Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Psychology

Journals in Psychology

Scopus indexed Journals in Academic and Psychological Testing focuses on biological psychology development, validation, and application of assessment instruments, scales, observational methods, clinical/consulting, counseling, neuropsychological, forensic, health, social/community, multicultural, developmental/educational, industrial/organizational, and screening of candidates for public safety positions. In this article, ilovephd lists the top Scopus indexed journals in Psychology research. 

List of Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Psychology

RankJournal nameScope of the journalImpact factorJournal Home Page
1Psychological AssessmentPsychological Assessment is concerned mainly with empirical research relevant to assessments conducted in the broad field of clinical psychology. Relevant topics include: Clinical judgment and the application of decision-making models paradigms derived from basic psychological research in cognition, personality–social psychology, and biological psychology development, validation, and application of assessment instruments, scales, observational methods, and interviews research on clinical judgment and decision-making
studies supporting or leading to translation of basic psychological research in cognition, personality–social psychology, and biological psychology to clinical psychological assessment. The focus of the journal is on all aspects of clinical assessment.
2Psychological MethodsPsychological Method is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the American Psychological Association. It was established in 1996 and covers “the development and dissemination of methods for collecting, analyzing, understanding, and interpreting psychological data”. The editor-in-chief is Lisa Harlow.11.302 View
3Assessment & Evaluation in Higher EducationAssessment & Evaluation in Higher Education is an established international peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers and reports on all aspects of assessment and evaluation within higher education. Its purpose is to advance understanding of assessment and evaluation practices and processes, particularly the contribution that these make to student learning and to course, staff, and institutional development.2.358 View
4AssessmentAssessment (ASM) focuses on applied clinical assessment, with an emphasis on information relevant to the use of assessment measures, including test development, validation, and interpretation practices. Articles cover the assessment of cognitive and neuropsychological functioning, personality, and psychopathology, as well as empirical assessment of clinically relevant phenomena, such as behaviors, personality characteristics, and diagnoses. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).5.000 View
5.Journal of Personality AssessmentThe Journal of Personality Assessment (JPA) seeks to publish articles on the methods and applications related to the psychological assessment of psychopathology, maladaptive personality, and normative personality processes.  JPA strives to publish cutting-edge research, which can occur in a number of contexts and settings, including clinical/consulting, counseling, neuropsychological, forensic, health, social/community, multicultural, developmental/educational, industrial/organizational, and screening of candidates for public safety positions. 3.013 View
6.Multivariate Behavioral ResearchMultivariate Behavioral Research (MBR) publishes a variety of substantivemethodological, and theoretical articles in all areas of the social and behavioral sciences. Most MBR articles fall into one of two categories. Substantive articles report on applications of sophisticated multivariate research methods to study topics of substantive interest in personality, health, intelligence, industrial/organizational, and other behavioral science areas. Methodological articles present and/or evaluate new developments in multivariate methods, or address methodological issues in current research. We also encourage the submission of integrative articles related to pedagogy involving multivariate research methods, and to historical treatments of interest and relevance to multivariate research methods.5.923 View
7.Studies in Educational EvaluationStudies in Educational Evaluation publish original reports of evaluation studies. Four types of articles are published by the journal: (a) Empirical evaluation studies representing evaluation practice in educational systems around the world; (b) Theoretical reflections and empirical studies related to issues involved in the evaluation of educational programs, educational institutions, educational personnel, and student assessment; (c) Articles summarizing the state-of-the-art concerning specific topics in evaluation in general or in a particular country or group of countries; (d) Book reviews and brief abstracts of evaluation studies.1.953 View
8.European Journal of Psychological AssessmentThe European Journal of Psychological Assessment is to present important articles, which provide seminal information on both theoretical and applied developments in this field. Articles reporting the construction of new measures or an advancement of an existing measure are given priority. The journal is directed to practitioners as well as to academicians: The conviction of its editors is that the discipline of psychological assessment should, necessarily and firmly, be attached to the roots of psychological science, while going deeply into all the consequences of its applied, practice-oriented development.3.633 View
