Top 20 Physics Journals List

top physics journals 2019

Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves. Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its motion and behaviour through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. The are many good and top journal publications are there to publish outstanding research finding in Physics research. In this article, ilovephd provides Top 20 Physics journals Publications in 2019 based on Google Scholar h5 index metrics.

Google Scholar H5 Index

Google Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications. Scholar Metrics summarize recent citations to many publications, to help authors as they consider where to publish their new research

Google Scholar h5-index is the h-index for articles published in the last 5 complete years. It is the largest number h such that h articles published in 2014-2019 have at least h citations each.

Read More: How the Journal Impact Factor(JIF) and H-Index are Calculated?

Top 20 Physics Journals

Check the highly cited research articles in particular publications using the h5-index count for Top Journals in Physics.

S.NoJournal Publicationsh5-index
1.Physical Review Letters211
2.Journal of High Energy Physics163
3.The Astrophysical Journal158
4.Nature Photonics150
5.Physical Review D146
6.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society140
7.Nature Physics136
8.Physical Review B125
9.The European Physical Journal C111
10.Physics Letters B109
11.Physical Review X107
12.Applied Physics Letters101
13.Optics Express99
14.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control98
15.Reviews of Modern Physics95
16.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing95
17.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing91
18.Geophysical Research Letters89
19.Journal of Molecular Liquids85
20.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer85

Citation counts are estimated and are determined by Google Scholar Citations metrics.