HomeJournalsAll Scopus Indexed JournalsTop 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Structural Engineering

Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Structural Engineering

Structural engineering is the field of engineering that deals with the structural integrity and strength of a building or structure. Structural engineering is a specialty of civil engineering that mainly focused on the analysis and design of the structure. Researchers carrying out studies on structural engineering can consider the following top journals to publish their research outcomes. In this process, iLovePhD presented the top 20 Scopus indexed journals in Structural Engineering with impact factor based on Google Scholar citation score.

Top Scopus Indexed Journals in Structural Engineering

RankJournal nameScope of the journalImpact factorLink
Composite StructuresComposite Structures, an International Journal, disseminates knowledge between users, manufacturers, designers, and researchers involved in structures or structural components manufactured using composite materials. The journal publishes papers that contribute to knowledge in the use of composite materials in engineering structures. Papers deal with design, research, and development studies, experimental investigations, theoretical analysis, and fabrication techniques relevant to the application of composites in load-bearing components for assemblies, ranging from individual components such as plates and shells to complete composite structures.5.407View
 2Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and EngineeringComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering was founded over three decades ago, providing a platform for the publication of papers in this important field of science and engineering. The range of appropriate contributions is very wide. It covers any type of computational method for the simulation of complex physical problems leading to the analysis and design of engineering products and systems. This includes theoretical development and rational applications of mathematical models, variational formulations, and numerical algorithms related to a finite element, boundary element, finite difference, finite volume, and meshless discretization methods in the fields of computational science and engineering.6.756View
 3Engineering StructuresEngineering Structures provides a forum for a broad blend of scientific and technical papers to reflect the evolving needs of the structural engineering and structural mechanics communities. The scope of Engineering Structures encompasses the following areas: infrastructure engineering; earthquake engineering; structural dynamics; structure-fluid-soil interaction; wind engineering; fire engineering; blast engineering; structural reliability/stability; life assessment/integrity; structural health monitoring; multi-hazard engineering; structural optimization; digital design methods; data-driven analysis methods; experimental methods; additive manufacturing and modular construction of engineering structures; performance-based design; multi-scale analysis; and value engineering.4.471View
 4Thin-Walled StructuresThin-walled structures comprise an important and growing proportion of engineering construction with areas of application becoming increasingly diverse, ranging from aircraft, bridges, ships, and oil rigs to storage vessels, industrial buildings, and warehouses.4.442View
 5Structural and Multidisciplinary OptimizationStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization is at the converging frontier of design, engineering, simulation, additive manufacturing, AI, and digital twins. The field has become increasingly important for improving environmental sustainability and combating climate change through enhancing the efficiency of engineering products. The journal  • explores a wide range of topics dealing with optimization involving at least one major engineering discipline such as solid (structural), fluid, thermal, electric and electronics, electromagnetics, etc. • covers multidisciplinary optimization when one discipline deals with a major physical performance listed above. • examines closely related fields that are relevant to design optimization.4.542View
 6Structural Control and Health MonitoringThe journal Structural Control and Health Monitoring encompasses all theoretical and technological aspects of structural control, structural health monitoring theory, and smart materials and structures. The journal focuses on aerospace, civil, infrastructure, and mechanical engineering applications.4.819View
 7Journal of Structural EngineeringThis journal publishes research articles pertaining to structural engineering.2.528View
 8Journal of Constructional Steel ResearchThe Journal of Constructional Steel Research provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest developments in structural steel research and their applications. It is aimed not only at researchers but also at those likely to be most affected by research results, i.e. designers and fabricators. Original papers of a high standard dealing with all aspects of steel research including theoretical and experimental research on elements, assemblages, connection, and material properties are considered for publication.3.646View
