Top 20 Life Sciences & Earth Sciences Publications

Top 20 Life Sciences & Earth Sciences Publications

The Biological Science or Life Science is the multidisciplinary field which comprises the other science branches such as environmental, health, and toxicology, and epidemiology. The are many good and top journal publications are there to publish outstanding research finding in life and earth science research. In this article ilovephd provides, Top 20 Life Sciences & Earth Sciences Publications Based on Google Scholar h5 index metrics.

Google Scholar H5 Index

Google Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications. Scholar Metrics summarize recent citations to many publications, to help authors as they consider where to publish their new research

Google Scholar h5-index is the h-index for articles published in the last 5 complete years. It is the largest number h such that h articles published in 2014-2018 have at least h citations each.

Read More: How the Journal Impact Factor(JIF) and H-Index are Calculated?

Top 20 Life Sciences & Earth Sciences Publications Based on Google Scholar h5 Index

Check the highly cited research articles in particular publications using the h5-index count.

S.No Publication h5-index
3.Nature Communications260
5.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences227
6.Nucleic Acids Research217
7.PLoS ONE176
8.Nature Genetics174
9.Scientific Reports158
10.Nature Methods152
11.Nature Biotechnology151
13.Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology132
14.Nature Climate Change132
15.Molecular Cell132
16.Environmental Science & Technology132
17.Cell Metabolism127
18.Nature Reviews Genetics121
20.Cell Stem Cell119

Citation counts are estimated and are determined by Google Scholar Citations metrics.