articles that provide engineers, researchers, and scientists with the very best of current research on robotics research – from applied mathematics to artificial intelligence to computer science, to electrical and mechanical engineering.

IJRR also publishes high quality, peer-reviewed datasets and multimedia extensions alongside articles. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

10. Pattern Recognition Letters| Impact Factor: 2.810

Pattern Recognition Letters aims at rapid publication of concise articles of a broad interest in pattern recognition.
Subject areas include all the current fields of interest represented by the Technical Committees of the International Association of Pattern Recognition, and other developing themes involving learning and recognition. Examples include:

• Statistical, structural, syntactic pattern recognition;
• Neural networks, machine learning, data mining;
• Discrete geometry, algebraic, graph-based techniques for pattern recognition;
• Signal analysis, image coding and processing, shape and texture analysis;
• Computer vision, robotics, remote sensing;
• Document processing, text and graphics recognition, digital libraries;
• Speech recognition, music analysis, multimedia systems;
• Natural language analysis, information retrieval;
• Biometrics, biomedical pattern analysis and information systems;
• Special hardware architectures, software packages for pattern recognition.

We invite contributions as research reports or commentaries.

Research reports should be concise summaries of methodological inventions and findings, with strong potential of wide applications.
Alternatively, they can describe significant and novel applications of an established technique that are of high reference value to the same application area and other similar areas.

11. Journal of Artificial Intelligence(AIJ)| Impact Factor: 4.483

The Journal of Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), which commenced publication in 1970, is now the generally accepted premier international forum for the publication of results of current research in this field. The journal welcomes papers on broad aspects of AI that constitute advances in the overall field including, but not limited to:

  • automated reasoning and inference,
  • cognition and AI,
  • cognition and AI,
  • case-based reasoning,
  • commonsense reasoning,
  • computer vision,
  • constraint processing,
  • ethical AI,
  • explainable AI,
  • heuristic search,
  • human interfaces,
  • intelligent robotics,
  • knowledge representation,
  • machine learning,
  • multi-agent systems,
  • natural language processing,
  • planning and action,
  • reasoning under uncertainty.

The journal reports results achieved in addition to proposals for new ways of looking at AI problems, both of which must include demonstrations of value and effectiveness. Papers describing applications of AI are also welcome, but the focus should be on how new and novel AI methods advance performance in application areas, rather than a presentation of yet another application of conventional AI methods. Papers on applications should describe a principled solution, emphasize its novelty, and present an in-depth evaluation of the AI techniques being exploited.

12. Machine Learning| Impact Factor: 3.203 | Machine Learning Journals

Machine Learning is an international forum for research on computational approaches to learning. The journal publishes articles reporting substantive results on a wide range of learning methods applied to a variety of learning problems.

The journal features papers that describe research on problems and methods, applications research, and issues of research methodology. Papers making claims about learning problems or methods provide solid support via empirical studies, theoretical analysis, or comparison to psychological phenomena. Applications papers show how to apply learning methods to solve important applications problems. Research methodology papers improve how machine learning research is conducted.

Courtesy: Scimagojr

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