UGC-CARE List Group I: Recently Added Journals – 2023

UGC-CARE List Group I: Recently Added Journals - 2023

List Group I Recently Added Journals

UGC-CARE Cell for Journal Analysis, Centre for Publication Ethics (CPE) at Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune, has informed of its UGC-CARE List Group I: Recently Added Journals – 2023 Journals. ilovephd provided the ISSN, title, and publisher of the new journals in this article.

Explore the latest journals added to UGC-CARE List Group I in 2023. Stay updated with the latest research and scholarly publications.

UGC-CARE: Recently Added New Journals List

Sr.No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNE-ISSN
1ArthamimansaVidarbha Arthashastra Parishad2320-0197NA
2Christ University Law JournalCHRIST University2278-4322NA
3Health and Population: Perspectives and IssuesNational Institute of Health and Family Welfare0253-6803NA
4Indian Journal of Soil ConservationIndian Associations of Soil and Water Conservationists0970-33490976-1721
5Indian Journal of Vocational EducationPandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education0972-5830NA
6Indian Journal of Weed ScienceIndian Society of Weed Science0253-80500974-8164
7International Journal of Banking, Risk and InsurancePublishing India Group2320-7507NA
8Journal of Commerce and Accounting ResearchPublishing India Group2277-2146NA
9Journal of Eco-Friendly AgricultureDoctor’s Krishi Evam Bagvani Vikas Sanstha2229-628X2582-2683
10Journal of Interdisciplinary DentistryIndian Society of Prosthodontics-Restorative-Periodontics2229-51942231-2706
11Journal of Operations and Strategic PlanningInternational Management Institute2516-600X2516-6018
12Journal of the Indian Dental AssociationIndian Dental AssociationNA2248-9231
13Journal of Victimology and Victim JusticeIndian Society of Victimology and Centre for Criminology, Criminal Justice and Victimology at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law2516-60692516-6077
14Madhya Pradesh Samajik Vigyan Anusandhan JournalMadhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research0973-8568NA
15Manthan: Journal of Commerce and ManagementJournal Press India2347-44402395-2601
16MUDRA: Journal of Finance and AccountingJournal Press India2347-44672395-2598
17Pragyaan: Journal of Mass CommunicationIMS Unison University0974-5521NA
18Samanvay DakshinKendriya Hindi Sansthan2456-9445NA

I Hope, this article would help you to know about the recently added journals under UGC-CARE Group I journals.

Also Read: UGC-CARE List: Recently Discontinued Journals – July 2023