What is Lightweight Cryptography?

What is Lightweight Cryptography

What is Lightweight Cryptography?

  • Lightweight cryptography is a cryptographic algorithm or protocol for implementation in constrained environments including RFID tags, sensors, contactless smart cards, health-care devices.
  • Lightweight cryptography does not exploit the trade-offs between security and efficiency.
  • Security and privacy are considered as the main concern for a full pledged IoT paradigm implementation.
  • In the future, billions of heterogeneous light weight devices going to be connected with each other. It is important to secure entire system in order to ensure the trustworthiness.

Example Blockcipher Techniques:

  • Present.
  • GOST 28147-89.
  • Clefia.
  • KatanAdvantage.

Example Streamcipher Techniques:

  • Grain v1.
  • Trivium.
  • Bean.
  • Hummingbird.


  • Less power consumption.
  • Less memory utilization.
  • Less processing is power.


  • Difficult to implement with limited resources.