HomeInterestingWhat is Chaos Theory? | The Call of Duty

What is Chaos Theory? | The Call of Duty

What is Chaos Theory? 

  • The Chaos theory is a study in mathematics to understand the dynamic behaviour of nature. 
  • The butterfly effect is the best example of chaos theory, small wings flapping in one state can cause big effects at a later stage. 
  • It deals with nonlinear things that are effectively impossible to predict or control. it also called the deterministic behaviour of the system. 
  • Newtonian laws are completely deterministic one.

    “A butterfly flapping its wings in China can cause a hurricane in Texas”

    “There is no randomness, everything is interconnected and forms some pattern”

Let see how its link to our technology

  • Analytics and Prediction are the two challenges in front of today’s technology.
  • It helps to understand and solve many complex problems in today’s world through the lens of Chaos Theory.
  • Example fields influenced by Chaos theory
    • Game theory
    • Machine Learning
    • Predictive analytics
    • Business Intelligence
    • Deep Learning
    • Internet of Things
    • Bigdata Analytics
    • Fuzzy logic and cognitive thinking

Principles of Chaos

  • The Butterfly Effect: “Small changes in the initial conditions lead to drastic changes in the results” 
  • Fractals: “Fractal is a pattern. They are complex and created by simple repeating process” 
  • Unpredictability: “Difficult to predict the ultimate effect of a complex system” 
  • Feedback: “When feedback is given to the systems, it will get disordered” 
Chaos theory also being applied to predict the weather, the stock market, our brain states, politics, economics, and business etc. 
Chaos Theory

Butterfly Effect

Chaos Theory


courtesy: www.whatiswhateverything.com


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