9.Educational and Psychological MeasurementEducational and Psychological Measurement (EPM) publishes refereed scholarly work from all academic disciplines interested in the study of measurement theory, problems, and issues. Theoretical articles address new developments and techniques, and applied articles deal with innovation applications. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).3.279 View
10.Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & PracticeAssessment in Education provides a focus for scholarly output in the field of assessment. The journal is explicitly international in focus and encourages contributions from a wide range of assessment systems and cultures. The journal’s intention is to explore both commonalities and differences in policy and practice.2.475 View
11.Language TestingLanguage Testing is a fully peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles on language testing and assessment. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information between people working in the fields of first and second language testing and assessment. This includes researchers and practitioners in EFL and ESL testing and assessment in child language acquisition and language pathology. 3.656 View
12.PsychometrikaPsychometrika, the official journal of the Psychometric Society, is devoted to the development of psychology as a quantitative rational science. Articles examine statistical methods, discuss mathematical techniques, and advance theory for evaluating behavioral data in psychology, education, and the social and behavioral sciences generally. There are three main sections in Psychometrika: Theory and Methods, Application Reviews and Case Studies (ARCS), and Book Reviews. Additionally, there is a section online for software, data, and other electronic supplementary material for the articles in these sections.2.500 View
13.Journal of Psychoeducational AssessmentJournal of Psychoeducational Assessment (JPA) provides psychologists with current information on psychological and educational assessment practices and instrumentation. JPA is known internationally for the quality of assessment-related research, theory and position papers, practice applications, and book and test reviews. JPA’s topics include “best practices” in assessment, cross-cultural assessment, differential diagnoses, psychometric properties of instruments, and more. This journal is a member of COPE.2.083 View
14.Journal of Educational and Behavioral StatisticsThe Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (JEBS) publishes articles that are original and useful to those applying statistical approaches to problems and issues in educational or behavioral research. Typical papers present new methods of analysis. In addition, critical reviews of current practice, tutorial presentations of less well-known methods, and novel applications of already-known methods will be published. Papers discussing statistical techniques without specific educational or behavioral interest will have lower priority.4.387 View
15.Applied Measurement in EducationApplied Measurement in Education‘s prime objective is to improve communication between academicians and practitioners. To help bridge the gap between theory and practice, articles in this journal describe original research studies, innovative strategies for solving educational measurement problems, and integrative reviews of current approaches to contemporary measurement issues.1.580 View
16.Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and DevelopmentMeasurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development is an official journal of the Association of Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC), a member association and division of the American Counseling Association.  Articles range in an appeal from those that deal with theoretical and other problems of the measurement specialist to those directed to the administrator, the counselor, or the personnel worker–in schools and colleges, public and private agencies, business, industry, and government. 2.657 View
17.British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical PsychologyThe British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology is a British scientific journal founded in 1947. It covers the fields of psychology, statistics, and mathematical psychology. 3.380 View
18.Applied Psychological MeasurementApplied Psychological Measurement has led the measurement field in presenting cutting-edge methodologies and related empirical research. Whether the setting is educational, organizational, industrial, social, or clinical, Applied Psychological Measurement focuses on ways to use the most current techniques to address measurement problems in the behavioral and social sciences.2.101 View
19.Educational Measurement: Issues and PracticeEducational Measurement: Issues and Practice (EM: IP) promotes a better understanding of and reasoned debate on assessment, evaluation, testing, and related issues of practical importance to educators and the public.1.702 View
20ETS Research Report Series ETS has developed a range of research programs, covering topics from psychometric and statistical methodology; educational evaluation; performance assessment and scoring; large-scale assessment and evaluation; cognitive, developmental, personality, and social psychology; and education policy.3.522View
Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Psychology

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