Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Civil Engineering

Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Civil Engineering

Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is the oldest, traditional, and evergreen engineering discipline which deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including public works namely dams, roads, bridges, canals, airports, sewage systems, pipelines, structural components of buildings, and railways. The major research areas are structural engineering, environmental engineering, hydraulic engineering, transport engineering, construction management, geotechnical engineering. Here, iLovePhD listed the top 20 Scopus indexed journals in “Civil Engineering” with impact factors to help the research scholars, academicians, and scientists for publishing their research outcomes pertaining to civil engineering.

Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Civil Engineering

RankJournal NameScope of the JournalImpact FactorJournal Home Page
 1Construction and Building MaterialsConstruction and Building Materials provides an international forum for the dissemination of innovative and original research and development in the field of construction and building materials and their application in new works and repair practice. The journal also publishes detailed case studies and some incisive review articles that contribute new understandings. The journal focuses on construction materials papers and excludes papers on structural engineering, geo-technics, and unbound highway layers. The scope of Construction and Building Materials includes cement, concrete reinforcement, bricks and mortars, additives, corrosion technology, ceramics, timber, steel, polymers, glass fibers, recycled materials, bamboo, rammed earth, non-conventional building materials, bituminous materials, and railway material applications, bridges, high-rise buildings, dams, civil engineering structures, silos, highway pavements, tunnels, water containment structures, sewers, roofing, housing, coastal defenses, and railways.6.141View
 2Automation in ConstructionAutomation in Construction is an international journal for the publication of original research papers. The journal publishes refereed material on all aspects pertaining to the use of Information Technologies in Design, Engineering, Construction Technologies, and Maintenance and Management of Constructed Facilities. The scope of Automation in Construction is broad, encompassing all stages of the construction life cycle from initial planning and design, through the construction of the facility, its operation, and maintenance, to the eventual dismantling and recycling of buildings and engineering structures. The following list of topics is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather to indicate topics that fall within the journal’s purview: Computer-aided design, product modeling, decision support systems, classification and standardization, product data interchange; Computer-aided engineering, process simulation models, graphics; Robotics, metrology, logistics, automated inspection, demolition/remediation; Facilities management, management information systems, intelligent control systems.7.700View
 3Cement and Concrete ResearchThe aim of Cement and Concrete Research is to publish the best research on the materials science and engineering of cement, cement composites, mortars, concrete, and other allied materials that incorporate cement or other mineral binders. In doing so, the journal will focus on reporting major results of research on the properties and performance of cementitious materials; novel experimental techniques; the latest analytical and modeling methods; the examination and the diagnosis of real cement and concrete structures; and the potential for improved materials.10.933View
 4Engineering StructuresEngineering Structures provides a forum for a broad blend of scientific and technical papers to reflect the evolving needs of the structural engineering and structural mechanics communities. Particularly welcome are contributions dealing with new developments or innovative applications of structural and mechanics principles and digital technologies for the analysis and design of engineering structures. The journal aspires to a broad and integrated coverage of these principles and technologies to structures and structural components, considering all classes of engineering structural materials (steel, steel, and fiber reinforced concrete, composite, masonry, glass, wood, novel (smart) materials such as nanomaterials and bio-inspired materials). The scope of Engineering Structures encompasses the following areas: infrastructure engineering; earthquake engineering; structural dynamics; structure-fluid-soil interaction; wind engineering; fire engineering; blast engineering; structural reliability/stability; life assessment/integrity; structural health monitoring; multi-hazard engineering; structural optimization; digital design methods; data-driven analysis methods; experimental methods; additive manufacturing and modular construction of engineering structures; performance-based design; multi-scale analysis; and value engineering.4.471View
 5Cement and Concrete CompositesThis journal is designed to reflect current developments and advances being made in the general field of cement-concrete composites technology and in the production, use, and performance of cement-based construction materials. The novel aspects of conventional concrete materials, the journal covers a wide range of composite materials such as fiber-reinforced cement composites, polymer cement composites, polymer impregnated composites, Ferro-cement, and cement composites containing special aggregate inclusions or waste materials. Original papers dealing with microstructure (as it relates to engineering properties), material properties, testing, and test methods, fracture mechanics, durability aspects, composite mechanics/technology, modeling, design, fabrication, and practical applications of these materials form the major themes of the journal.7.586View
