Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Nanotechnology

Nano Technology

Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at the nanoscale, at dimensions ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Researchers, Chemists, physicists, material scientists, biomedical researchers, engineers who are actively working at the frontiers of this diverse and multidisciplinary field can consider the following top journals to publish their research outcomes. In this article, iLovePhD presented the top 20 Scopus indexed journals in Nanotechnology with impact factor based on Google Scholar citation score.

RankJournal nameScope of the journalImpact factorLink
 1ACS NanoACS Nano is an international forum for the communication of comprehensive articles on nanoscience and nanotechnology research at the interfaces of chemistry, biology, materials science, physics, and engineering. Moreover, the journal helps facilitate communication among scientists from these research communities in developing new research opportunities, advancing the field through new discoveries, and reaching out to scientists at all levels.15.881View
 2Nano LettersNano Letters is a forum for reporting original results on fundamental, applied, and emerging research in all areas of nano-science and nanotechnology that require rapid dissemination. A chief criterion to fit within the scope of Nano Letters is the convergence of at least two different areas or disciplines.11.189View
 3ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesACS Applied Materials & Interfaces serves the interdisciplinary community of chemists, engineers, physicists and biologists focusing on how newly-discovered materials and interfacial processes can be developed and used for specific applications.9.229View
 4Nano EnergyNano Energy is a multidisciplinary, rapid-publication forum of original peer-reviewed contributions on the science and engineering of nanomaterials and nano-devices used in all forms of energy harvesting, conversion, storage, utilization and policy. Through its mixture of articles, reviews, communications, research news, and information on key developments, Nano Energy provides comprehensive coverage of this exciting and dynamic field which joins nano-science and nanotechnology with energy science. The journal is relevant to all those who are interested in nano-materials solutions to the energy problem.17.881View
 5Nature NanotechnologyNature Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas of nano-science and nanotechnology. The journal covers research into the design, characterization and production of structures, devices and systems that involve the manipulation and control of materials and phenomena at atomic, molecular and macromolecular scales. Both bottom-up and top-down approaches — and combinations of the two — are covered.39.210View
 6SmallMicro and Nano: No Small Matter. Science at the nano- and micro-scale is currently receiving enormous worldwide interest. Small provides the very best forum for experimental and theoretical studies of fundamental and applied interdisciplinary research at these dimensions.13.281View
 7NanoscaleA high impact peer reviewed journal publishing experimental and theoretical work across the breadth of nano-science and nanotechnology7.790View
 8Advanced ScienceAdvanced Science is an interdisciplinary premium open access journal covering fundamental and applied research in materials science, physics and chemistry, medical and life sciences, as well as engineering.16.806View
 9The Journal of Physical Chemistry CThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C publishes experimental, theoretical and computational research on the physical chemistry of nano, low-dimensional and bulk materials; chemical transformations at interfaces; and energy conversion and storage. Examples of topics of special interest include: heterogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis, solar energy cells, fuel cells, novel materials for batteries and capacitors, steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopy of nano- and 2D materials, plasmonic and photonic materials, studies of chemical transformations at solid surfaces, and observations and predictions of novel material and surface properties.4.126View
 10Advanced Optical MaterialsAdvanced Optical Materials is an international, interdisciplinary forum for peer-reviewed papers on materials science that focuses on all aspects of light-matter interactions. The scope of Advanced Optical Materials is dedicated to breakthrough discoveries and fundamental research in photonics, plasmonics, meta-materials, and more.9.926View
 11Nano ResearchNano Research is a peer-reviewed, international and interdisciplinary research journal that focuses on all aspects of nano-science and nanotechnology. Submissions are solicited in all topical areas, ranging from basic aspects of the science of nano-scale materials to practical applications of such materials.8.897View
 12Journal of Materials Chemistry BJournal of Materials Chemistry B publishes research articles related to materials used for chemistry, biology, and medicine.6.331View
 13NanomaterialsNanomaterials is an international and interdisciplinary scholarly open access journal. It publishes reviews, regular research papers, communications, and short notes that are relevant to any field of study that involves nanomaterials, with respect to their science and application. Thus, theoretical and experimental articles will be accepted, along with articles that deal with the synthesis and use of nanomaterials.5.076View
 14Environmental Science-NanoEnvironmental Science-Nano focuses on nano aspects of environmental science and sustainability.8.131View
 152D Materials2D Materials is a multidisciplinary, electronic-only journal devoted to publishing fundamental and applied research of the highest quality and impact covering all aspects of graphene and related two-dimensional materials.7.103View
 16Nano TodayNano Today is dedicated to publishing the most influential and innovative work across the whole of nano-science and technology. The journal considers any article that informs readers of the latest research and advances in the field, research breakthroughs, and topical issues which express views on developments in related fields. Through its unique mixture of peer-reviewed articles, the latest research news, and information on key developments, Nano Today provides comprehensive coverage of this exciting and dynamic field.20.722View
 17NanotechnologyNanotechnology aims to publish original research at the forefront of nano-scale science and technology across all disciplines. The journal’s scope encompasses the study of both fundamental phenomena at the nano-scale and applications of these phenomena. ‘Nanotechnology’ is taken to include the ability to individually address, control, and modify structures, materials and devices with nanometre precision, and the synthesis of such structures into systems of micro- and macroscopic dimensions such as MEMS based devices.3.874View
 18Advanced Materials InterfacesAdvanced Materials Interfaces publishes applied, top-level research on functional interfaces and surfaces and their specific applications, driving forward our understanding of interfacial processes. Considering that interfaces between solids, liquids, and gases play an essential role in virtually all materials and devices, the journal’s scope encourages an interdisciplinary blend of physics, chemistry, materials science, and life sciences.6.147View
 19Advanced Electronic MaterialsAdvanced Electronic Materials is an interdisciplinary forum for peer-reviewed, high-quality, high-impact research in the fields of materials science, physics, and engineering of electronic and magnetic materials. It includes research on physics and physical properties of electronic and magnetic materials, spintronics, electronics, device physics and engineering, micro-and nano-electromechanical systems, and organic electronics.7.295View
 20NanophotonicsNanophotonics covers recent international research results, specific developments in the field, and novel applications and is published in partnership with Science-wise. It belongs to the top journals in the field. Nanophotonics focuses on the interaction of photons with nano-structures, such as carbon nanotubes, nano metal particles, nanocrystals, semiconductor nanodots, photonic crystals, tissue, and DNA. The journal covers the latest developments for physicists, engineers, and material scientists.8.449View