 9Steel and Composite StructuresSteel & Composite Structures, An International Journal, provides up-to-date research developments in the steel structures and steel-concrete composite structures, and FRP plated structures from the international steel community. The research results reported in this journal address all the aspects of theoretical and experimental research, including Buckling/Stability, Fatigue/Fracture, Fire Performance, Connections, Frames/Bridges, Plates/Shells, Composite Structural Components, Hybrid Structures, Fabrication/Maintenance, Design Codes, Dynamics/Vibrations, Nonferrous Metal Structures, Non-metallic plates, Analytical Methods.5.733View
 10International Journal for Numerical Methods in EngineeringThe International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering publishes original papers describing significant, novel developments in numerical methods that are applicable to engineering problems.3.477View
 11Bulletin of Earthquake EngineeringBulletin of Earthquake Engineering presents original, peer-reviewed papers on research related to the broad spectrum of earthquake engineering. The journal offers a forum for presentation and discussion of such matters as European damaging earthquakes, new developments in earthquake regulations, and national policies applied after major seismic events, including strengthening of existing buildings.3.827View
 12Computers & StructuresComputers & Structures publishes advances in the development and use of computational methods for the solution of problems in engineering and the sciences. The range of appropriate contributions is wide and includes papers on establishing appropriate mathematical models and their numerical solutions in all areas of mechanics. The journal also includes articles that present a substantial review of a field in the topics of the journal.4.578View
 13Earthquake Engineering & Structural DynamicsEarthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics provide a forum for the publication of papers on several aspects of engineering related to earthquakes. The problems in this field, and their solutions, are international in character and require knowledge of several traditional disciplines; the Journal will reflect this. Papers need to be relevant to earthquake engineering and related structural dynamics, in addition possibly to other disciplines, to be suitable for the Journal.4.430View
 14Computational MechanicsThe journal reports original research of scholarly value in computational engineering and sciences. It focuses on areas that involve and enrich the application of mechanics, mathematics, and numerical methods. It covers new methods and computationally-challenging technologies.4.014View
 15Structural Engineering and MechanicsThis journal publishes original research papers related to structural engineering and mechanics3.524View
16 Structural SafetyStructural Safety is an international journal devoted to integrated risk assessment for a wide range of constructed facilities such as buildings, bridges, earth structures, offshore facilities, dams, lifelines, and nuclear structural systems. Its purpose is to foster communication about risk and reliability among technical disciplines involved in design and construction and to enhance the use of risk management in the constructed environment.5.047View
 17Journal of Composites for ConstructionThe Journal of Composites for Construction publishes original research papers, review papers, and case studies dealing with the use of fiber-reinforced composite materials in construction. The Journal publishes papers about composite materials consisting of continuous synthetic fibers and matrices for use in civil engineering structures and subjected to the loadings and environments of the infrastructure. The Journal publishes papers about composite materials in stand-alone forms or used in conjunction with traditional construction materials such as concrete, masonry, metals, and timber, either as reinforcing members or in hybrid systems, for both new constructions and for repair and rehabilitation of existing structures.2.606View
 18Structure and Infrastructure EngineeringStructure and Infrastructure Engineering is an international journal dedicated to recent advances in maintenance, management, and life-cycle performance of a wide range of infrastructures, such as buildings, bridges, dams, railways, underground constructions, offshore platforms, pipelines, naval vessels, ocean structures, nuclear power plants, airplanes and other types of structures including aerospace and automotive structures.3.250View
 19Journal of Engineering MechanicsThe Journal of Engineering Mechanics covers activity and development in the field of applied mechanics as it relates to civil engineering. Research on bioengineering, computational mechanics, computer-aided engineering, dynamics of structures, elasticity, experimental analysis and instrumentation, fluid mechanics, the flow of granular media, inelastic behavior of solids and structures, probabilistic methods, properties of materials, fracture mechanics, stability of structural elements and systems, and turbulence is reported. Typically, published papers describe the development and implementation of new analytical models, innovative numerical methods, and novel experimental methods and results.2.264View
 20Engineering Analysis with Boundary ElementsThis journal is specifically dedicated to the dissemination of the latest developments of new engineering analysis techniques using boundary elements and other mesh reduction methods.2.964View
Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Structural Engineering

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