 6Journal of Building EngineeringThe Journal of Building Engineering (JOBE) is an interdisciplinary journal that covers all aspects of science and technology concerned with the whole life cycle of the built environment; from the design phase through to construction, operation, performance, maintenance, and its deterioration. JOBE only publishes papers where significant scientific novelty is clearly demonstrated.5.318View
 7Materials and StructuresMaterials and Structures provide a unique international and interdisciplinary forum for new and unpublished research on the performance of construction materials. Among the leaders in its field, the Journal is dedicated to the publication of high-quality papers on the fundamental properties of building materials, their characterization and processing techniques, modeling, standardization of test methods, and the application of research results in building and civil engineering.3.428View
 8Journal of Construction Engineering and ManagementThe Journal of Construction Engineering and Management publishes quality papers that aim to advance the science of construction engineering, harmonize construction practices with design theories, and further education and research in construction engineering and management. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: construction material handling, equipment, production planning, specifications, scheduling, estimating, cost control, quality control, labor productivity, inspection, contract administration, construction management, computer applications, and environmental concerns.2.734View
 9Journal of Structural EngineeringOne of the oldest and most respected periodicals in the field, the Journal of Structural Engineering has a history of reporting on fundamental knowledge that advances the state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in structural engineering. Authors discuss the art and science of structural modeling and design; develop, apply and interpret the results of novel analytical, computational and experimental simulation techniques; propose new structural systems and study the merits of existing ones; pioneer methods for maintenance, rehabilitation, and monitoring of existing structures; and investigate the properties of engineering materials as related to structural behavior. Papers making a fundamental contribution in the field of structural engineering at the intersection of structural engineering and other disciplines are welcome.2.528View
 10Journal of Constructional Steel ResearchThe Journal of Constructional Steel Research provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest developments in structural steel research and their applications. It is aimed not only at researchers but also at those likely to be most affected by research results, i.e. designers and fabricators. Original papers of a high standard dealing with all aspects of steel research including theoretical and experimental research on elements, assemblages, connection, and material properties are considered for publication.3.646View
 11Steel and Composite StructuresSteel & Composite Structures, An International Journal, provides an excellent publication channel that reports the up-to-date research developments in the steel structures and steel-concrete composite structures, and FRP plated structures from the international steel community. The research results reported in this journal address all the aspects of theoretical and experimental research, including Buckling/Stability, Fatigue/Fracture, Fire Performance, Connections, Frames/Bridges, Plates/Shells, Composite Structural Components, Hybrid Structures, Fabrication/Maintenance, Design Codes, Dynamics, Nonferrous Metal Structures, Non-metallic plates, Analytical Methods. The Journal specially wishes to bridge the gap between the theoretical developments and practical applications for the benefits of both academic researchers and practicing engineers. In this light, contributions from practicing engineers are especially welcome.5.733View
 12Journal of Materials in Civil EngineeringThe Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering covers the development, processing, evaluation, applications, and performance of construction materials in civil engineering.1.984View
 13International Journal of GeomechanicsThe International Journal of Geomechanics (IJOG) focuses on geomechanics with emphasis on theoretical aspects, including computational and analytical methods and related validations. Applications of interdisciplinary topics such as geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering, mining and geological engineering, rock and blasting engineering, underground structures, infrastructure and pavement engineering, petroleum engineering, engineering geophysics, offshore and marine geo-technology, geothermal energy, lunar and planetary engineering, and ice mechanics fall within the scope of the journal. Specific topics covered include numerical and analytical methods; constitutive modeling including elasticity, plasticity, creep, localization, fracture, and instabilities; neural networks, expert systems, optimization, and reliability; statics and dynamics of interacting structures and foundations; liquid and gas flow through geologic media, contaminant transport, and groundwater problems; borehole stability, geo-hazards such as earthquakes, landslides and subsidence; soil/rock improvement; and the development of model validations using laboratory and field measurements.2.450View
