Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Combustion and Propulsion

Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Combustion and Propulsion

In this article, iLovePhD lists the top 20 Scopus indexed journals in Combustion and Propulsion with impact factor based on Google Scholar citation score. Researchers, scientists conducting research on combustion and propulsion can consider the following journals for research paper publication. The fundamental work in combustion investigates physical processes tied to pollutant formation/emissions as well as dynamics and instabilities. Combustion and Propulsion fall under the category “Chemical and Material Sciences”.

Top Scopus and Science Citaion Indexed (SCI) Journals in Combustion and Propulsion

RankJournal NameScope of the JournalImpact FactorJournal Home Page
 1Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceProgress in Energy and Combustion Science (PECS) publishes review articles on all aspects of energy and combustion science, providing a comprehensive in-depth overview of a particular topic. PECS solicits short Perspectives to highlight recent successes, current developments, and future research needs in energy and combustion science. While PECS spans the broad field of energy science, it focuses particularly on the fields of combustion and fuel science.29.394View
 2Combustion and FlameThe aim of the Combustion and Flame journal is to publish high-quality work from experimental, theoretical, and computational investigations on the fundamentals of combustion phenomena and closely allied matters. While submissions in all pertinent areas are welcomed, the past and recent focus of the journal has been on: Development and validation of reaction kinetics, reduction of reaction mechanisms and modeling of combustion systems; Experimental, theoretical, and computational studies of laminar and turbulent combustion phenomena; Advances in diagnostic and computational methods in combustion; Fundamental investigations of combustion technologies and systems.4.185View
 3Proceedings of the Combustion InstituteThe Proceedings of the Combustion Institute contains forefront contributions in fundamentals and applications of combustion science. For more than 50 years, the Combustion Institute has served as the peak international society for the dissemination of scientific and technical research in the combustion field. In addition to author submissions, the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute include the Institute’s prestigious invited strategic and topical reviews that represent indispensable resources for emergent research in the field. All papers are subjected to rigorous peer review.3.757View
 4Journal of the Energy InstituteThe Journal of the Energy Institute provides peer-reviewed coverage of original high-quality research on energy, engineering, and technology. The coverage is broad, and the main areas of interest include Combustion engineering and associated technologies; power generation; engines and propulsion; emissions and environmental pollution control; clean coal technologies; carbon abatement technologies; Emissions and environmental pollution control; Alternative energy sources; biomass utilization and biomass conversion technologies; energy from waste, incineration; Energy conversion, energy recovery; fuel cells; Energy storage; Clean energy technologies; pyrolysis/gasification; future fuels; hydrogen.6.168View
 5Fire Safety JournalFire Safety Journal is the leading publication dealing with all aspects of fire safety engineering. Its scope is purposefully wide, as it is deemed important to encourage papers from all sources within this multidisciplinary subject, thus providing a forum for its further development as a distinct engineering discipline. This is an essential step towards gaining a status equal to that enjoyed by the other engineering disciplines.2.764View
6SAE International Journal of EnginesThe SAE International Journal of Engines is a scholarly, peer-reviewed research journal dedicated to internal combustion engine science and engineering. The Journal spotlights innovative and archival technical reports on all aspects of internal combustion engine development, including research, design, analysis, control, and emissions. Aiming to be the internationally recognized definitive source for researchers and engineers in the area of engine research and development, the Journal publishes only those technical articles that are deemed to have a significant and long-term impact on engine development and design. Studies published in the Journal include, but are not limited to, the following subjects: Engine combustion and emissions; Engine design and analysis; Engine durability and wear; Engine efficiency; Engine noise, Vibration, and Harshness2.045View
 7Journal of Propulsion and PowerThis Journal is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of aerospace propulsion and power through the dissemination of original archival papers contributing to advancements in air-breathing, electric, and advanced propulsion; solid and liquid rockets; fuels and propellants; power generation and conversion for aerospace vehicles; and the application of aerospace science and technology to terrestrial energy devices and systems. It is intended to provide readers of the Journal, with primary interests in propulsion and power, access to papers spanning the range from research through development to applications. Papers in these disciplines and the sciences of combustion, fluid mechanics, and solid mechanics as directly related to propulsion and power are solicited.1.940View
 8Journal of TurbomachineryThe Journal of Turbomachinery publishes archival-quality, peer-reviewed technical papers that advance the state-of-the-art turbomachinery technology related to gas turbine engines. The broad scope of the subject matter includes the fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and aeromechanics technology associated with the design, analysis, modeling, testing, and performance of turbomachinery. Emphasis is placed on gas-path technologies associated with axial compressors, centrifugal compressors, and turbines. The scope of the journal are Aerodynamic design, analysis, and test of compressor and turbine blading; Compressor stall, surge, and operability issues; Heat transfer phenomena and film cooling design, analysis, and testing in turbines; Aeromechanical instabilities; Computational fluid dynamics applied to turbomachinery, boundary layer development, measurement techniques, and cavity and leaking flows.1.688View
 9International Journal of Engine ResearchThe International Journal of Engine Research publishes only the highest quality original and review papers on experimental and analytical studies of engine technology. The journal is intended to serve as the premier source of long-term reference information about all aspects of engines and related technologies, including the latest research and developments affecting the automotive, railway, marine, and aerospace industries as well as engines used for stationary power generation. View
