HomePHDAdmissionUniversity of Bayreuth-Fellowship Programme 2020

University of Bayreuth-Fellowship Programme 2020

The University of Bayreuth Centre of International Excellence “Alexander von Humboldt” promotes excellent research at the University of Bayreuth (UBT) and advances the inter­nationalisation of research and networking with the best universities worldwide.


Applicants for Junior Fellowships must have completed their PhD and may have up to six years of post-doctoral experience. Applicants for Senior Fellowships must have a minimum of six years of post-doctoral experience or a tenured professorship or an equivalent permanent position. The Centre offers its Fellowships to applicants in all disciplines that can be supported at the University of Bayreuth. Researchers currently based at German research institutions are not eligible for this fellowship programme.

Applicants for Junior and Senior Fellowships must have lived outside Germany for a minimum of 12 months in total in the 18-month period prior to submission of the application. Researchers of German nationality are eligible to apply if their regular residence is abroad with the prospect of at least five years.

Potential applicants who have completed their school education and one university degree or one university degree and their doctorate in Germany are subject to the regulations applying to German citizens.

In case of doubts about the eligibility of the researcher, submission of documentary evidence may be requested after the call deadline.

How to Apply

All applications in the form of one single PDF-file (max. 30 MB) must be submitted electronically to [email protected]. Candidates need to submit the following documents:

1. Application form (including biographical data and host information, see Downloads)

2. Exposé of the planned research project: a statement of purpose jointly signed by the candidate and the hosting professor, describing how the fellowship would contribute to the innovation of the scientific or technological environment at the University of Bayreuth, and the specific goals to be achieved.

The statement of purpose (max. 8 pages) should also include the following elements:

1. research aims, 2. work schedule, 3. identification of possible additional (interdisciplinary) collaboration partners at the University of Bayreuth as well as a short explanation as to why this collaboration would be beneficial, and 4. a budget plan.

3. CV in tabular form (max. 3 pages)

4. List of publications of the applicant (covering last 10 years only, highlighting the 5 most relevant publications for the project; max. 2 pages)

5. The proposition of reviewers: a list of 4-6 international peer-reviewers without any conflict of interest – if applicable, also a list of persons that should be excluded from reviewing the proposal

6. Supporting letter of a local host at the University of Bayreuth, including the facilities provided by the hosting institute and expected assignment of host subsidy (max. 2 pages).

Important Dates:

The deadline for the academic year 2019/20 is November 15, 2019; 24:00 h CET. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Call for applications September 2019

Application deadline November 15, 2019

Review procedure November 2019 – February/March 2020

Awarding decision March 2020

Notification of applicants March 2020

Earliest starting date of Fellowship April 1, 2020

More Information-> Humboldt-centre.uni


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