 14Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure EngineeringComputer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering is a scholarly peer-reviewed archival journal intended to act as a bridge between advances being made in computer technology and civil and infrastructure engineering. The journal especially focuses on recent advances in computer and information technologies and fosters the development and application of new and emerging computing paradigms and technologies. The scope of the journal includes bridge, construction, environmental, highway, geotechnical, structural, transportation, and water resources engineering, and management of infrastructure systems such as highways, bridges, pavements, airports, and utilities. Areas covered by the journal include artificial intelligence, cognitive modeling, concurrent engineering, database management, distributed computing, evolutionary computing, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, geometric modeling, internet-based technologies, knowledge discovery and engineering, machine learning, mobile computing, multimedia technologies, networking, neural network computing, optimization and search, parallel processing, robotics, smart structures, software engineering, virtual reality, and visualization techniques.11.775View
 15Earthquake Engineering & Structural DynamicsEarthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics provide a forum for the publication of papers on several aspects of engineering related to earthquakes. The problems in this field, and their solutions, are international in character and require knowledge of several traditional disciplines; the Journal will reflect this. Papers need to be relevant to earthquake engineering and related structural dynamics, in addition possibly to other disciplines, to be suitable for the Journal.4.430View
 16Journal of Computing in Civil EngineeringThe Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering serves as a resource to researchers, practitioners, and students on advances and innovative ideas in computing as applicable to the engineering profession. Many such ideas emerge from recent developments in computer science, information science, computer engineering, knowledge engineering, and other technical fields. Some examples are innovations in artificial intelligence, parallel processing, distributed computing, graphics and imaging, and information technology. The journal publishes research, implementation, and applications in cross-disciplinary areas including software, such as new programming languages, database management systems, computer-aided design systems, and expert systems; hardware for robotics, barcoding, remote sensing, data mining, and knowledge acquisition; and strategic issues such as the management of computing resources, implementation strategies, and organizational impacts.4.640View
 17Geotextiles and GeomembranesGeotextiles are permeable fabrics that, when used in association with soil, have the ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect or drain. All have a wide range of applications and are currently used to advantage in many civil engineering applications including roads, airfields, railroads, embankments, retaining structures, reservoirs, canals, dams, bank protection, and coastal engineering. Geomembranes are impermeable membranes used widely as cut-offs and liners. Geotextiles and Geomembranes fill this need and provide a forum for the dissemination of information amongst research workers, designers, users, and manufacturers. By providing a growing fund of information the journal increases general awareness, prompts further research, and assists in the establishment of international codes and regulations.5.292View
 18Structural Engineering and MechanicsThe Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, aims at providing a major publication channel for structural engineering, wider distribution at more affordable subscription rates; faster reviewing and publication for manuscripts submitted; and broad scope for wider participation. The main subject of the Journal is structural engineering concerned with aspects of mechanics. Areas covered by the Journal include – Structural Mechanics – Design of Civil, Building and Mechanical Structures – Structural Optimization and Controls – Structural Safety and Reliability – New Structural Materials and Applications – Effects of Wind, Earthquake and Wave Loadings on Structures – Fluid-Structure and Soil-Structure Interactions AI Application and Expert Systems in Structural Engineering. Submission of papers from practicing engineers is particularly encouraged.3.524View
 19Journal of Composites for ConstructionThe Journal of Composites for Construction publishes original research papers, review papers, and case studies dealing with the use of fiber-reinforced composite materials in construction. The Journal publishes papers about composite materials consisting of continuous synthetic fibers and matrices for use in civil engineering structures and subjected to the loadings and environments of the infrastructure. The Journal publishes papers about composite materials in stand-alone forms (e.g., structural shapes) or used in conjunction with traditional construction materials such as concrete, masonry, metals, and timber, either as reinforcing members or in hybrid systems, for both new constructions and for repair and rehabilitation of existing structures. The Journal also publishes papers about codes and standards related to fiber-reinforced composites for construction.2.606View
 20Engineering, Construction and Architectural ManagementEngineering, Construction and Architectural Management (ECAM) publishes original peer-reviewed research papers, case studies, technical notes, book reviews, features, discussions, and other contemporary articles that advance research and practice in engineering, construction, and architectural management. ECAM seeks to advance integrated design and construction practices, project lifecycle management, and sustainable construction. The journal’s scope covers all aspects of architectural design, design management, construction/project management, engineering management of major infrastructure projects, and the operation and management of constructed facilities. ECAM also addresses the technological, process, economic, environmental/sustainability, political, and social/human developments that influence the construction project delivery process.3.180View
Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Civil Engineering

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