Top 60 Scopus-indexed Journals in Environmental Engineering

Top Environmental Engineering Q1 Journals with high impact factor

Top 60 Scopus-indexed Journals in Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering is a discipline of engineering that deals with the prevention and control of water, air, and soil pollution. In this article, the top Scopus-indexed journals in the field of Environmental Engineering are listed.

The active research areas in the field of environmental engineering are water and wastewater treatment and disposal; environmental chemistry; environmental microbiology; environmental impact assessment; membrane technology; advanced oxidation process; catalysis; air pollution, prevention and control; solid and hazardous waste management.

Top 10 Q1 Scopus Indexed Journals in Environmental Engineering

Top 60 Scopus-indexed Journals in Environmental Engineering

The list of top 60 Scopus-indexed journals pertaining to the field of Environmental Engineering is presented below:

S. No.Journal namePublisherImpact factorSJRh-index
 1Advances in Water ResourcesElsevier4.0161.536128
 2Air Quality Atmosphere and HealthSpringer2.8700.85040
 3Applied Catalysis B – EnvironmentalElsevier16.6834.217229
 4Archives of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologySpringer2.4000.714104
5Biochemical Engineering JournalElsevier3.4750.879118
 7BiofoulingTaylor & Francis2.3510.66281
 8Biomass & BioenergyElsevier3.5511.110169
 9Bioresource TechnologyElsevier7.5392.430273
 10Biotechnology and BioengineeringWiley4.0021.191182
 12Clean – Soil Air WaterWiley1.6030.43261
 13Clean Technologies and Environmental PolicySpringer2.4000.65349
 14Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and TechnologyTaylor & Francis8.3022.07497
 16Ecological EngineeringElsevier3.6001.122118
 17Energy & Environmental SciencesRoyal Society of Chemistry32.15013.024311
 18Energy & FuelsAmerican Chemical Society1.0443.421174
 19Environment InternationalElsevier7.5772.357174
 20Environmental Impact Assessment ReviewElsevier4.1351.23487
 21Environmental MicrobiologyWiley4.9102.180176
 22Environmental Modelling and SoftwareElsevier4.8701.896124
 23Environmental Monitoring & AssessmentSpringer2.1000.571102
 24Environmental PollutionElsevier6.7921.968211
 25Environmental ResearchElsevier5.7151.520125
 26Environmental Research LettersIOP5.9802.675109
 27Environmental Science – Processes & ImpactsRoyal Society of Chemistry  3.2381.07390
 28Environmental Science & TechnologyAmerican Chemical Society7.2702.704373
 29Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchSpringer3.0000.78898
 30Environmental Science: Water Research and TechnologyRoyal Society of Chemistry3.4491.05829
 31Environmental TechnologyTaylor & Francis1.8100.48571
 32Environmental ToxicologyWiley2.8300.72274
 33Enzyme and Microbial TechnologyElsevier3.4480.795141
 34Indoor AirWiley4.9201.30794
 35Integrated Environmental Assessment & ManagementWiley3.4400.61352
 36International Archives of Occupational and Environmental HealthElsevier2.1000.76885
 37International Biodeterioration and BiodegradationElsevier4.1001.17292
 38International Journal of Environmental Science and TechnologySpringer2.8520.51869
 39International Journal of Water Resources DevelopmentTaylor & Francis1.9900.82250
 40Journal of Bioscience and BioengineeringElsevier2.0800.650104
 41Journal of Cleaner ProductionElsevier7.1001.886173
 42Journal of Environmental EngineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers1.5900.40691
 43Journal of Environmental ManagementElsevier5.2501.321161
44 Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part ATaylor & Francis1.7240.47867
 45Journal of Environmental SciencesIOS Press4.3021.07590
 46Journal of Hazardous MaterialsElsevier8.0002.010260
 47Journal of Membrane BiologySpringer1.8770.50495
 48Photochemistry and Photobiology B: BiologyElsevier4.1700.835109
 49Process BiochemistryElsevier2.9800.718149
 50Process Safety and Environmental ProtectionElsevier4.9661.10367
 51Reviews in Environmental Science & BiotechnologySpringer4.9571.32771
 52Science of the Total EnvironmentElsevier5.9001.661224
 53Separation and Purification TechnologyElsevier5.3301.209155
 54Waste ManagementElsevier5.9201.634145
 55Waste Management & ResearchSAGE Publications2.7710.65073
 56WaterMDPI AG2.5440.65742
 57Water, Air and Soil PollutionSpringer1.8900.538105
 58Water InternationalTaylor & Francis1.8990.73646
 59Water ResearchElsevier9.1302.932285
 60Water Science and TechnologyInternational Water Association1.6380.471131

Hope this article helps you to find the top 60 Scopus-indexed environmental engineering journals.

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