Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics

Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics

Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation as a function of the wavelength or frequency of the radiation. Molecular physics is the study of the physical properties of molecules, the chemical bonds between atoms and molecular dynamics. The field is closely related to atomic physics and overlaps greatly with theoretical chemistry, physical chemistry and chemical physics. In this article, iLovePhD presented the list of top 20 scopus indexed journals pertaining to these two major fields of study namely spectroscopy and molecular physics with impact factor based on Google Scholar citation score. Researchers, scientists, and physicists can consider the following scopus indexed journals to publish your breakthrough research findings in the field of “Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics”.

List of Top Scopus Indexed Journals in Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics

RankJournal nameScope of the journalImpact factorJournal Home Page
 1The Journal of Chemical PhysicsThe Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) is an international journal that publishes cutting edge research in all areas of modern chemical physics and physical chemistry. In addition to Articles, JCP also publishes brief Communications of significant new findings, Perspectives or Reviews on the latest advances in the field, Tutorials as educational tools for the community, and Special Topic issues.3.480View
 2Journal of Chemical Theory and ComputationThe Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation publishes papers reporting new theories, methodology, and/or important applications in quantum electronic structure, molecular dynamics, and statistical mechanics. Specific topics include advances in or applications of ab initio quantum mechanics, density functional theory, design and properties of new materials, surface science, Monte Carlo simulations, solvation models, QM/MM calculations, biomolecular structure prediction, and molecular dynamics in the broadest sense including gas phase dynamics, ab initio dynamics, biomolecular dynamics, and protein folding.6.006View
 3Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular SpectroscopySpectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (SAA) is an interdisciplinary journal which spans from basic to applied aspects of optical spectroscopy in chemistry, medicine, biology, and materials science. The journal publishes original scientific papers that feature high-quality spectroscopic data and analysis. From the broad range of optical spectroscopies, the emphasis is on electronic, vibrational or rotational spectra of molecules, rather than on spectroscopy based on magnetic moments. The journal focuses on the following research themes: Spectroscopy and dynamics of bio-analytical, biomedical, environmental, and atmospheric sciences,Novel experimental techniques or instrumentation for molecular spectroscopy,Novel theoretical and computational methods, Novel applications in photochemistry and photobiology, Novel interpretational approaches as well as advances in data analysis based on electronic or vibrational spectroscopy.4.098View
 4The Journal of Physical Chemistry AThe Journal of Physical Chemistry A (JPC A) publishes experimental, theoretical, and computational research on the physical chemistry of molecules, ions, radicals, clusters, and aerosols. JPC A emphasizes applications in the areas of atmospheric and environmental chemistry, aerosol processes, molecular geochemistry, combustion, astrochemistry, plasmas, cold molecules, catalysis, and energetic materials, among others. JPC A also publishes manuscripts that describe new tools or methods that are of broad interest to the physical chemistry community.2.781View
 5Journal of LuminescenceThe purpose of the Journal of Luminescence is to provide a means of communication between scientists in different disciplines who share a common interest in the electronic excited states of molecular, ionic and covalent systems, whether crystalline, amorphous, or liquid. The journal invite original papers and reviews on such subjects as: exciton and polariton dynamics, dynamics of localized excited states, energy and charge transport in ordered and disordered systems, radiative and non-radiative recombination, relaxation processes, vibronic interactions in electronic excited states, photochemistry in condensed systems, excited state resonance, double resonance, spin dynamics, selective excitation spectroscopy, hole burning, coherent processes in excited states, (e.g. coherent optical transients, photon echoes, transient gratings), multiphoton processes, optical bistability, photochromism, and new techniques for the study of excited states.3.599View
 6Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical PhysicsJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics covers the study of atoms, ions, molecules and clusters, and their structure and interactions with particles, photons or fields.1.917View
 7Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative TransferPapers with the following subject areas are suitable for publication in the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer: Spectra of atoms, molecules: theoretical and experimental aspects; Spectral lineshape studies including models and computational algorithms; Spectroscopy of the terrestrial, planetary, and other atmospheres; Electromagnetic scattering by particles and surfaces: theoretical and experimental aspects; Electromagnetic energy transfer at nano-scale systems with near-field and coherent effects; Applications of electromagnetic scattering in particle characterization; Applications of electromagnetic scattering in biological and biomedical systems; Applications of electromagnetic scattering in remote sensing and astrophysics; Radiative transfer in absorbing, emitting, and scattering media; Radiative transfer in stochastic media; Radiative transfer in high-temperature environments, combustion systems, and fires; Applications of radiative transfer in environment, oceans and atmospheres; Applications of radiative transfer and electromagnetic scattering in metamaterials and material processing.2.468View
 8Journal of Analytical Atomic SpectrometryThe Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (JAAS) is the central journal for publishing innovative research on fundamentals, instrumentation, and methods in the determination, speciation and isotopic analysis of (trace) elements within all fields of application. This includes, but is not restricted to, the most recent progress, developments and achievements in all forms of atomic and elemental detection, isotope ratio determination, molecular analysis, plasma-based analysis and X-ray techniques.4.023View
 9Chemical Physics LettersChemical Physics Letters publishes brief reports on molecules, interfaces, condensed phases, nano-materials and nanostructures, polymers, bio-molecular systems, and energy conversion and storage. Criteria for publication are quality, urgency and impact. Further, experimental results reported in the journal have direct relevance for theory, and theoretical developments or non-routine computations relate directly to experiment. Manuscripts must satisfy these criteria and should not be minor extensions of previous work.2.328View
