HomeInterestingWhat is Alexa and How does it Work? 2021

What is Alexa and How does it Work? 2021

Alexa is Amazon’s cloud-based personal voice service assistant, works using Voice User Interface(VUI). It built with amazon’s echo smart speaker to communicate with users, solve problems, answer queries, and controls the smart home appliances.

“Every once in a while, a new technology, an old problem, and a big idea turn into an innovation.”
Dean Kamen

What is Alexa?

  • Alexa can assist to listen to a music track on iTunes, shop, and create to-do lists with simple voice communication.
  • It works on voice commands and quickly gives an accurate response by understanding users commands.
  • Using machine learning techniques, it continuously updating itself and becoming super intelligent to solve our real-world problems.

Technologies Used

  • Lex is an AWS service to develop a conversational connection to any device. lex also includes the following technologies.
  • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
  • Machine Learning
  • Conversational Artificial Intelligence(C-AI)
  • Deep Learning
  • Natural Language Understanding(NLU)
  • Big Data
  • Natural Language Generation(NLG)
  • Speech-Language Understanding (SLU)

Where does Alexa work?

  • It supports major Amazon devices like Fire TV, Fire HD tablet, and Echo Dot, but it gives the best result in Amazon Echo.
  • For the best Alexa experience with the price you can download the companion app from the Google Play Store, Apple’s App Store, and Amazona App store, it helps Alexa to adapt your speech patterns, vocabulary, and personal preferences.

What Alexa can do?

  • You can ask help chat, and give the command to raise volume or low.
  • Ask Alexa to show a to-do list, control Fire TV using voice commands, play music, read the audiobook, Call, and message through voice.
  • Purchase products, book taxi, read your notifications, check news and weather, check real-time traffic updates, and book movie tickets.
  • You can do Conversions, basic and advanced maths, play games, and control smart home products.
“People worry that machines are getting too smarter and take over the world, 
but the real problem is that they’re too stupid and they’ve already taken over the world”
“virtual personal assistants are learning every second to serve better to users”

What is Alexa

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