HomeInterestingWhat is LoRa Technology? | How LoRa Works | Libelium LoRaWAN Gateway

What is LoRa Technology? | How LoRa Works | Libelium LoRaWAN Gateway

What is LoRa?

Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master
Christian Lous Lange

  • LoRa is a Low Power Wide Area Network also called LPWAN.
  • It consists of three parts
    • Low power
    • Wide area
    • Network
  • The main difference between normal device and IoT device is it’s capability to connecting to the internet.
  • Network:
    • The IoT network has to be based on some standard, in order to connect different devices from different manufacturers.
  • Wide Area:
    • ESP82Loraora gateway can connect to Wi-Fi which is part of LAN(Local Area Network.
    • LAN is very limited distance coverage(few meters), but we want much bigger distance (kilometers)coverage like wide area network.
    • we can reach wide distance using AM(Amplitude Modulation), which covers a large area but transmitters need more power.
  • Low power:
    • The battery-powered IoT device could not deliver much power for transmission.

How LoRa Works

  • LoRaWAN typically constructed in star topology, it differs from other IoT network.
  • In this star topology all the nodes in the network directly connected to the central node.
  • The central node acts as a gateway and serves as the transparent bridge relaying messages between end-devices and a central network server in the backend.
  • Gateways are connected to the network server via standard IP connections while end-devices use single-hop wireless communication to one or many gateways.
  • All end-point communication is bi-directional, and supports multicast, enabling software upgrades over the air.
  • According to the LoRa alliance, this developed LoRa model will improve the power efficiency of the device and build a secure communication around IoT network.

Applications of LoRa

  • This wireless RF technology is being integrated into
    • Cars
    • Street lights
    • Smoke alarm detection
    • Trash container monitor
    • Manufacturing equipment
    • Home appliances
    • Pet tracking
    • Gas monitoring
    • Water heater remote monitoring
    • Wearable health devices monitoring
  • LoRa Technology is making our world a Smart Planet.

LoRa-Security features

    • IoT is a critical infrastructure network, providing secure, as well as energy efficient data transmission, is possible when implementing LoRa kind of technologies. LoRa achieves this with two layers of security:
    • One for the network
    • One for the application
  • LoRa uses AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) security keys to solved these security issues by several layers of encryption:
    • Unique Network key (EUI64) and ensure security on the network level
    • Unique Application key (EUI64) ensure the end to end security on application level
    • Device specific key (EUI128)

Libelium LoRaWAN Gateway

  • LoThe LoRa module and the LoRaWAN module are not compatible because the protocols are different.
  • The LoRa module implements a simple link protocol, created by Libelium. However, the LoRaWAN module runs the LoRaWAN protocol, a much richer and more advanced protocol, created by the LoRa Alliance.
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LoRa Technology


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