 10Journal of Magnetic ResonanceThe Journal of Magnetic Resonance presents original technical and scientific papers in all aspects of magnetic resonance, including nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) of solids and liquids, electron spin/paramagnetic resonance (EPR), in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS), nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) and magnetic resonance phenomena at nearly zero fields or in combination with optics. The Journal’s main aims include deepening the physical principles underlying all these spectroscopies, publishing significant theoretical and experimental results leading to spectral and spatial progress in these areas, and opening new MR-based applications in chemistry, biology and medicine. The Journal also seeks descriptions of novel apparatuses, new experimental protocols, and new procedures of data analysis and interpretation – including computational and quantum-mechanical methods – capable of advancing MR spectroscopy and imaging.2.229View
 11Journal of Raman SpectroscopyThe Journal of Raman Spectroscopy is an international journal dedicated to the publication of original research at the cutting edge of all areas of science and technology related to Raman spectroscopy. The journal seeks to be the central forum for documenting the evolution of the broadly-defined field of Raman spectroscopy that includes an increasing number of rapidly developing techniques and an ever-widening array of interdisciplinary applications. Such topics include time-resolved, coherent and non-linear Raman spectroscopies, nanostructure-based surface-enhanced and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopies of molecules, resonance Raman to investigate the structure-function relationships and dynamics of biological molecules, linear and nonlinear Raman imaging and microscopy, biomedical applications of Raman, theoretical formalism and advances in quantum computational methodology of all forms of Raman scattering, Raman spectroscopy in archaeology and art, advances in remote Raman sensing and industrial applications, and Raman optical activity of all classes of chiral molecules.3.133View
 12Applied SpectroscopyApplied Spectroscopy covers applications in analytical chemistry, materials science, biotechnology, and chemical characterization. It is published by the Society for Applied Spectroscopy and available from SAS and Optica Publishing Group.2.388View
 13Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic SpectroscopySpectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy is intended for the rapid publication of both original work and reviews in the following fields: Atomic Emission (AES), Atomic Absorption (AAS) and Atomic Fluorescence (AFS) spectroscopy; Mass Spectrometry (MS); Laser induced atomic spectroscopy; X-ray spectrometry3.752View
 14International Journal of Quantum ChemistryThe International Journal of Quantum Chemistry reflects the broad interests of today’s quantum chemistry research community, providing a dedicated forum for rapidly reporting breakthroughs in the development and application of quantum mechanical concepts in chemistry, physics, biology and materials science. The Journal publishes an exciting mix of comprehensive reviews, instructive tutorials, visionary perspectives, and full papers that represent the gamut of the field of quantum chemistry, from theory to simulations to applications.2.444View
 15Applied Spectroscopy ReviewsApplied Spectroscopy Reviews is an international and interdisciplinary journal that provides the latest information on the principles, methods, and applications of all the many diverse branches of spectroscopy, primarily from X-ray, infrared, Raman, atomic, mass, and NMR, luminescence/fluorescence, optical sensing, and microspectrometry. Other areas of spectroscopy will be considered.5.074View
 16Molecular PhysicsMolecular Physics is a well-established international journal publishing original high quality papers in chemical physics and physical chemistry. The journal covers all experimental and theoretical aspects of molecular science, from electronic structure, molecular dynamics, spectroscopy and reaction kinetics to condensed matter, surface science, and statistical mechanics of simple and complex fluids. Contributions include full papers, preliminary communications, research notes and invited topical review articles.1.767View
 17Computational and Theoretical ChemistryComputational and Theoretical Chemistry publishes high quality, original reports of significance in computational and theoretical chemistry including those that deal with problems of structure, properties, energetics, weak interactions, reaction mechanisms, catalysis, and reaction rates involving atoms, molecules, clusters, surfaces, and bulk matter. Reports on new algorithms and comprehensive assessments of existing ones, and applications to new types of problems are especially welcome.1.926View
 18Chemical PhysicsCriteria for publication in Chemical Physics are novelty, quality and general interest in experimental and theoretical chemical physics and physical chemistry. Articles are welcome that deals with problems of electronic and structural dynamics, reaction mechanisms, fundamental aspects of catalysis, solar energy conversion and chemical reactions in general, involving atoms, molecules, proteins, clusters, surfaces, interfaces and bulk matter. Reports on new methodologies and comprehensive assessments of existing ones, as well as applications to new types of problems are especially welcome. Experimental papers are expected to be brought into relation with theory, and theoretical papers should be connected to present or future experiments.2.348View
 19Journal of Molecular SpectroscopyThe Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy presents experimental and theoretical articles on all subjects relevant to molecular spectroscopy and its modern applications. An international medium for the publication of some of the most significant research in the field, the Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy is an invaluable resource for astrophysicists, chemists, physicists, engineers, and others involved in molecular spectroscopy research and practice.1.507View
 20Vibrational SpectroscopyVibrational Spectroscopy provides a vehicle for the publication of original research that focuses on vibrational spectroscopy. This covers infrared, near-infrared and Raman spectroscopies and publishes papers dealing with developments in applications, theory, techniques and instrumentation. The topics covered by the journal include: Sampling techniques, Vibrational spectroscopy coupled with separation techniques, Instrumentation (Fourier transform, conventional and laser based), Data manipulation, Spectra-structure correlation and group frequencies.2.507View
Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics

Hope this article would help you to find the top 20 scopus indexed journals in spectroscopy and molecular physics.