 10Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and PowerThe Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power publishes archival-quality papers in the broad technical areas of gas and steam turbines, internal combustion engines, and power generation. The journal welcomes manuscript from the following research themes: Aircraft Engines; Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels; Combustion, fuels, and emissions; Computational Fluid Dynamics Analyses; Controls, Diagnostics, Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques; Cycle Innovations; Heat Transfer and Thermal Management; Internal Combustion Engines; New and Emerging Technologies; Oil and Gas Applications; Power Generation Plants; Steam Turbines; Structures and Dynamics; Turbomachinery1.209View
 11Fire TechnologyFire Technology publishes original contributions, both theoretical and empirical, that contribute to the solution of problems in fire safety science and engineering. It is the leading journal in the field, publishing applied research dealing with the full range of actual and potential fire hazards facing humans and the environment. It covers the entire domain of fire safety science and engineering problems relevant in industrial, operational, cultural, and environmental applications, including modeling, testing, detection, suppression, human behavior, wildfires, structures, and risk analysis.2.239View
 12Propellants, Explosives, PyrotechnicsPropellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics (PEP) is an international, peer-reviewed journal containing Full Papers, Short Communications, critical Reviews, as well as details of forthcoming meetings and book reviews concerned with the research, development, and production in relation to propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics for all applications. Being the official journal of the International Pyrotechnics Society, PEP is published 12 times a year. PEP is devoted to advancing the science, technology, and engineering elements in the storage and manipulation of chemical energy, specifically in propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics.1.887View
 13Combustion Science and TechnologyCombustion Science and Technology is an international journal that provides for open discussion and prompt publication of new results, discoveries, and developments in the various disciplines which constitute the field of combustion. The editors invite original contributions dealing with flame and fire research, flame radiation, chemical fuels, and propellants, reacting flows, thermochemistry, material synthesis, atmospheric chemistry, and combustion phenomena related to aircraft gas turbines, chemical rockets, ramjets, automotive engines, furnaces, and environmental studies.1.730View
 14AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion ConferenceAIAA is the catalyst for inspired idea exchange and solutions, a convener of the most original perspectives, and a curator of essential research information. For the past 50 years, individuals and teams from around the globe have presented their latest research to their peers at AIAA conferences.View
 15Propulsion and Power ResearchPropulsion and Power Research is a peer-reviewed scientific journal in English established in 2012. The Journal publishes high-quality original research articles and general reviews in fundamental research aspects of aeronautics/astronautics propulsion and power engineering, including, but not limited to, system, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, combustion, vibration and acoustics, solid mechanics and dynamics, control3.738View
 16Fire and MaterialsFire and Materials is an international journal for scientific and technological communications directed at the fire properties of materials and the products into which they are made. This covers all aspects of the polymer field and the end uses where polymers find application; the important developments in the fields of natural products – wood and cellulosic; non-polymeric materials – metals and ceramics; as well as the chemistry and industrial applications of fire retardant chemicals.2.407View
 17Shock WavesShock Waves provides a forum for presenting and discussing new results in all fields where shock and detonation phenomena play a role. The journal addresses physicists, engineers, and applied mathematicians working on theoretical, experimental, or numerical issues, including diagnostics and flow visualization. The research fields considered include, but are not limited to, aero- and gas dynamics, acoustics, physical chemistry, condensed matter, and plasmas, with applications encompassing materials sciences, space sciences, geosciences, life sciences, and medicine.1.759View
 18SAE International Journal of Fuels and LubricantsThe SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants is a leading international scholarly journal providing reports of research with a focus on fuels and lubricants in automotive engineering. The Journal aims to be the primary source of information for comprehensive and innovative research in the areas of fuels, lubricants, additives, and catalysts, by providing a peer-reviewed platform for academicians, scientists, and industrial researchers to present their work. The Journal reflects the transitions from the traditional to the cutting-edge realm of fuels and lubricants technology and traces such changes in the fields of Fuel properties and effects; Alternative and advanced fuels; Lubricants; Surface engineering and automotive tribology; Additives; Deposits; Fuel, lubricant, and additive effects on engine performance, emissions, fuel economy, catalyst technology, and environmental implications1.270View
 19Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and EnergyThe Journal of Power and Energy is a peer-reviewed journal that covers all aspects of energy conversion thermo-fluid systems, including renewable energy, power generation, and its use. In addition to technical developments, interests include environmental, economic, and policy issues. Turbomachinery, fuel cell systems, energy management, emission reduction, waste management, heat exchangers are principal but not exclusive, areas of focus. The Journal of Power and Energy does not publish papers on electrical machines, electrical grid management, or power electronics. Papers that use modeling should include experimental data for validation.1.882View
 20Combustion Theory and ModellingCombustion Theory and Modelling is a leading international journal devoted to the application of mathematical modeling, numerical simulation, and experimental techniques to the study of combustion.  Articles can cover a wide range of topics, such as premixed laminar flames, laminar diffusion flames, turbulent combustion, fires, chemical kinetics, pollutant formation, microgravity, materials synthesis, chemical vapor deposition, catalysis, droplet and spray combustion, detonation dynamics, thermal explosions, ignition, energetic materials and propellants, burners and engine combustion.2.076View

Hope this article would help to select the top Scopus and Science Citations Index Journals in Combustion and Propulsion.